For several decades, civil society organisations (CSOs) in Nigeria have been advocating for increased resources for family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH) services and commodities. To help CSOs in Nigeria understand and actively participate in the budget process at the state level, a team... from the Health Policy Project conducted an assessment to identify the differences between theory and practice in state-level budgeting. The team selected two states—Cross River and Zamfara—and compiled information on their budget process for the health sector.
PLoS Pathogens | 1
February 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e100246
MOH clinical practice guidelines
Доклад ВОЗ о глобальной табачной эпидемии, 2009 год: Создание среды, свободной от табачного дыма, – второй из серии докладов ВОЗ, в которых определяется состояние таб...ачной эпидемии и оценивается эффективность мер, принимаемых с целью положить ей конец.
These Guidelines are intended to provide knowledge to the treating ophthalmologists, pediatricians, ocular oncologists, pediatric oncologists, and general physicians to arrive at an early diagnosis of retinoblastoma in the settings of district hospital, in private clinics and hospitals. The will enable the contact health personnel to refer at the right
time to the tertiary care hospital for management of retinoblastoma.
Recommendations for Tuberculosis Screening Before Initiation of TNF-α-Inhibitor Treatment in Rheumatic Diseases
Diel R et al. Empfehlungen für das Tuberkulosescreening vor Gabe von TNF-α-Inhibitoren… Pneumologie 2009; 63: 329–334
PLoS Med. 2009 Oct;6(10):e1000159. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000159. Epub 2009 Oct 6.
salud pública de méxico / vol. 50, suplemento 2 de 2008, pp.167-177.
In response to the emerging global concern regarding health and people with intellectual disabilities (ID), several developed countries have established national initiatives to address the unique health needs of this population ...segment. However, most people with ID reside in countries with developing economies, such as many Latin American countries, yet there is virtually no information on the health of people with ID in these regions. Countries with developing economies face distinct challenges in promoting health among this population segment that may preclude adoption or adaptation of policies and practices developed in regions with established economies. This paper will address the issue of health promotion among people with ID in Latin America, an area that is undergoing significant reforms in both health care and disability rights
This document focuses on making recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease, an infection caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan agent of a systemic parasitic disease. Methodology: These clinical practice guidelines were prepared following the WHO handbook for guideline dev...elopment (5). A multidisciplinary development group was formed, comprised of thematic experts, epidemiologists, methodologists, and users. Since there were no existing guidelines that could be adapted, the guidelines were developed from scratch.
To identify and to assess factors enhancing or hindering the delivery of breast and cervical cancer screening services in Malawi with regard to accessibility, uptake, acceptability and effectiveness.
Systematic review of published scientific evidence. A search of six bibliographic databases and gre...y literature was executed to identify relevant studies conducted in Malawi in the English language, with no time or study design restrictions. Data extraction was conducted in Excel and evidence synthesis followed a thematic analysis approach to identify and compare emerging themes.
Developmental disabilities are common. Yet, children with developmental disabilities have been neglected in health systems planning and policy provisions for health and continue to experience stigmatization, institutionalization, barriers to access health care and inequalities in health and educatio...n outcomes.
Using findings from research and practice and guided by the tenets of international human rights conventions, this WHO-UNICEF Global Report on children with developmental disabilities provides principles and approaches to intentionally include the needs and aspirations of children and young people with developmental disabilities in policy, programming and public health monitoring. It makes the case for greater accountability and proposes 10 priority actions to accelerate changes towards inclusive environments and responsive multisectoral care systems for children with developmental disabilities.
Strengthening resource tracking and monitorig health expanditure
The report summarizes the estimates of the burden of disease attributable to unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene for the year 2019 for four health outcomes - diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections, soil-transmitted helminthiases, and undernutrition - which are included in the reporting o...f the Sustainable Development Goal indicator 3.9.2. The report includes estimates at global, regional and country level for 183 WHO Member States.
orientaciones provisionales, 23 de diciembre de 2020
En este documento se resumen las recomendaciones de la OMS para utilizar de forma racional los equipos de protección personal (EPP) tanto en los centros sanitarioscomo en los domicilios, así como durante la manipulación... de mercancías. Además, se analizan las interrupciones actuales que sufre la cadena mundial de suministro y se tratan aspectos que cabe tener en cuenta para tomar decisiones durante periodos de escasez grave de estos equipos.