Ce plan stratégique 2013- 2017 s’inscrit dans la continuité du précédent et a pour but de contribuer à la réduction de la charge de la tuberculose au Sénégal d’ici 2015 conformément aux Objectifs du Millénaire (OMD 6 Cible 8) et aux cibles du partenariat Halte à la tuberculose.
Les i...nterventions porteront, principalement, sur les orientations stratégiques déclinées lors de la revue externe. Elles seront axées sur la poursuite d’une stratégie DOTS de qualité, le renforcement des interventions communautaires et la prise en charge des grands défi s (TB/VIH, TBMR, TB de l’enfant et le contrôle de l’infection). Durant cette période, l’implication des prestataires du privé sera accentuée et des stratégies de communication porteuses d’impact seront menées.
L’atteinte des objectifs de ce plan stratégique nécessitera une importante mobilisation de ressources et un plaidoyer fort sera mené auprès de tous les partenaires du secteur santé et en dehors.
Le VIH/SIDA apparaît aujourd’hui comme l’une des pandémies les plus meurtrières au plan
mondial. Il touche particulièrement la zone subsaharienne de l’Afrique qui n’abrite guère plus
de 10% de la population mondiale mais qui possède près de deux tiers du total des personnes
infect...es par le VIH. Au Bénin la prévalence du VIH s’était stabilisée autour de 2% de 2002 à
2005 avant de passer en 2006 à 1,2% selon l’EDSB III. Cette prévalence faible présente des
disparités régionales et sociales. Les tendances épidémiologiques récentes révèlent que
l’affection du VIH/SIDA touche une population de plus en plus jeune et de plus en plus
féminine. Mais quelle est la situation des jeunes scolaires de 15-24 ans ? C’est là la principale
préoccupation prise en compte par cette communication qui vise à analyser l’influence de
l’environnement scolaire sur les risques en termes de sexualité des jeunes de 15-24 ans.
Background: Disability is a complex concept involving physical impairment, activity limitation, and participation restriction. The
Washington Group developed a set of questions on six functional domains (seeing, hearing, walking, remembering, self-care, and
communicating) to allow collection of co...mparable data on disability. We aimed to improve understanding of prevalence and correlates of disability in this low-income setting in Malawi.
The Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) began 30 years ago with the goal of providing timely, valid and relevant assessments of critical health outcomes. Over this period, the GBD has become progressively more granular. The latest iteration provides assessments of thousands of outcomes for diseases..., injuries and risk factors in more than 200 countries and territories and at the subnational level in more than 20 countries. The GBD is now produced by an active collaboration of over 8,000 scientists and analysts from more than 150 countries. With each GBD iteration, the data, data processing and methods used for data synthesis have evolved, with the goal of enhancing transparency and comparability of measurements and communicating various sources of uncertainty. The GBD has many limitations, but it remains a dynamic, iterative and rigorous attempt to provide meaningful health measurement to a wide range of stakeholders.
This policy brief describes key HIV viral load thresholds and the available viral load testing approaches for monitoring how well antiretroviral therapy is working for people living with HIV. It provides clarification for and elaborates upon the current treatment monitoring algorithm from the Consol...idated guidelines on HIV prevention, testing, treatment, service delivery and monitoring: recommendations for a public health approach.
This information can help people living with HIV to live healthy lives, ensure that HIV is not transmitted to other people and support policy-makers in determining the optimal allocation of resources for viral load testing and communicating the results.
In order to assist those who are undergoing stress because of Corona Virus crisis, an online Help Desk was launched at Catholic Health Association of India, Directorate, Hyderabad on 26th February.
Billion Lives, a social impact tech company based in Bangalore, India, headed by Mr. John Santhosh,... developed the necessary platform and tech solutions for coronacare.life. People can come to the site for live chats, audio and video calls, apart from communicating through mails. The site www.coronacare.life is active and accessible. There are about 30 professionals from social work and psychology background ready to take calls and deal with fears and anxieties about corona virus crisis. Doctors are ready to answer medical queries.
Multilingual Support: When it comes to language you don't have to worry about being on the wrong page we have multilingual support.
A panel of social workers, psychologists & counselors who are waiting to speak to you.
24X7 Availability
Since the Alma Ata Declaration in 1978, community health volunteers (CHVs) have been at the forefront, providing health services, especially to underserved communities, in low-income countries. However, consolidation of CHVs position within formal health systems has proved to be complex and continue...s to challenge countries, as they devise strategies to strengthen primary healthcare. Malawi’s community health strategy, launched in 2017, is a novel attempt to harmonise the multiple health
service structures at the community level and strengthen service delivery through a team-based approach. The core community health team (CHT) consists of health surveillance assistants (HSAs), clinicians, environmental health officers and CHVs. This paper reviews Malawi’s strategy, with particular focus on the interface between HSAs, volunteers in community-based programmes and
the community health team. Our analysis identified key challenges that may impede the strategy’s implementation:
(1) inadequate training, imbalance of skill sets within CHTs and unclear job descriptions for CHVs; (2) proposed community-level interventions require expansion of pre-existing roles for most CHT members; and (3) district authorities may face challenges meeting financial obligations and filling community-level positions. For effective implementation, attention and further deliberation is needed on the appropriate forms of CHV support, CHT composition with possibilities of co-opting trained CHVs
from existing volunteer programmes into CHTs, review of CHT competencies and workload, strengthening coordination and communication across all community actors, and financing mechanisms. Policy support through the development of an addendum to the strategy, outlining opportunities for task-shifting between CHT members, CHVs’ expected duties and interactions with paid CHT personnel is recommended.
Two decades of epidemiological research shows that silent cerebrovascular disease is common and is associated with future risk for stroke and dementia. It is the most common incidental finding on brain scans. To summarize evidence on the diagnosis and management of silent cerebrovascular disease to ...prevent stroke, the Stroke Council of the American Heart Association convened a writing committee to evaluate existing evidence, to discuss clinical considerations, and to offer suggestions for future research on stroke prevention in patients with 3 cardinal manifestations of silent cerebrovascular disease: silent brain infarcts, magnetic resonance imaging white matter hyperintensities of presumed vascular origin, and cerebral microbleeds. The writing committee found strong evidence that silent cerebrovascular disease is a common problem of aging and that silent brain infarcts and white matter hyperintensities are associated with future symptomatic stroke risk independently of other vascular risk factors. In patients with cerebral microbleeds, there was evidence of a modestly increased risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage in patients treated with thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke but little prospective evidence on the risk of symptomatic hemorrhage in patients on anticoagulation. There were no randomized controlled trials targeted specifically to participants with silent cerebrovascular disease to prevent stroke. Primary stroke prevention is indicated in patients with silent brain infarcts, white matter hyperintensities, or microbleeds. Adoption of standard terms and definitions for silent cerebrovascular disease, as provided by prior American Heart Association/American Stroke Association statements and by a consensus group, may facilitate diagnosis and communication of findings from radiologists to clinicians.
The greatest risk to persons engaging in international medical emergency response is poor preparation.
The In Control handbook hopes to provide a remedy.
At the time of writing, we are living through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a health emergency that disregards physical borders, brin...gs into focus social inequalities and affects people on every continent. This shared challenge requires unprecedented measures and the collaboration of the brightest minds to support global health protection through this crisis and beyond. Healthcare infrastructures have to be strengthened, public health capacities and processes upgraded, medical countermeasures and vaccinations found and psychosocial side-effects treated.
Solidarity is the normative order of the day and the human species has to collaborate to face this invisible threat. Hiding and living in fear is not an option in this interconnected world. We have both a responsibility and an opportunity to make substantial contributions to a safer, healthier and more sustainable future for us all.
The existence of this handbook is an impressive example of solidarity. Over 50 authors from more than 15 institutes and organisations have come together voluntarily within a very short time to make their expertise available and enable cross-sectoral thinking. Knowledge is bundled, resources are combined, information gaps are filled. The In Control handbook is not a theoretical treatise of possible dangers, but a collection of subject-matter expertise, written by experts and practitioners who have shaped health topics over the past 20 years in the most diverse corners of the world.
The Centre for International Health Protection at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is collaborating with its partners and investing heavily in the build-up of operational know-how and capacity to support health crisis response abroad. This is done by preparing and enabling professionals to deploy safely across the world to assist those in need. In Control addresses the multi-faceted challenges of an international deployment. Readers will find not only technical medical information, but also insights into, for example, the fragility of our environment, the cultural differences that influence risk communication or the dilemmas arising from social distancing. Legal principles are highlighted, along with ethical guidance to ensure that our actions and decisions correspond to the highest moral standards.
Le cadre de surveillance basé sur les événements est destiné à être utilisé par les autorités et les
agences responsables de la surveillance et de l'intervention. Ce cadre sert de cadre pour guider les
parties prenantes intéressées par la mise en œuvre de la surveillance basée sur le...s événements (SBÈ)
en utilisant une approche multisectorielle axée sur l'approche « Une seule santé ». À cette fin, le
document est organisé en chapitres et annexes interconnectés qui peuvent être modifiés et adaptés,
selon les besoins, par les utilisateurs.
Il s'agit d'une version révisée du « Cadre pour la surveillance basée sur les événements » original qui
a été publié en 2018. Ce cadre ne remplace aucun autre matériel SBÈ disponible, mais s'appuie plutôt
sur des documents pertinents ou connexes existants et sert de guide pratique pour la mise en œuvre
de l'SBÈ en Afrique. Ce cadre est conforme à la troisième édition de l'évaluation externe conjointe de
l'OMS pour les indicateurs suivants : systèmes d'alerte précoce renforcés capables de détecter les
événements importants pour la santé publique et la sécurité sanitaire (indicateur D2.1) ; amélioration
de la communication et de la collaboration entre les secteurs et entre les niveaux d'autorité nationaux,
intermédiaires et locaux d'intervention en matière de santé publique en matière de surveillance des
événements importants pour la santé publique (indicateur D2.2) ; et amélioration de la capacité
d'analyse des données aux niveaux national et intermédiaire ( Indicateur D2.3). Au fur et à mesure
que les pays commenceront à mettre en œuvre et à démontrer la fonctionnalité SBÈ, ils garantiront
une augmentation des scores EEC et des progrès vers le respect des exigences décrites dans l'RSI
(Règlement sanitaire international).
En outre, dans les États membres de l'Union africaine qui ont adopté la Surveillance et réponse
intégrées aux maladies (SRIM), ce document complète et peut améliorer la mise en œuvre de l'SRIM,
en particulier pour la 3e édition (2019) qui inclut des composants liés à l'SBÈ.
PLOS Glob Public Health 2(8): e0000272. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgph.0000272
Sepsis is a major global health problem, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Improving patient care requires that healthcare providers understand patients’ priorities and provide quality care within the confines of... the context they work. We report the perspectives of patients, caregivers and healthcare workers regarding care quality for patients admitted for sepsis to public hospitals in Uganda and Malawi. This qualitative descriptive study in two hospitals included face-to face semi-structured interviews with purposively selected patients recovering from sepsis, their caregivers and healthcare workers. In both Malawi and Uganda, sepsis care often occurred in resource-constrained environments which undermined healthcare workers’ capacity to deliver safe, consistent and accessible care. Constraints included limited space, strained; water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) amenities and practices, inadequate human and material resources and inadequate provision for basic needs including nutrition. Heavy workloads for healthcare workers strained relationships, led to poor communication and reduced engagement with patients and caregivers.
This publication presents the Agenda for the Americas on Health, Environment, and Climate Change 2021–2030 (the Agenda). The Agenda is a call to action to the health sector to lead the charge to address environmental determinants of health in the Americas. The Pan American Health Organization (PAH...O) will work with Member States to achieve its goal and objective to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages using a sustainable and equitable approach that places a priority on reducing health inequity. The Agenda has been developed under the umbrella of the WHO Global Strategy on Health, Environment, and Climate Change, and builds upon the commitments set forth in the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018–2030 and the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020–2025. The Agenda was developed in consultation with the Technical Advisory Group and through a consensus-driven decision-making process with Member States during the 2019–2020 period. Looking toward the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3, the Agenda focuses on: improving the performance of environmental public health programs and institutions; fostering environmentally resilient and sustainable health systems; and promoting environmentally healthy and resilient cities and communities. Its implementation will be context-specific, based on the needs and realities of the countries. It will benefit countries and territories by promoting good governance practices, strengthening the leadership and coordination roles of the health sector, fostering cross-sectoral action, focusing on primary prevention, and enhancing evidence and communication. It will facilitate access to human, technical, and financial resources necessary to address environmental determinants of health and ensure that the Region is fully engaged in global health, environment, and climate change processes and agreements. The objective of the Agenda is to strengthen the capacity of health actors in the health and non-health sectors to address and adapt to environmental determinants of health (EDHs), prioritizing populations living in conditions of vulnerability, in order to meet Outcome 18 of the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020–2025 directly and several other outcomes of the Plan indirectly. To address and adapt to the challenges of EDHs in the Region, an integrated and evidence-informed approach within the health sector and across sectors will be needed, one enabled, and supported by good governance practices, adequate management mechanisms, high-level political will, and adequate human, technical, technological, and financial resources.
Cette publication présente le Programme sur la santé, l’environnement et les changements climatiques pour les Amériques 2021-2030. Le Programme est un appel à l’action au secteur de la santé pour qu’il prenne l’initiative d’agir sur les déterminants environnementaux de la santé dans... les Amériques. L’Organisation panaméricaine de la Santé (OPS) travaillera avec les États Membres pour atteindre son but et son objectif, qui consistent à permettre à tous de vivre en bonne santé et à promouvoir le bien-être de tous à tout âge, en employant une approche durable et équitable qui accorde la priorité à la réduction des iniquités en matière de santé. Le programme a été élaboré sous l’égide de la Stratégie mondiale de l’OMS sur la santé, l’environnement et les changements climatiques et s’appuie sur les engagements énoncés dans le Programme d’action sanitaire durable pour les Amériques 2018-2030 et le Plan stratégique de l’OPS 2020-2025. Le programme a été élaboré en consultation avec le groupe consultatif technique et par un processus décisionnel consensuel avec les États Membres au cours de la période 2019-2020. En vue de la réalisation de l’objectif de développement durable 3, le programme se concentre sur l’amélioration de la performance des programmes et des institutions de santé publique environnementale, la promotion de systèmes de santé résilients et durables sur le plan environnemental et la promotion de villes et de communautés saines et résilientes sur le plan environnemental. Sa mise en œuvre sera adaptée au contexte, en fonction des besoins et des réalités des pays. Il profitera aux pays et aux territoires en encourageant les pratiques de bonne gouvernance, en renforçant les rôles de leadership et de coordination du secteur de la santé, en favorisant l’action intersectorielle, en se concentrant sur la prévention primaire et en améliorant les données probantes et la communication. Il facilitera l’accès aux ressources humaines, techniques et financières nécessaires pour agir sur les déterminants environnementaux de la santé et fera en sorte que la Région soit pleinement engagée dans les processus et les accords mondiaux en matière de santé, d’environnement et de changements climatiques.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected job satisfaction among healthcare workers; yet this has not been empirically examined in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We addressed this gap by examining job satisfaction and associated factors among healthcare workers in Ghana and Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic. W...e conducted a cross-sectional study with healthcare workers (N = 1012). The two phased data collection included: (1) survey data collected in Ghana from April 17 to May 31, 2020, and (2) survey data collected in Ghana and Kenya from November 9, 2020, to March 8, 2021. We utilized a quantitative measure of job satisfaction, as well as validated psychosocial measures of perceived preparedness, stress, and burnout; and conducted descriptive, bivariable, and multivariable analysis using ordered logistic regression. We found high levels of job dissatisfaction (38.1%), low perceived preparedness (62.2%), stress (70.5%), and burnout (69.4%) among providers. High perceived preparedness was positively associated with higher job satisfaction (adjusted proportional odds ratio (APOR) = 2.83, CI [1.66,4.84]); while high stress and burnout were associated with lower job satisfaction (APOR = 0.18, CI [0.09,0.37] and APOR = 0.38, CI [0.252,0.583] for high stress and burnout respectively). Other factors positively associated with job satisfaction included prior job satisfaction, perceived appreciation from management, and perceived communication from management. Fear of infection was negatively associated with job satisfaction. The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted job satisfaction among healthcare workers. Inadequate preparedness, stress, and burnout are significant contributing factors. Given the already strained healthcare system and low morale among healthcare workers in SSA, efforts are needed to increase preparedness, better manage stress and burnout, and improve job satisfaction, especially during the pandemic.
Nurses at present are facing various personal, interpersonal, professional, institutional and socio cultural challenges in their professional performance. Dealing with these issues may not be always clear. The lack of one correct approach in addressing different conte...xtual issues may lead to ethical dilemmas. Responding to this complex issues demand nurses to acquire comprehensive ethical knowledge and skills in various decision making process. Although teaching materials have a pivotal role to play in helping nurses in this endeavor, comprehensive books inclusive of all the topics in the curriculum is scarce in Ethiopia. Therefore, this lecture note is prepared to overcome the acute shortage of reference materials reflecting the national context and be used as a teaching material for nurses at various levels. The lecture note is divided in to five units. Unit one of this lecture note deals with the history of nursing, unit two about philosophy of nursing, unit three health and illness, unit four Ethico-legal aspects to nursing, and unit five communication and interpersonal relationships in nursing,
WHO is launching a messaging service with partners WhatsApp and Facebook to keep people safe from coronavirus.
WHO has launched a dedicated messaging services in Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese with partners WhatsApp and Facebook to keep people safe from coronaviru...s. This easy-to-use messaging service has the potential to reach 2 billion people and enables WHO to get information directly into the hands of the people that need it.
This is a short technical brief with important steps and resources on how country programs can track and address rumors around COVID-19 (as needed). The guide includes a number of great resources and links while also sharing nuggets from global, collective thinking around rumors.
A Resource Guide for Country Offices
A practitioner’s guide to the principles of COVID-19 vaccine communications.
The factors that lead people to make choices to take vaccines are nuanced and affected by how they see the world, their perceptions of the choices people like them will make, who they trust, their perceptions of risk,... consistency of message and convenience of actually getting the vaccine.