In this version of the compendium, each guidance is coded using the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI).
The compendium provides a systematic compilation of published guidance from WHO and other UN organizations on health and environment. Guidance on policies and actions a...s well as awareness raising and capacity building interventions is presented for all major areas of health and environment. Guidance referring to priority settings for action such as cities and other urban settlements, housing, workplaces and health care facilities is also listed. For greater practical relevance, each guidance is classified according to principally involved sectors, level of implementation and instruments for implementation.
The compilation of guidance for each area of health and environment or priority setting for action is accompanied, as available, by information on main sources, exposure assessment and existing guideline values. Important tools and further resources are presented alongside.
This compilation of published guidance on health and environment highlights that a large number of actions across main topics of health and environment, concerning various sectors, and applicable to various levels are available to improve health and reduce environmental risks. This compendium is intended to serve as a repository and easy-to-use and useful resource for decision and policy makers in health and environment at various levels.
Global concerns: Implications for the future
Child Mental Health Atlas
Erfahrungen aus Niedersachsen
Epidemiologisches Bulletin; 18. März 2013 / Nr. 12 , pp.99-104
Der Bericht gibt einen seltenen Einblick in die Situation derjenigen, die keinen oder nur einen eingeschränkten Zugang zum deutschen Gesundheitssystem haben. Er basiert auf der Analyse von Patientendaten aus den medizinischen Anlaufstellen der Organisation in Berlin, München und Hamburg.
In April and May 2015, Nepal was hit by two major earthquakes killing around 9,000 people and leaving many thousands more injured and homeless.
To optimize the speed and volume of critical humanitarian assistance, the HCT has developed this Plan to:
1. Reach a common understanding of earth...quake risk to ensure early action is taken when required.
2. Establish a minimum level of earthquake preparedness across clusters.
3. Build the basis for a joint HCT response strategy to meet the needs of affected people in the first 6 weeks to 3 months of a response.
4. Define considerations for detailed contingency planning on the basis of the worst-case scenario, especially around access and logistics.
Community Health Impact Coalition members & colleagues from across the world are sharing COVID-19 explainers, internal policies, clinical protocols, & more live
Aligned to the Lancet Migration Global Statement to include migrants and refugees incountries’response to COVID-19, this update focuses on Mexico’s challenges and opportunities to build an inclusive response that is based on a contextualized adaptation of there commendations published by th...e Lancet Migration. A critical component for this analysis is the recognition of migration as a social determinant of health, which acts as a major risk factor for populations subjected to violence, trauma and forced exile while in the face of a global pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic’s immediate costs, measured in lives lost and damaged, have been appalling and continue to rise. In addition, its effects on individuals’ livelihoods and economies around the world have been deep and are likely to be long lasting. While saving lives was the near-exclusive f...ocus during the first phase of the crisis, governments are now trying to strike a delicate balance between preventing further economic damage by reopening parts of their economies, while managing the obvious health risks of doing so.
In the international mobility and migration arenas—policy areas enormously affected by the health and economic effects of the pandemic—this reflection considers both how these fields have fared thus far and the challenges that lay ahead
A new report from aid agencies Age International and HelpAge International, If not now, when? criticises the humanitarian sector for its failure to address the needs of older people in emergencies. This failure contravenes several international commitments made in recent years and flies in the face ...of humanitarian principles
Download the full report here:
Geflüchtete Kinder und Jugendliche verdienen eine besondere, vor allem traumasensible Beachtung, denn sie sind vor, während und nach der Flucht vermehrt Risikofaktoren wie Armut und Gewalt ausgesetzt. Lehrkräfte und Sozialarbeitende benötigen sowohl ein Verständnis über die Bedarfe und Schwier...igkeiten, als auch über die Stärken und Ressourcen der Ankommenden.
n den Kursen wird sowohl theoretisches Wissen zu Trauma und Flucht vermittelt, als auch praktisches Handlungswissen anhand von Alltagssituationen eingeübt. Die interaktive Kursdidaktik ist entlang von persönlichen Geschichten real existierender Personen aufgebaut.
This resource will help learners to:
discuss their thoughts and feelings about COVID-19
investigate some of the incredible ways in which people have been responding to this crisis
understand the difference between information, disinformation and misinformation
consider their own ...responses to the pandemic and possible actions that they might take to manage their own wellbeing and support others
consider their own responses to the pandemic and possible actions that they might take to manage their own wellbeing and support others
You can download a resource pack and slide show
wird ständig aktualisiert
Der Policy Brief des Kompetenznetz Public Health COVID-19 befasst sich mit der empirischen Evidenz zu SARS-Cov-2 bei Migrant*innen und geflüchteten Menschen und leitet hieraus Handlungsempfehlungen ab. Eine Kernbotschaft des Papiers ist, dass das Risiko von SARS-CoV-2 Neuinfektionen unter Migrant*i...nnen im Vergleich zu Nicht-Migrant*innen höher ist, Krankenhauseinweisungen hingegen seltener sind.