Rwanda Guidelines for variation to registered pharmaceutical products.
Interim emergency guidelines
Namibia guideline for submission of applications for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use in common technical document format.
These guidelines have been developed to provide guidance to the Ministry of Health in managing applications for registration of human pharmaceutical products in Rwanda. It was compiled by the Technical Working Group (TWG) on Medicines Evaluation and Registration (MER) of the East African Community M...edicine Regulatory Harmonization (EAC MRH) Project. The group relied on their experiences and knowledge on medicines registration requirements of their individual Countries. World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements of Medicines for Human Use (ICH) and other available literature.
Limited research has examined factors associated with psychological distress following natural
disasters among non-Western child populations. Conditions associated with trauma-related symptoms following the 2004 tsunami in a sample of 265 Sri Lankan child survivors (53.6% female, aged 3 to 17) were... examined retrospectively. Multivariate regression analyses identified pre-traumatic conditions (female gender, prior health) and peritraumatic conditions (loss of family, complete property loss) as being associated with increased trauma-related symptoms. Findings can be applied to the identification of children most at risk of developing trauma-related symptoms following a natural disaster from a non-Western population to aid development of culturally-appropriate interventions.
Traditionally, understanding of the psychiatric and psychological effects of trauma have been developed from studies with adults and then applied to trauma-exposed children with some modifications. While this is an important step to understanding the sequelae of trauma in children and adolescents, t...he adverse developmental effects of traumatic exposures on the rapidly evolving neurological, physical, social and psychological capacities of children calls for a developmentally sensitive framework for understanding, assessing and treating trauma-exposed children.
ournal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2013: 1-14
J Epidemiol Community Health 2011;65:1166e1170. doi:10.1136/jech.2009.097469
Regional Initiative for the Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Congenital Syphilis in Latin America and the Caribbean
El 23 de julio del 2022, el Director General de la OMS declaró el brote de viruela símica una emergencia de salud pública de importancia internacional. A raíz de esa declaración, se puso en marcha un dispositivo de respuesta coordinada con el objeto de interrumpir la transmisión y proteger a l...os grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad. En estas orientaciones se tratan diferentes aspectos relativos al uso de vacunas para respaldar las intervenciones primarias de salud púbica en la respuesta para detener la trasmisión de persona a persona. Tienen como propósito brindar información útil y accesible acerca de las vacunas contra la viruela símica a fin de facilitar el despliegue de estrategias de prevención adaptadas a la situación epidemiológica, con base en las recomendaciones de la VIII Reunión ad hoc del Grupo Técnico Asesor de la OPS sobre Enfermedades Prevenibles por Vacunación.
Pocket book for field officers and humanitarian helpers on the field in health crisis response and tackling health crisis situation in Indonesia
En la presente guía de capacitación se explica cómo reconocer los signos y los síntomas de las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas de la piel a partir de sus características visibles. También contiene información sobre cómo diagnosticar y tratar los problemas frecuentes de la piel que puede... encontrar el personal de salud de primera línea.