The Vienna Declaration was signed at the end of the Fifth High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment. The virtual meeting, hosted by the Federal Government of Austria, brought together 46 ministers and representatives of 56 countries in the pan-European region.
The group discussed ho...w to introduce substantial changes in transport and mobility systems in order to address multiple challenges such as ambient air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, physical inactivity and noncommunicable diseases, and social inequity in access to transport and mobility.
Die Studie untersucht auf Basis von Daten des Mikrozensus sowie des SVR Integrationsbarometers den Stand der Integration von (Spät) Aussiedlerinnen und (Spät)Aussiedlern in Deutschland in zahlreichen Lebensbereichen
This manual for trainers outlines the information and materials required to undertake training in line with the WASH FIT Guide, including background documents, the content of the recommended training modules and training evaluation approaches. The modular approach outlined enables trainers to decide... on all topics that are most useful to support the delivery of targeted training at the local level. It also provides sample training schedules, evaluation forms and is linked to a full set of interactive, adult-learning focused, training slides.
We need to be concerned about mental health in the context of climate change
Viele der derzeit in Deutschland lebenden Älteren mit Migrationsgeschichte sind im Zielland ihrer Migration unter spezifischen Bedingungen, die mit dem Migrations- und Integrationsprozess einhergehen können, älter geworden. Allerdings ist bislang wenig über diese Gruppe bekannt. Wie wirkt sich biografische Ereignis „Migration“ auf die Lebensqualität, die sozioökonomische Situation und die Gesundheit im Alter aus? Welche Unterschiede gibt es zwischen der älteren Bevölkerung mit und ohne Migrationsgeschichte? Diese Research Note gibt einen Überblick über die einschlägige Forschungsliteratur. Sie beschreibt den Forschungsstand in ausgewählten Lebensbereichen und identifiziert Erkenntnislücken sowie zukünftige Forschungsfragen an der Schnittstelle Migration und Alter(n). Darüber hinaus wird die Lebenssituation älterer Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte nicht nur dargestellt, sondern auch zugrunde liegende Ursachen für mögliche Unterschiede in den Lebensverhältnissen im Vergleich zu Gleichaltrigen ohne Migrationsgeschichte skizziert.
This study examines the effectiveness of a low-cost, targeted social media campaign to encourage COVID-19 vaccine uptake
among Arabic, Turkish and Russian speakers in Germany. The study involved a series of online experiments on the social media platform Facebook.
Las recomendaciones contenidas en este módulo son un componente de las directrices unificadas de la OMS sobre la tuberculosis (TB) y están destinadas principalmente para el uso de los programas nacionales de control de la tuberculosis, los organismos de salud pública y otros interesados clave que... participan en la planificación, ejecución y seguimiento de las actividades de gestión programática de la TB farmacorresistente. El objetivo esta actualización es proporcionar información basada en la evidencia sobre determinadas áreas críticas que ayude a fundamentar el uso de nuevos esquemas totalmente orales y la posible ampliación de la ficha técnica de los nuevos medicamentos contra la TB. Los interesados directos podrán distinguir entre las recomendaciones anteriores que siguen siendo válidas, las que se han actualizado y las que se han elaborado recientemente sobre la base de estudios adicionales, teniendo en cuenta la gama de beneficios conocidos y posibles daños, los ejercicios de modelización y otros datos para fundamentar el proceso de toma de decisiones.
The Investment guidelines for youth in agrifood systems in Africa, developed jointly by FAO and the African Union Commission (AUC) through a multi-stakeholder and participatory process, highlight the importance of youth as change agents and key stakeholders contributing to sustainable agrifood The guidelines aim to accelerate investments in and by youth in agrifood systems by providing practical guidance - including tools and examples - to design, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate youth-focused and youth-sensitive investment programmes and to engage youth fully as partners in the entire process.
The Lancet Planetary Health Volume 6, ISSUE 4, e342-e349, April 01, 2022. Human impacts on earth-system processes are overshooting several planetary boundaries, driving a crisis of ecological breakdown. This crisis is being caused in large part by global resource extraction, which has increased dra...matically over the past half century. We propose a novel method for quantifying national responsibility for ecological breakdown by assessing nations’ cumulative material use in excess of equitable and sustainable boundaries.
Health is routinely considered in strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA), following requirements of European Union directives and the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Trans...boundary Context (Espoo Convention). Policy-makers and other sources report that these assessments mostly adopt a biophysical perspective and that few cases consider or define health in a manner which is consistent with the WHO Constitution, by considering the wider social, economic, behavioural and institutional aspects of health. This systematically conducted review of over 333 SEA and EIA cases in the WHO European Region shows that while about 80% of assessments pursue a narrow, biophysical interpretation of health, around 10% consider wider determinants when defining health, and another 10% consider wider determinants of health in the actual assessment. Twelve case studies are presented, literature is reviewed and implications for practice are considered.
PNAS 119 (8) e2113947119 |
Environmental exposure to active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can have negative effects on the health of ecosystems and humans. While numerous studies have monitored APIs in rivers, these employ different analytical methods, m...easure different APIs, and have ignored many of the countries of the world. This makes it difficult to quantify the scale of the problem from a global perspective. Furthermore, comparison of the existing data, generated for different studies/regions/continents, is challenging due to the vast differences between the analytical methodologies employed. Here, we present a global-scale study of API pollution in 258 of the world’s rivers, representing the environmental influence of 471.4 million people across 137 geographic regions. Samples were obtained from 1,052 locations in 104 countries (representing all continents and 36 countries not previously studied for API contamination) and analyzed for 61 APIs. Highest cumulative API concentrations were observed in sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and South America. The most contaminated sites were in low- to middle-income countries and were associated with areas with poor wastewater and waste management infrastructure and pharmaceutical manufacturing. The most frequently detected APIs were carbamazepine, metformin, and caffeine (a compound also arising from lifestyle use), which were detected at over half of the sites monitored. Concentrations of at least one API at 25.7% of the sampling sites were greater than concentrations considered safe for aquatic organisms, or which are of concern in terms of selection for antimicrobial resistance. Therefore, pharmaceutical pollution poses a global threat to environmental and human health, as well as to delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
This European compendium was produced to provide operational examples of the new nursing and midwifery roles and new service delivery models currently being employed across the Region. The case studies directly relate to the priority areas in Health 2020 and exemplify the types of activities needed fully implement the objectives within the Strategic Directions framework.
This guideline aims to improve the quality of essential, routine postnatal care for women and newborns with the ultimate goal of improving maternal and newborn health and well-being. It recognizes a “positive postnatal experience” as a significant end point for all women giving birth and their n...ewborns, laying the platform for improved short- and long-term health and well-being. A positive postnatal experience is defined as one in which women, newborns, partners, parents, caregivers and families receive information, reassurance and support in a consistent manner from motivated health workers; where a resourced and flexible health system recognizes the needs of women and babies, and respects their cultural context.
This is a consolidated guideline of new and existing recommendations on routine postnatal care for women and newborns receiving facility- or community-based postnatal care in any resource setting.
Cascading risks from rising prices and supply disruptions, April 2022.
Global resource markets are still reeling from the impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; the two countries are major suppliers of energy, food and fertilizers. Supply disruption and the sudden imposition, in response to the... crisis, of unprecedented economic sanctions, trade restrictions and policy interventions have caused prices of commodities to skyrocket.
Before the conflict, demand for global resources already exceeded supply and drove up prices as economies rebounded after the COVID-19 pandemic. This gave rise to a global cost-of-living crisis, characterized by increasing levels of energy and food poverty. This situation is likely to become much worse as a consequence of the war in Ukraine, and poses a threat to human security, particularly among low-income and vulnerable populations.
Bisher hat die STIKO empfohlen, dass alle im Ausland mit einem nicht in der EU zugelassenen Impfstoff geimpften Personen eine erneute Impfserie mit einem in der EU zugelassenen Impfstoff erhalten sollen. Ziel der im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 13/2022 veröffentlichten aktualisierten COVID-19-Impfemp...fehlung ist es, Personen, die eine COVID-19-Impfung mit einem der nicht in der EU zugelassenen Ganzvirusimpfstoffen (CoronaVac, Covilo und Covaxin) oder dem Vektor-basierten Impfstoff Sputnik V erhalten haben, mit einem Impfschutz auszustatten, der vergleichbar mit dem einer Grundimmunisierung plus Auffrischimpfung mit einem mRNA-Impfstoff ist.
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March 2nd, 2022