This guideline provides evidence-informed guidance on the use of non-sugar sweeteners to reduce the risk of unhealthy weight gain and diet-related noncommunicable diseases in adults and children. The guidance in this guideline is not based on toxicological assessments of the safety of individual no...n-sugar sweeteners and is therefore not intended to update or replace guidance on safe or maximal levels of intake established by the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) or other authoritative bodies.
Care for persons with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a major health priority for most countries worldwide, particularly for low-middle income countries where the problem seems to be worsening. Globally,... research demonstrates that the vast majority of people with NCDs receive suboptimal care. Many people living with chronic conditions remain undiagnosed and unaware of their condition, while many others remain untreated or with inadequate control. Meanwhile the premature mortality caused by NCDs remains high in many countries. In response to the global epidemic of NCDs, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases in 2012, which establishes 9 voluntary global targets and indicators to be considered by Member States when formu- lating national plans to combat NCDs.
While epidemiological data for type 1 diabetes (T1D) in low/middle-income countries, and particularly low-income countries (LICs) including Liberia is lacking, prevalence in LICs is thought to be increasing. T1D care in LICs is often impacted by challenges in diagnosis and management. These, including misdiagnosis and access to insulin, can affect T1D outcomes and frequency of severe complications. Despite the severe nature of T1D and growing burden in subSaharan Africa, little is currently known about the impact of T1D on patients and caregivers in the region. Methods We conducted a qualitative study consisting of interviews with patients with T1D, caregivers, providers, civil society members and a policy-maker in Liberia to better understand the psychosocial and economic impact of living with T1D, knowledge of T1D and selfmanagement, and barriers and facilitators for accessing T1D care.
This guide provides a systematic, practical approach to support primary care and other healthcare professionals to improve the care of peopel over the age of 18 years with difficult to manage asthma.
This paper introduces a new dataset of official financing—including foreign aid and other forms of concessional and non-concessional state financing—from China to 138 countries between 2000 and 2014. We use these data to investigate whether and to what extent Chinese aid affects economic growth recipient countries. To account for the endogeneity of aid, we employ an instrumental-variables strategy that relies on exogenous variation in the supply of Chinese aid over time resulting from changes in Chinese steel production. Variation across recipient countries results from a country’s probability of receiving aid. Controlling for year- and recipient-fixed effects that capture the levels of these variables, their interaction provides a powerful and excludable instrument. Our results show that Chinese official development assistance (ODA) boosts economic growth in recipient countries. For the average recipient country, we estimate that one additional Chinese ODA project produces a 0.7 percentage point increase in economic growth two years after the project is committed. We also benchmark the effectiveness of Chinese aid vis-á-vis the World Bank, the United States, and all members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC).
10th edition
The IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th edition provides detailed information on the estimated and projected prevalence of diabetes, globally, by region, country and territory, for 2021, 2030 and 2045. It draws attention to the growing impact of diabetes across the world and highlights proven and ...effective actions that governments and policy-makers must urgently take to tackle it.
Свод методических рекомендаций состоит из нескольких тематически связанных и удобных для пользователя модулей для решения широкого спектра задач и приоритетных ...проблем, возникающих при формировании политики и планировании услуг в области психического здоровья.
This Quick Reference Handbook of Selected Congenital Anomalies and Infections is a companion tool to Birth defects surveillance: a manual for programme managers, and is intended for use by front-line health care professionals who are diagnosing and collecting data on congenital defects and infection...s. When used in conjunction with the manual, the tools in this handbook will help the reader to: identify an initial list of congenital anomalies to consider for monitoring;describe the tools needed to define and code identified cases; define specific congenital anomalies under surveillance.
La sécurité du traitement hospitalier et la réalité des soins sont des
préoccupations majeures dans les systèmes de santé. La transfusion sanguine a fait l’objet de procédures juridiques et d’études
au Canada, en Angleterre, en France, en Irlande et dans d’autres
pays. Il conviendr...ait que les hôpitaux soient à même de montrer
que leurs méthodes de transfusion sanguine sont sûres, cliniquement effectives et efficaces. En voici les raisons.
The recommendations cover the level of blood pressure to start medication, what type of medicine or combination of medicines to use, the target blood pressure level, and how often to have follow-up checks on blood pressure. In addition, the guideline provides the basis for how physicians and other h...ealth workers can contribute to improving hypertension detection and management.
manual de referencia rápida de anomalías congénitas e infecciones seleccionadas
Lancet 2022; 399: 1155–200 Published Online March 15, 2022
This adaptation and implementation guide is part of a five-part Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST) package providing guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with developmental delays or
This adaptation and implementation guide provides information on how to adapt caregiver skills training materials and delivery strategies to the local context. It includes guidance on development and implementation of contextual and cultural adaptation plans.
Die WHO hat mit Hilfe der Delphi-Methode eine klinische Falldefinition für das Post-COVID-19-Syndrom entwickelt, die 12 Domänen umfasst und in allen Bereichen verwendet werden kann. Diese erste Version wurde von Patienten, Forschern und anderen Personen aus allen WHO-Regionen entwickelt, wobei dav...on ausgegangen wird, dass sich die Definition ändern kann, wenn sich neue Erkenntnisse ergeben und sich unser Verständnis der Folgen von COVID-19 weiterentwickelt.
Die Post-COVID-19-Erkrankung tritt bei Personen mit einer wahrscheinlichen oder bestätigten SARS-CoV-2-Infektion in der Anamnese auf, in der Regel drei Monate nach dem Auftreten von COVID-19 mit Symptomen, die mindestens zwei Monate anhalten und nicht durch eine andere Diagnose erklärt werden können. Zu den häufigen Symptomen gehören Müdigkeit, Kurzatmigkeit, kognitive Störungen, aber auch andere Symptome, die sich im Allgemeinen auf das tägliche Leben auswirken. Die Symptome können nach der anfänglichen Genesung von einer akuten COVID-19-Episode neu auftreten oder nach der ersten Erkrankung fortbestehen. Die Symptome können auch schwanken oder im Laufe der Zeit wieder auftreten.
L'OMS a développé une définition de cas clinique de l'état post COVID-19 par la méthodologie Delphi qui comprend 12 domaines, disponible pour une utilisation dans tous les contextes. Cette première version a été élaborée par des patients, des chercheurs et d'autres personnes, représentant... toutes les Régions de l'OMS, étant entendu que la définition peut changer à mesure que de nouvelles preuves apparaissent et que notre compréhension des conséquences de la COVID-19 continue d'évoluer.
L'état post COVID-19 survient chez les personnes ayant des antécédents d'infection probable ou confirmée par le CoV-2 du SRAS, généralement 3 mois après l'apparition de symptômes qui durent au moins 2 mois et ne peuvent être expliqués par un autre diagnostic. Les symptômes courants comprennent la fatigue, l'essoufflement, le dysfonctionnement cognitif mais aussi d'autres et ont généralement un impact sur le fonctionnement quotidien. Les symptômes peuvent être d'apparition récente après le rétablissement initial d'un épisode aigu de COVID-19 ou persister depuis la maladie initiale. Les symptômes peuvent également fluctuer ou rechuter au fil du temps.
WHO has developed a clinical case definition of post COVID-19 condition by Delphi methodology that includes 12 domains, available for use in all settings. This first version was developed by patients, researchers and others, representing all WHO regions, with the understanding that the definition ma...y change as new evidence emerges and our understanding of the consequences of COVID-19 continues to evolve.
Post COVID-19 condition occurs in individuals with a history of probable or confirmed SARS CoV-2 infection, usually 3 months from the onset of COVID-19 with symptoms and that last for at least 2 months and cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis. Common symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, cognitive dysfunction but also others and generally have an impact on everyday functioning. Symptoms may be new onset following initial recovery from an acute COVID-19 episode or persist from the initial illness. Symptoms may also fluctuate or relapse over time.
Since the launch of the 2012–2020 World Health Organization (WHO) road map for the control, elim-ination and eradication of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) (1), considerable progress against NTDs has been made. Between 2010 and 2020, the number of people requiring interventions against NTDs glo...bally fell by 600 million, and 42 countries, areas and territories eliminated at least one NTD (2). In January 2021, a new NTD road map for 2021–2030 (2) was launched, setting future targets and mile-stones for 20 diseases and disease groups. The road map also sets cross-cutting targets, including for strengthened capacity of national health systems to deliver interventions through existing infrastructure.
La OMS ha elaborado una definición de caso clínico de la afección posterior a la COVID-19 mediante la metodología Delphi que incluye 12 dominios, disponible para su uso en todos los entornos. Esta primera versión fue elaborada por pacientes, investigadores y otras personas, en representación d...e todas las regiones de la OMS, en el entendimiento de que la definición puede cambiar a medida que surjan nuevas pruebas y siga evolucionando nuestra comprensión de las consecuencias de la COVID-19.
La afección posterior a la COVID-19 se produce en personas con antecedentes de infección probable o confirmada por el CoV-2 del SRAS, normalmente a los 3 meses de la aparición de la COVID-19 con síntomas y que duran al menos 2 meses y no pueden explicarse por un diagnóstico alternativo. Los síntomas más comunes son la fatiga, la dificultad respiratoria y la disfunción cognitiva, pero también otros, y generalmente tienen un impacto en el funcionamiento diario. Los síntomas pueden ser de nueva aparición tras la recuperación inicial de un episodio agudo de COVID-19 o persistir desde la enfermedad inicial. Los síntomas también pueden fluctuar o recaer con el tiempo.
On 9 February 2021, a first webinar entitled “Expanding our understanding of Post COVID-19 condition” was held under the auspices of WHO and in consultation with the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium(ISARIC), Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Dis...ease Preparedness (GloPID-R), National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases(NIH/NIAID), Long Covid SOS and patient representatives.