This poster is intended for health workers and other personnel on the safety and mitigation measures that need to be adhered to when dealing with medical oxygen. Medical oxygen, either in liquid or gas form, is an oxidizing agent that can result in a fire or explosion if not handled properly.
This poster is intended for health workers and other personnel on the safety and mitigation measures that need to be adhered to when dealing with medical oxygen. Medical oxygen, either in liquid or gas form, is an oxidizing agent that can result in a fire or explosion if not handled properly.
How much protection does the current batch of COVID-19 vaccines provide us? Would you need a booster shot for new variants? What does science and evidence tell us about mass gatherings and the spread of COVID-19?
WHO’s Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan explains in Science in 5 this week.
The risk of increasing rates of acute malnutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the urgent need to adapt, and expand access to, acute malnutrition diagnosis and treatment services in humanitarian and fragile contexts.
August 2020, The Africa Joint Continental Strategy for COVID-19 is underpinned by the need to limit transmission, prevent deaths and reduce associated harms. Participation by African nations in clinical trials is an essential step to ensure that sufficient data is generated on the safety and efficac...y of the most promising vaccine candidates among the region’s populations.
While current COVID-19 clinical trial activity on the continent is limited, Africa has substantial experience and capabilities to conduct clinical trials for preventative vaccines across a range of diseases, and many organizations on the continent are working tirelessly to help prepare additional trials on potential COVID-19 vaccines. As the number of candidate vaccines in the development pipeline continues to increase, it will be important for organizations responsible for managing clinical trials in the region to partner with vaccine developers to identify potential and appropriate trial locations, provide support to remove any critical obstacles impeding commencement and progress of trials, and to provide oversight ensuring that trials are conducted safely and ethically.
The value of this assessment is both in the DOING and in the outcome.
You do need to keep in mind the maturity of your organization and not expect that a newly formed NGO have in place many of the mechanisms and structures mentioned in the assessment form.
But this does give the interested NGO... leader, a way to monitor your NGO’s development and also to take note of various aspects of NGO work that might be implemented in the coming months.
Accessed 26th of November 2015.
All personnel deployed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to any type of public health or humanitarian emergency need to have basic knowledge and skills to perform effectively and safely. That is why it is essential to be trained prior to deployment. GO training is a comprehensive package of mod...ular pre-deployment training materials for WHO staff, consultants and partners deployed for the Ebola outbreak response in West Africa. Each module is accompanied with a video lecture for self-learning purposes
This film is the Bemba version of our English film: Food for Life - What Pregnant Women Need to Eat
Travelers planning to conduct humanitarian work in areas where outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever and Marburg hemorrhagic fever are known to occur need to be familiar with how Ebola virus and Marburg virus are transmitted
A comic book guide for young people on how to live happily and healthily with HIV in their lives. In this booklet, young people share their stories about living with HIV and staying healthy in Namibia today. You will find out everything you need to know about living happily and healthily with HIV. I...t is possible for young people to have exciting and fulfilling lives, even if they are HIV-positive.
This paper focuses on the role of health systems in improving child nutrition and also acknowledges that need to adequately address key determinants, improve governance and enhance civil society action for accountability in order to make progress towards improving child nutrition
WHO Regional Publications, Western Pacific Series No. 23
Reports the findings and recommendations of a working group convened to prepare guidelines for the use of herbal medicines in Western Pacific countries. Addressed to national health authorities, the report responds to the widespread use o...f herbal medicine in this part of the world and the corresponding need for mechanisms to ensure that these products are safe and effective, yet remain broadly accessible. With this need in mind, the report sets out a comprehensive framework for developing national policies designed to control the safety, efficacy, and quality of herbal medicines, manufacturing practices, product registration, and labelling, marketing, and trade.
A national overview with a case study from Cam Le district
The overall aims of this study are (1) to assess the extent to which social protection systems in Vietnam address the needs of people with disabilities; and (2) to identify and document elements of good practice, as well as challenges, the design and delivery of social protection for people with disabilities. As most social protection programmes in Vietnam are targeted to various vulnerable groups (e.g. orphans, widows, single parents), the research mainly focuses on disability-specific schemes, as they are relevant to a higher proportion of people with disabilities.
The development of this target product profile (TPP) was led by the WHO Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) following standard WHO guidance for TPP development. In order to identify and prioritize diagnostic needs, a WHO NTD Diagnostics Technical Advisory Group (DTAG) was form...ed, and different subgroups were created to advise on specific NTDs, including a subgroup working on the human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) diagnostic innovation needs. This group of independent experts included leading scientists, public health officials and endemic-country end-user representatives. Standard WHO Declaration of Interest procedures were followed. A landscape analysis of the available products and of the development pipeline was conducted, and the salient areas with unmet needs were identified.
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 117: e200460, 2022
Integrating the multiple dimensions of the problem into a coherent approach adapted to field realities and needs represents an immense challenge, but the payoff is more effective and sustainable experiences, with higher social awareness..., increased case detection and follow-up, improved adherence to care, and integrated participation of various actors from multiple action levels. Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) initiatives have great potential for impact in the implementation of multidimensional programs of prevention and control successfully customised to the diverse and complex contexts where Chagas disease persists.
This document sets out, therefore, to explain the socioeconomic value of investing in the fight against NTDs and highlights priorities for global investment attention. Our work was guided by the need not only for
additional funding and funders but also for the need to understand the current funding... climate, in which value for money and the efficient use of resources to fill the most critical of gaps are more relevant than ever.
The materials emphasize the importance of a healthy breakfast to support energy levels, maintain a healthy weight, improve concentration, and meet daily nutritional needs. They are part of a broader initiative to educate children, parents, and educators on balanced nutrition and healthy eating habit...s for better overall health.
The aim of the present paper is to review capacity building in public health nutrition (PHN), the need for which has been stressed for many years by a range of academics, national and international organisations. Although great strides have been made worldwide in the science of nutrition, there many problems of undernutrition and increasingly of obesity and related chronic diseases. The main emphasis in capacity building has been on the nutrition and health workforce, but the causes of these health problems are multifactorial and require collaboration across sectors in their solution. This means that PHN capacity building has to go beyond basic nutrition and beyond the immediate health workforce to policy makers in other sectors. The present paper provides examples of capacity building activities by various organisations, including universities, industry and international agencies. Examples of web-based courses are given including an introduction to the e-Nutrition Academy. The scope is international but with a special focus on Africa. In conclusion, there remains a great need for capacity building in PHN but the advent of the internet has revolutionised the possibilities.
Time has seen management for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) advance drastically, most recently in the development of the disease-modifying triple combination therapy ivacaftor/tezacaftor/elexacaftor. There is currently limited evidence regarding both the global epidemiology of CF and access to this transforma...tive therapy - and therefore where needs are not being met. Therefore, this study aims to define gaps in access to CF treatment. The results show that a significant CF patient burden exists in countries where disease-modifying drugs are unavailable, and final figures are likely underestimates. This analysis shows the potential to improve rates of diagnosis and treatment for CF, so a higher percentage of patients receive the most effective triple combination treatment.