Compiled by Tin Geber for HIVOS. London, March 2018
Defending Rights
Breaking Barriers
Reaching People with HIV Services
Global Aids Update 2019
InternatIonal Journal of adolescence and Youth
2019, Vol. 24, No. 3, 362–379
Rationale for including this intervention in the proposal
SADC Communicable Disease Project
Component 5: Scaling-up Child and Adolescent HIV, TB and Malaria Continuum of Care and Support
Vreeman RC et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20(Suppl 3):21497 |
For children orphaned or made vulnerable by HIV (OVC)
Recommendations for a Public Health approach and considerations for policy-makers and managers
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0172392 February 16, 2017
Plan Benin used the Integrated Management for Child Illnesses (IMCI) framework in creating the project "Collaborative Approach to Community based Malaria Prevention.” The project targeted 20 pilot villages in the communes of Aplahoué and Djakotomey, with the goal of reducing maternal and infant m...ortality related to malaria in the Couffo district. In order to assess the effects of the project on the beneficiary communities, the evaluation was initiated to measure the progress and the perfomance outcomes achieved at the end of the pilot stage. The evaluation was conducted from March to April 2009.
Children in Kabwe are especially at risk because they are more likely to ingest lead dust when playing in the soil, their brains and bodies are still developing, and they absorb four to five times as much lead as adults. The consequences for children who are exposed to high levels of lead and are no...t treated include reading and learning barriers or disabilities; behavioral problems; impaired growth; anemia; brain, liver, kidney, nerve, and stomach damage; coma and convulsions; and death. After prolonged exposure, the effects are irreversible. Lead also increases the risk of miscarriage and can be transmitted through both the placenta and breastmilk.
This publication aims to provide examples of better palliative care practices for older people to help those involved in planning and supporting care-oriented services most appropriately and effectively. Examples have been identifi ed from literature searches and from an international call... for examples through various organizations, including the European Association of Palliative Care and the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. Some examples consider how to improve aspects within the whole health system; specifi c smaller examples consider how to improve palliative care education, support in the community, in hospitals or for specifi c groups of people, such as people in nursing homes and people with dementia and their families. Some examples await rigorous evaluation of effectiveness, and more research is needed in this fi eld, especially the cost–effectiveness and generalizability of these initiatives.
Minimum standards of home care for older people in Red Cross Red Crescent volunteer-based programming in the Europe Zone
Full Length Research Paper
Received 23 March, 2015; Accepted 5 August, 2015
Vol.7(9), pp. 204-213, September, 2015 DOI: 10.5897/IJSA2015.0604
Article Number: F0D0DDC54848
ISSN 2006- 988x