A Review of the IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent Societies) Secretariat Recovery Shelter Programme in Haiti 2010-2011
Guidance on TB and TB/HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care in the workplace
Wheelchair Service Training Package - Basic level | The main purpose of the training package is to develop the minimum skills and knowledge required by personnel involved in wheelchair service delivery. An important aim of the training package is to get it integrated into the regular paramedical/reh...abilitation training programs such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, prosthetics and orthotics, rehabilitation nursing. Towards this, WHO is posting the whole training package in the Website for the training institutes and wheelchair service providers. The easiest way to make use of the training package is to download the complete package (requires 3 GB space).
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders, for annexes see http://www.who.int/tb/publications/2012/tb_hiv_policy_9789241503006/en/
July 2012
Working Paper No. 3
A book of methods, aids, and ideas for instructors at the village level
An indispensable resource for health educators, this book provides hundreds of methods, aids, and learning strategies to make health education engaging and effective, encouraging community involvement through participatory edu...cation.
You can download chapter by chapter free of charge
The previous version (2005) is freely available here
Minimum standards of home care for older people in Red Cross Red Crescent volunteer-based programming in the Europe Zone