Maternal and Neonatal health update: by the Nepal government, Health and population ministry, Health protection unit, Family health department, created in 2010 (English) 2067 (Nepali). Compiled together by: UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA, NHSSP, Nepal medical college hospital and other government health departm...ents.
This is a training directory and reference guideline, very useful for physicians, students and for training purposes of medical staff. Majority of the content is for medical personnel. It gives detailed descriptions regarding procedures and how to perform them, and also regarding the statistics in Nepal, prevalence rates, morbidity and mortality rates.
1) Nepal health status
2) Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH)
3) Partograph
4) Hypertension during pregnancy
5) Status of Neonatal Health
6) Neonatal Resuscitation
Results from studies evaluating the effectiveness of focused psychosocial support interventions in children exposed to traumatic events in humanitarian settings in low-income and middle-income countries have been inconsistent, showing varying results by setting and subgroup (eg, age or gender). We a...imed to assess the effectiveness of these interventions, and to explore which children are likely to benefit most.
Lancet Glob Health 2018; 6: e390–400
Formularies are lists of antibiotics that are suggested for certain healthcare settings. In developing a recommended formulary, countries should consider the needs of patients and facilities where they receive care. For example, clinicians in rural or primary health centers may need wide access to f...irst-line antibiotics (e.g., penicillin, ampicillin, TMP-SMX), but last resort antibiotics such as carbapenems or colistin might be limited to tertiary care hospitals. Efforts to create antibiotic formularies may be linked to efforts within countries to create or update essential medicine lists (EML).
This compendium collates current tools and resources on quality improvement developed by the WHO Service Delivery and Safety Department and provides examples of how the tools and resources have been applied in country settings. The target audience for this document are ministries of health, facility... quality improvement teams, researchers and development agencies. WHO technical programmes, regional and country offices can also use the document in their technical cooperation work with the identified audience. Those working to improve the quality of health service delivery can also make good use of this resource
Global concerns: Implications for the future
Child Mental Health Atlas
This is a resource pack for a Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) surveys about Zika virus and its suspected complications such as microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome.
This resource and associated advice was requested by governments and response partners as a way to rapidly obtain valuab...le and insightful information in order to tailor interventions to better address people's needs at community level, thereby contributing to the overall public health response to Zika virus and its potential complications. It can be used in communities with Zika virus transmission or those at risk.
An Easy-Reference Guidebook for Healthcare Providers In Developed and Developing Countries
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance in the design, implementation and evaluation of a course that aims to build and strengthen the capacity of health personnel to manage eye patients at primary-level health facilities in the African Region. The course falls within the remit of professional development in its broadest sense. Its content focuses on simple evidence-based practice that can be easily carried out in primary-level health facilities all over Africa.
This manual is intended for use by course directors and facilitators. Its intended audience includes all persons who wish to commission, support or offer a course serving the above aims, including pre-service training. This manual sets out the requisite steps for the preparation and organization of such a course.
Cureus. 2015 Nov; 7(11): e372.
Published online 2015 Nov 3. doi: 10.7759/cureus.372
PMCID: PMC4671837
PMID: 26677422
The design of anaesthesia equipment for use in hospitals in the developing world must take intoaccount the local conditions, particularly whether reliable supplies of compressed oxygen andelectricity are available. Designs should ensure that maintenance is feasible locally. Internationalstandards sh...ould encourage the design of suitable equipment to ensure safe anaesthesia for patientsworldwide
Anaesthesia, 2007,62(Suppl. 1), pages 54–60