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Временные рекомендации27 мая 2021 г.
Apart from implementation of TB infection Prevention and Control measures, treatment of those with active TB of the lungs is key in preventing the spread of the TB bacilli. The Public Health Act CAP 242, section 17 classify TB as notifiable infectious disease and under section 26 as part of preventi...on and control of infectious diseases, those exposed or suffer from the notifiable infectious diseases should be isolated in designated place and detained while taking medication until in the assessment of the Medical officer of health confirm that the person is free from infection or able to be discharged without danger to public health.
National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Conrol Programme
India is experiencing rapid demographic and epidemiological transitions with NCDs causing significant disability, morbidity and mortality both in urban and rural populations and across all socioeconomic strata. According to the ICMR State Level Disease Burden Initiative, in 2016, NCDs accounted to a...n estimated 6.0 million deaths, constituting 62% of the total mortality of that year.
On the road to ending TB
Highlights from the 30 highest TB burden countries
World Health Organization Chief Tells Security Council, Urging Sustained Focus to Prevent Future Outbreaks
Evaluation report
September 2014