This toolkit aims to provide you with a brief introduction of what SA and its core principles are, and how you as a student can apply several of the existing tools for your own school to really make a difference.
French, Spanish and Arabic Version available:
Эти публикации представляют собой серию справочных пособий, специально адресованных различным группам специалистов и социальных работников, имеющих отношение к ...работе по предотвращению самоубийств. Они подготовлены в рамках программы SUPRE (Предотвращение самоубийств), глобальной инициативы ВОЗ по предотвращению самоубийств
Research Article
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0169530 February 16, 2017
Accessed: 02.05.2020
These interim IPC recommendations for health settings have been developed through the contributions of many individuals and institutions, such as the Centers for Disease Control-Kenya; ITECH; US Agency for International Development (USAID) Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceu...tical Services (MTaPS) Program; and WHO that are committed to ensuring that the transmission of COVID-19 to HCWs and the public within the health care setting is limited. The Ministry of Health (MOH) through the Directorate of Health Standards Quality Assurance and Regulations wishes to thank all the contributing authors led by the sub-committee on case management and IPC for the COVID-19 response for their expertise and time given to writing these guidelines.
Basic psychosocial support skills are at the core of any Mental Health and PsychosocialSupport (MHPSS) intervention. Such skills are also indispensable for many others involvedin the COVID-19 response, whether they identify as an MHPSS provider or not. Thus, this guide is meant for all COVID-19 resp...onders.
It is available in different languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, Greek, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Russian
Guía para personal de Primera Línea de Respuesta a la COVID-19.
Esta Guía básica de habilidades psicosociales es un proyecto del Grupo de Referencia
del Comité Permanente entre Organismos sobre Salud Mental y Apoyo Psicosocial en
situaciones de emergencia (IASC MHPSS RG). El proyecto fue apo...yado por las agencias
miembros del IASC MHPSS RG, con amplias aportaciones de los sobrevivientes de
COVID-19 y el personal de primera línea de respuesta contra la COVID-19.
Ainsi, le présent profil peint le faciès épidémiologique du pays pour l’année 2015
avec un clin d’œil sur le niveau de réalisation des Objectifs du millénaire pour le
développement (OMD) et un focus particulier sur l’appropriation des Objectifs de
développement durable (ODD). Il composé de six chapitres que sont (i)
Introduction au contexte du pays ; (ii) Etat et tendance des indicateurs de santé ; (iii)
Système de santé ; (iv) Progrès des objectifs de développement durable ; (v)
Programmes et services spécifiques ; (vi) Déterminants clés de la santé.
C’est un outil recommandé par l’OMS et est indispensable pour le pays en prélude à
la mise en place de l’Observatoire national de la santé. Son élaboration a connu un
processus participatif avec l’implication des différents acteurs intervenant dans le
domaine de la santé.
Profil sanitaire complet du Burkina Faso 2015 Page 8
Le document du profil pays a été organisé en 4 modules à savoir :
Module 1 : La situation socio-sanitaire du Burkina Faso et mise en œuvre des ODD ;
Module 2 : Le Système de santé au Burkina Faso ;
Module 3 : Les programmes et services spécifiques de santé au Burkina Faso ;
Module 4 : Les déterminants clés de la santé.
Abstract-The paper precisely and briefly explains the socio-economic challenges of persons with disabilities with focus on Ethiopia. The findings of the paper also indicates that, across the countries persons with disabilities have poorer health accesses, lower education achievements,... less social and economic participation and less rate of income than Persons disabilities experience barriers in accessing services that many of us have long taken for granted, including health, education, employment, transport and information as well as rehabilitation. These difficulties are exacerbated with high level of disability disadvantaged individuals. Based on the findings of this study, major socio-economic remedy directions are recommended which will be included in future policy enactment and implementations.
Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO) is the flagship publication of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It is a periodic report that summarizes the latest data on the status and trends of biodiversity and draws conclusions relevant to the further implementation of the Convention.
GBO-5 pro...vides global summary of progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and is based on a range of indicators, research studies and assessments (in particular the IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services), as well as the national reports provided by countries on their implementation of the CBD. The national reports provide rich information about the steps taken in countries worldwide in support of biodiversity conservation, sustainable use, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits. This body of Information provides a wealth of information on the successes and challenges in implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and in reaching the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.
This Outlook draws on the lessons learned during the first two decades of this century to clarify the transitions needed if we are to realize the vision agreed by world governments for 2050, ‘Living in Harmony with Nature’.
The Lancet Global Health January 24, 2022
COVID-19 outbreak is associated with the generation of many types of infectious wastes, including infected masks, gloves and other protective equipment, together with a higher volume of general waste of the same nature.
The publication of the of the Antimicrobial Treatment Guidelines represents the
culmination of the efforts of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program of ICMR to publish treatment guidelines for common syndromes in India. These guidelines are targeted for the health care settings. It aims to rationali...ze the usage of antibiotics on our Essential Medicines Formulary (EMF) and to establish consistency in the treatment of various infectious conditions.
WHO-OHCHR launch new guidance to improve laws addressing human rights abuses in mental health care
Ahead of World Mental Health Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) are jointly launching a new guidance, entitled "Mental health, h...uman rights and legislation: guidance and practice", to support countries to reform legislation in order to end human rights abuses and increase access to quality mental health care.
Human rights abuses and coercive practices in mental health care, supported by existing legislation and policies, are still far too common. Involuntary hospitalization and treatment, unsanitary living conditions and physical, psychological, and emotional abuse characterize many mental health services across the world.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a leading humanitarian agency dedicated to helping people whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future. Health comprises nearly half of IRC’s program portfolio globally and encompasses sectors: 1) Primary Health (including child health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and mental health); 2) Nutrition; and 3) Environmental Health. IRC health programming across its portfolio, in terms of the size and breadth, responds to significant needs in crisis affected settings, improving health and wellbeing while reducing causes of ill-health.
This five-year Health Strategy sharpens our focus on where we can have the most impact. It guides our efforts in planning, technical assistance, business development, advocacy, and internal and external collaboration. Through this strategy, we will invest and grow in areas that will help us achieve high impact at scale for our clients. For the next five years these priorities will include: Nutrition; Immunization: Infectious Disease Prevention and Control; Last Mile Delivery of Primary Health Care: Clean Water.
Our strategy aligns with Strategy 100 (S100) and Strategy Action Plans (SAPs). It lays out how IRC, through health, nutrition, and Environmental Health (EH) programming, will advance the IRC’s S100 ambitions, respond to global trends, and capitalize on our value add. The strategy will be complemented by delivery plans that detail investments, actions, and roles and responsibilities to advance our priorities. At the end of FY24, we will take stock of the implementation of the strategy, measure progress towards achieving our goals, and review if it continues to be fit for purpose.
A discussion tool on improving access & inclusion for displaced persons with disabilities