Recommendations for in-patient management of COVID-19 in adult patients
Version 10, November 2020.
Community pharmacists are the health professionals most accessible to the public and are a cornerstone of primary health care. The role of community pharmacists is expanding globally. This report provides an overview of existing components and provisions of the legal and regulatory framework for com...munity pharmacies and their activities in Europe. It presents the diverse approaches to community pharmacy licenses and to establishment of new pharmacies and their ownership. It also details the framework for community pharmacy operating requirements (including opening hours, workforce, premises and equipment, services provided and identification of a community pharmacy) and the types of activity undertaken. Provisions associated with possible alternative forms of dispensing medicines (over-the-counter medicines, prescription-only medicines, dispensing by medical doctors and online medicine sales) are also described
Nursing Care Protocol for adult patients with COVID-19 without respiratory complications
Vaccinator's Manual. MODERNA Vaccine
Vaccinator's Manual SINOPHARM Vaccine - 28 FEBRUARY 2021
a depresión es una afección importante. Es la principal causa de discapacidad en todo el mundo y puede ser causa de suicidio. En este manual se presenta una versión modificada de la terapia interpersonal para la depresión, a fin de que se pueda utilizar en ocho sesiones grupales bajo un formato ...simplificado para facilitadores. Contiene ejercicios prácticos grupales e individuales para ayudar a las personas a comprender los problemas que contribuyen a su depresión y encontrar maneras de manejarlos más eficazmente.
En esta obra se presentan mensajes básicos para pasar a la acción, resumidos
en una serie de capítulos sobre diversos temas ligados a la salud ambiental,
consultables en línea en:
The global burden of disease associated with air pollution exposure exacts a massive toll on human health worldwide: exposure to air pollution is estimated to cause millions of deaths and lost years of healthy life annually. The burden of disease attributable to air pollution is now estimated to be ...on a par with other major global health risks such as unhealthy diet and tobacco smoking, and air pollution is now recognized as the single biggest environmental threat to human health.