guidance for health managers, health workers, and activists
with special reference to prevention and control of avian influenza
Literature Review on TB Control in Prisons 11/18/2008
Third Stocktaking Report, 2008
Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS
Eine Arbeitshilfe für Multiplikatoren. Fremdsprachige Informationsmaterialien können die Vermittlung von Informationen erleichtern. Durch diese aktuelle Zusammenstellung liegt eine Arbeitshilfe vor, die den Zugang zu Informationsmaterialien aus dem Bereich
der Gesundheit von Mutter und Kind erle...ichtert. Viele Veröffentlichungen stammen aus NRW. Einige Themenbereiche wurden durch Informationen, die in
anderen Bundesländern oder auf Bundesebene erstellt wurden, ergänzt. Dies gilt in besonderer Weise für die
Bereiche der „Internetportale“ und der "Gesundheitswegweiser“, da es dort gute Beispiele für übertragbare Lösungsansätze gibt.
Informationen zu Fragen der Prävention und Gesundheit ihrer Kinder und zu den Möglichkeiten der
Sozialen Sicherung sind für Eltern von besonderer Bedeutung. Fremdsprachige Informationsmaterialien
können die gegenseitige Verständigung und die Vermittlung von Informationen in der Beratung von... Familien mit Migrationshintergrund erleichtern. Inzwischen gibt es einige fremdsprachige Angebote, die im Kindes- und Jugendalter relevant sind. Die vorliegende Broschüre erleichtert den Zugang durch eine aktuelle Zusammenstellung dieser Qüllen.
There are two sets of charts. One set (14 charts) can be used in settings where blood cholesterol can be measured. The other set (14 charts) is for settings in which blood cholesterol cannot be measured. Both sets are available in colour and shades of black on a compact disc. Each chart can only be ...used in countries of the specific WHO epidemiological sub-region
Recommandations pour une approche de santé publique
This handbook aims to give practical guidance to support development organisations to mainstream disability into their work. It is primarily intended for VSO programmes, but could be useful to other development actors interested in mainstreaming disability, such as NGOs, gover...nment and donors
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package
Languages: Arabic, English, French, Chinese, Russian
Please download the other parts from the Webseite
Tobacco control legislation: an introductory guide
All young people, including those with special needs and from the most vulnerable groups, have the right to quality health care services. Unfortunately, this right is not a reality, particularly in the case of sexual and reproductive health services. Many youth in need of sexual and reproductive hea...lth care may either decline or be denied access to health services for a variety of reasons: Providers are often biased and do not feel comfortable serving youth who are sexually active; youth do not feel comfortable accessing existing services because they are not "youth-friendly" and may not meet their needs; and, often, community members do not feel that youth should have access to sexual and reproductive health services.
To address provider and site bias toward serving youth, EngenderHealth created a training curriculum intended to sensitize all staff at a health care facility on the provision of youth-friendly services. The curriculum was created as a result of the participatory work that we have been doing with youth in Nepal to address the needs of all levels of providers at different service-delivery settings. The curriculum has been field-tested and used in Nepal, Russia, Mongolia, and the United States.
Youth-Friendly Services allows staff to reflect upon and assess their own beliefs about adolescent sexuality while ensuring that those values and attitudes do not compromise the basic sexual and reproductive health rights to which youth are entitled. The curriculum also helps providers understand cross-cultural principles of adolescent development and health needs specific to youth. Once participant knowledge, attitudes, and skills are improved, sites conduct a self-assessment on the youth-friendliness of their services and create an action plan for specific improvements.