Esta guía pretende orientar a equipos quienes deben intervenir frente a situaciones de suicidio, intentos de suicidio y autolesiones o ante signos de alarma. El abordaje que se recomienda es intersectorial e integral y con un enfoque de derechos, el cual implica tener en cuenta procesos históricos..., de filiación intergeneracionales, estructuras productivas, perspectiva de género, aspectos interculturales y migratorios, entre otros factores. Supone un enfoque amplio de la salud en general y del fenómeno de la violencia autoinfligida, en particular. Se acompaña de un flujograma de atencion, orientado a brindar herramientas para trabajar en red la prevencion, atencion, el registro y la posvencion del suicidio en la Provincia del Chaco Argentina.
1 July 2021; Report shows big COVID-19-related HIV prevention programme service disruptions, but highlights that HIV service innovations and adaptations are possible.
A synthesis report on programme disruptions and adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
Un plan de seis puntos para responder, recuperarse y reimaginar un mundo para todos los niños después de la pandemia
Background: Healthcare workers’ mental health was affected by SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Aim: To evaluate healthcare workers’ mental health and its associated factors during the pandemic in Chile. Material and Methods: An online self-reported questionnaire was designed including the Goldberg Healt...h Questionnaire, the Patient Health
Questionnaire, (PHQ-9), and the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale among other questions. It was sent to 28,038 healthcare workers.
Results: The questionnaire was answered by 1,934 participants, with a median age of 38 years (74% women). Seventy five percent were professionals, and 48% worked at a hospital. Fifty nine percent of respondents had a risk of having a mental health disorder, and 73% had depressive symptoms. Significant associations were found with sex, workplace, and some of the relevant experiences during the pandemic. Fifty one
percent reported the need for mental health support, and 38% of them received it.
Conclusions: There is a high percentage of health workers with symptoms of psychological distress, depression, and suicidal ideas. The gender approach is essential to understand the important differences found. Many health workers who required mental health care did not seek or received it.
Norma Técnica para la Supervisión de SALUD INTEGRAL DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DE 0 A 9 AÑOS
en la Atención Primaria de Salud - Actualización 2021
orientaciones provisionales, 8 de noviembre de 2020
This interim guidance is most useful for countries interested in monitoring relative circulations of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses. The document provides practical information to maintain surveillance of influenza and monitor SARS-CoV-2 using e...xisting surveillance systems. It contains updated considerations for addressing disruptions in the influenza sentinel surveillance and extending to include COVID-19 wherever possible. Updated algorithms for testing of both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 for surveillance are also included. This document is an update of Operational considerations for COVID-19 surveillance using GISRS and GISRS for the upcoming influenza seasons during the COVID-19 pandemic
This document provides interim guidance on the management of the blood supply in response to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It emphasizes the importance of being prepared and responding quickly and outlines key actions and measures that the blood services should take to mit...igate the potential risk to the safety and sufficiency of the blood supplies during the pandemic.
It should be read in conjunction with WHO Guidance for National Blood Services on Protecting the Blood Supply During Infectious Disease Outbreaks, which provides general guidance on the development of national plans to respond to any emerging infectious threats to the sufficiency or safety of the blood supply.
Vaccinator's Manual. Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty Vaccine
Vaccinator's Manual. CONVIDECIA Vaccine
Vaccinator's Manual. MODERNA Vaccine
Version corregida. En la actualidad, las guías basadas en la evidencia constituyen una de las herramientas más útiles para mejorar la salud pública y la práctica clínica. Su finalidad es formular intervenciones con sólidas pruebas de eficacia, evitar riesgos innecesarios, utilizar los recurso...s de forma eficiente, disminuir la variabilidad clínica y, en esencia, mejorar la salud y garantizar una atención de calidad, razón de ser de los sistemas y servicios de salud.
Technical guidelines for the comprehensive care of patients with COVID-19 ; second version
BMJ Global Health, Vol.5 No. 12Spatial subdivision of the camp (‘sectoring’) was able to ‘flatten the curve’, reducing peak infection by up to 70% and delaying peak infection by up to several months. The use of face masks coupled with the efficient isolation of infected individuals reduced t...he overall incidence of infection, and sometimes averted epidemics altogether. These interventions must be implemented quickly in order to be maximally effective. Lockdowns had only small effects on COVID-19 dynamics.
Agent-based models are powerful tools for forecasting the spread of disease in spatially structured and heterogeneous populations. Our findings suggest that feasible interventions can slow the spread of COVID-19 in a refugee camp setting, and provide an evidence base for camp managers planning intervention strategies. Our model can be modified to study other closed populations at risk from COVID-19 or future epidemics.
El propósito de este documento es presentar orientaciones para mejorar la aplicación de medidas de salud pública no farmacológicas durante la respuesta a la COVID-19, así como la adherencia a dichas medidas por parte de los grupos de población en situación de vulnerabilidad. Para ello, es nec...esario identificar los principales obstáculos a la aplicación de las medidas, lo que nos permite determinar los grupos y territorios más afectados en las diferentes fases de la pandemia. Con este objetivo, y desde un marco de equidad, derechos humanos y diversidad, se recomiendan políticas, estrategias e intervenciones que acompañan la aplicación y flexibilización de las medidas, de modo que nadie quede atrás.