Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde December 2015, Volume 163, Issü 12, pp 1269-1286.
Stellungnahme der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Infektiologie, der Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und Internationale Kindergesundheit und des Berufsverbandes der Kinder- und Jugendärzte
This reference manual provides in-depth knowledge on the techniques, methodologies and best practices for using geospatial information in support of decision making for disaster risk management for specific hazards
Every five minutes a child dies as the result of violence, according to a ground-breaking report from Unicef UK. The report reveals that the vast majority of children are killed outside warzones and that physical, sexual and emotional abuse is widespread with millions of children unsafe in their, schools and communities. Some 345 children could die from violence each day in the next year, unless governments act.
The report also finds that:
(1) Children who are victims of violence have brain activity similar to soldiers exposed to combat;
(2) A third of children who are victims of violence are likely to develop long-lasting symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder;
(3) Those living in poverty are more likely to be victims of violence, wherever they live in the world;
(4) Over 7% of child deaths due to violence each day are the result of interpersonal violence, rather than conflict.
Objective: This study examined the experiential factors and interacting vulnerabilities that contribute to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents
Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:1229–1235)
Los cambios del contexto en 2018 nos traen varios desafíos y oportunidades para el 2019. Este año tuvimos la posesión del Presidente Duque y un redireccionamiento de las prioridades del Gobierno en la agenda nacional. Asimismo, observamos un incremento sustantivo en los flujos migratorios mixtos ...provenientes de Venezuela, mientras en algunas de las zonas históricamente más afectadas por el conflicto armado se ejercían esfuerzos para la implementación de los Acuerdos de Paz con las FARC-EP. En ese contexto, observamos en algunas regiones del país la continuidad de dinámicas de violencia con afectaciones a la población civil y el subsecuente deterioro de los indicadores humanitarios: el desplazamiento interno, restricciones a la movilidad, amenazas y asesinatos a líderes(as) y defensores(as) de derechos humanos, incidentes MAP/MUSE. Todos ellos alcanzaron niveles que no registrábamos desde hace algunos años. Además, la incertidumbre por los diálogos de paz con el Ejecito de Liberación Nacional aumenta el riesgo de estos desafíos.
DHS Working Papers No. 85
Good practices from South & South-East Asia in disability inclusive disaster risk management
Paper commissioned for Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All: Findings from the Global Initiative on Out-of-School Children
NEPAL CHILDREN’S EARTHQUAKE RECOVERY CONSULTATION - To better understand the consequences of the Nepal Earthquake for children, four child-centred agencies, in coordination with the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MoFALD) and the Central Child Welfare Board (CCWB), conducted a C...hildren’s Earthquake Recovery Consultation using Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with more than 1,800 girls and boys from the 14 most severely-affected districts. The objectives of the consultation were to hear directly from children the challenges they are facing in the aftermath of the earthquakes; to assess the impact of the crisis on their roles, responsibilities and future opportunities; and to seek their views on and recommendations for recovery.
The NGO Safety and Security Training Report provides a narrative of the research findings, an updated curriculum, and guidance tools for training. It is based on extensive research and interviews with members of the NGO community. The report draws upon existing training materials, community consulta...tions, survey responses, job descriptions, as well as relevant trends in humanitarian and development practice. It captures good practice and global understanding in regard to quality and consistency of NGO security training.
20-22 July 2015, Monrovia, Liberia