a depresión es una afección importante. Es la principal causa de discapacidad en todo el mundo y puede ser causa de suicidio. En este manual se presenta una versión modificada de la terapia interpersonal para la depresión, a fin de que se pueda utilizar en ocho sesiones grupales bajo un formato ...simplificado para facilitadores. Contiene ejercicios prácticos grupales e individuales para ayudar a las personas a comprender los problemas que contribuyen a su depresión y encontrar maneras de manejarlos más eficazmente.
Estas directrices sustituyen a los anteriores documentos de política de la OMS sobre el manejo de la ILTB en las personas con la infección por el VIH, los contactos del hogar de personas con TB y otros grupos de riesgo. Las Directrices unificadas de la OMS sobre la tuberculosis: Tratamiento preven...tivo de la tuberculosis se elaboraron conforme a los requisitos del Comité de Examen de Directrices. El grupo de elaboración de las directrices (GDG, por su sigla en inglés) examinó la calidad de la evidencia más reciente disponible sobre la efectividad y los posibles perjuicios, así como la certeza de la evidencia, los valores y las preferencias, además de cuestiones de equidad, utilización de recursos, aceptabilidad y viabilidad de la aplicación al actualizar o formular nuevas recomendaciones y determinar su fuerza.
PHARMA’S RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 VACCINES CRISIS. Update Feb., 14, 2022. In September 2021, Amnesty International published A Double Dose of Inequality, which assessed the extent to which the pharmaceutical industry was restricting access to Covid-19 vaccines. This report updates that assessment ...of five leading vaccine manufacturers, AstraZeneca plc, BioNTech SE, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna Inc., and Pfizer Inc. It also includes for the first time an assessment of the two largest Chinese vaccine producers, China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (Sinopharm) and Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (Sinovac).
In the region, it is estimated that there are over 650 million persons with disabilities. However, without accurate, timely and disaggregated data, countries are unable to develop effective policies and programmes, monitor the wellbeing of persons with disabilities and evaluate the equity and impact... of development efforts. This endangers country commitments to ‘leave no one behind’ and undermines their obligations to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
This groundbreaking report demonstrates the importance of ensuring data is inclusive and provides recommendations for immediate action in order to improve the collection, analysis and reporting of disability data. We hope this report will be used as a tool for future advocacy and ultimately better data for all.
Lancet Public health 2022 January 6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/ S2468-2667(21)00249-8
Growth in the number of individuals living with dementia underscores the need for public health planning efforts and policy to address the needs of this group. Country-level estimates can be used to inform nati...onal planning efforts and decisions. Multifaceted approaches, including scaling up interventions to address modifiable risk factors and investing in research on biological mechanisms, will be key in addressing the expected increases in the number of individuals affected by dementia.
Antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic resistance are a major threat to public health. How can we tackle them? Get answers with a range of courses.
The unparalleled action needed to combat unprecedented inequality in the wake of COVID-19.
New billionaire minted every 26 hours, as inequality contributes to the death of one person every four seconds
Available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic https://www.oxfam.org/en/research/inequality-ki...lls
The strategy recommends that AU Member States should enhance, where feasible, existing COVID-19 surveillance to include:
Community-based surveillance to detect symptomatic cases early for treatment and to avert viral transmission;
Sentinel surveillance in high-risk populations to detect ...and track both presymptomatic and asymptomatic cases; and
Wastewater surveillance to monitor early environmental signs of virus transmission and identify communities where targeted interventions can be implemented to decrease transmission.
Oct 6, 2021. Entschlossene Solidarität oder endlose Krise.
Vortrag für: Tag der Forschung und Beratung der kath. Universität von Misiones (UCAMI), Argentinien
High prices, hard-to-access human insulin, few insulin producers, and weak health systems are just some of the barriers that people with diabetes face a century after insulin was discovered, WHO notes in a new report
Become familiar with One Health, a promising concept, and the effective solutions it provides for urgent health problems.
The Coronavirus is spreading globally. How can individuals, communities and humanitarian actors best respond to the COVID-19 outbreak? How can the Sphere Handbook guide our response?
These guidelines are available in different languages
This new plan has been developed to build on successes made and lessons learnt from implementation of the two initial plans and to provide a short to medium term strategic anchor against which preparedness and response plans to the corona virus disease COVID-19 epidemic in the country should focus o...n for the period June 2021 to June 2022.
Key findings from a February 2021 survey from the Partnership for Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (PERC)
The report shows that older people are not getting the healthcare treatments they desperately need. The COVID-19 response has disrupted services for non-communicable diseases such as cancer and diabetes, communicable diseases such as malaria, and much-needed services for mental health. Combined with... a loss of income, many older people are unable to get the medicines they need.
A Summary is available in Russian and Arabic
The new Global AIDS Strategy 2021--2026, End Inequalities, End AIDS, is a bold approach that uses an inequalities lens to close the gaps preventing progress to end AIDS
Updated 8 June 2021. The document has two sections:
A. The first section covers fundamental principles which are crucial to a successful, holistic intervention.
B. The second covers relevant standards and guidance in the handbook’s Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) and Health... chapters.
Nat Med (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-021-01381-y