Building the competence and confidence of nurse and midwife educators
ICAP Nurse Capacity Initiative offers its Campus to Clinic Curriculum to empower nursing educators and mentors with a new area of expertise. It opens the door to teach in new ways with confidence. It can be adapted to different c...ommunities, cultures, and countries
HIV & AIDS Treatment in Practice No. 188
Overcoming Barriers to TB Control
Training Curriculum
August 2011
To support its R&D activities on Chagas disease, DNDi launched the Chagas Clinical Research Platform (CCRP). The platform brings together partners, experts, and stakeholders to provide support for evaluation and development of new treatments for Chagas disease. The patient-centred platform aims to f...acilitate clinical research, provide a forum for technical discussions, develop a critical mass of expertise, and strengthen institutional research capacities. In addition, it identifies and reviews priority needs, works towards standardization of methodology to assess drug efficacy and reviews alternatives for using current approved drugs (new schemes, doses, combination) and special scenarios (resistance).
New funding requirements: CHF 2.8 billion IFRC-wide of which CHF 670 million is channelled through the IFRC Emergency Appeal in support of National Societies
How to respond to Covid19 pandemic in West and Central Africa
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2014,3 :31
This study identifies barriers and provides recommendations to improve asthma care in children across sub-Saharan Africa, where qualitative data is lacking despite high rates.
Women and children, especially pregnant girls and women, infants and young children and postpartum women, are populations that are extremely vulnerable in emergencies. Breastfeeding provides children with hydration, comfort, connection, high quality nutrition and protection against disease, shieldin...g them from the worst of emergency conditions. This ability has been described as empowering and healing by some breastfeeding women.
Background paper 11
The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
May 2021
African Journal of Emergency Medicine
Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 132-139