This manual provides a framework for morbidity management and disability prevention of patients affected by NIDs and gives specific guidance for the proper care of patients suffering from chronic conditions caused by lymphatic filariasis, leprosy, trachoma, and Chagas disease. It is intended to be u...sed mainly by health care workers at the primary health care level, but health workers at more complex and specialized levels may also find it useful.
The marathon to eradicate polio is on its final lap: the world is more than 99% of the way to success. After millennia of living with poliovirus and suffering the paralysis it causes, today nearly all the world’s people live in polio-free countries; two of the three strains of wild poliovirus (WPV...) have been eradicated. Some 20 million people are walking who would have been paralysed had it not been for the efforts of national governments and health workers. If eradicating polio has been a marathon, the finishing line is in sight.
The strengthened plan aims to achieve and sustain a polio-free world through a focus on implementation and accountability. Emphasis will be on cutting outbreak response times; increasing vaccine demand; transforming campaign effectiveness; working systematically through integration; increasing in inaccessible areas; transitioning towards government ownership; and improving decision-making and accountability.
These guidelines deal specifically with water, sanitation and hygiene, and are designed to be used in schools in low-cost settings in low- and medium-resource countries to:
• assess prevailing situations and plan for required improvements;
• develop and reach essential safety standards as a f...irst goal; and
• support the development and application of national policies.
Savoir pour Sauver rassemble des informations qui permettent de sauver la vie d’enfants, d’améliorer leur existence et de les protéger. Ces informations devraient être diffusées à grande échelle auprès des familles, des agents de santé, des enseignants, des associations de jeunes ou de f...emmes, des organisations communautaires, des fonctionnaires, des employeurs, des syndicats, des médias et des organisations non gouvernementales, ainsi que confessionnelles.
La publication des résultats de l’EDSC-V intervient quelques années seulement après l’échéance en 2015 des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement (OMD), le lancement de l’Agenda 2065 de l’Union Africaine, de l’Agenda 2030 des Nations Unies pour le Développement Durable, et a...u moment de la finalisation de la
Stratégie nationale de développement de la deuxième génération (2020-2027) dans le cadre de la Vison 2035.Nul doute qu’ils serviront à établir la situation finale ou la situation de référence pour le suivi évaluation des progrès accomplis dans le cadre de ces agendas nationaux et internationaux.
Cette première version des orientations evolutives relatives a la prise en charge clinique de la MVE contient quatre nouvelles recommandations concernant l’utilisation de traitements contre la MVE, y compris deux recommandations fortes en faveur de l’utilisation de thérapies à base d’antico...rps monoclonaux. Ce nouveau document est rédigé en vue d’accompagner des soins de support optimisés (oSoC) pour les procédures opérationnelles standards appliquees a la MVE (5, 6). Les orientations evolutives presentent des preuves de haute qualité concernant l’efficacite des traitements contre la MVE et les recommandations de l’OMS relatives leur utilisation.
Global food insecurity has markedly increased over the last two-years due to conflict, economic and political instability, displacement, environmental degradation and disasters, and major disruptions to global food systems because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, levels of hunger surpassed all pre...vious records with close to 193 million people acutely food insecure and in need of urgent assistance across 53 countries and territories. This represents an increase of nearly 40 million people compared to what was previously considered a record level high in 2020.
As the war in Ukraine pushes food, fuel and fertilizer prices toward record levels putting food security in many of the world’s poorest countries at risk, the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) today launched a Crisis Response Initiative to ensure that small-scale farmer...s in high-risk countries can produce food over the next few months to feed their families and communities while reducing the threat to future harvests.
We need to be concerned about mental health in the context of climate change
mnesty International’s annual report on the state of the world’s human rights in 2021, published in March 2022, shows that promises to “build back better” after the Covid-19 pandemic were little more than lip service. Hopes of global cooperation withered in the face of vaccine hoarding and c...orporate greed.
Governments suppressed independent and critical voices, with some even using the pandemic as a pretext to shrink further the civic space. New and unresolved conflicts erupted or persisted. Those forced to flee were subjected to a litany of abuses, including pushbacks by countries in the Global North. But hopes for a better post-pandemic world were kept alive by courageous individuals, social movements and civil society organizations.
The report is available in different languages
UNCTAD has prepared a rapid assessment of the impact of war in Ukraine on trade and development, and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.
The results confirm a rapidly worsening outlook for the world economy, underpinned by rising food, fu...el and fertilizer prices, heightened financial volatility, sustainable development divestment, complex global supply chain reconfigurations and mounting trade costs.
This rapidly evolving situation is alarming for developing countries, and especially for African and least developed countries, some of which are particularly exposed to the war in Ukraine and its effect on trade costs, commodity prices and financial markets.
The risk of civil unrest, food shortages and inflation-induced recessions cannot be discounted, particularly given the fragile state of the global economy and the developing world as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) pandemic.
In many conflicts around the world, more children die from diseases linked to unsafe water than from direct violence. UNICEF is releasing Water Under Fire volume 3, a report that highlights the issues children face in accessing water in times of war. The report demonstrates the humanitarian impact o...n children through case studies from Iraq, State of Palestine, Syria, Yemen, and Ukraine. Attacks on water, sanitation services and staff must stop.
On 25 August, UN agencies and partners launched a US$187.3 million Flash Appeal to reach 500,000 of the most vulnerable people affected by the 14 August earthquake.
Around 650,000 people are in need of emergency humanitarian assistance in the three most affected departments – Grand’Anse, and Sud – where 634,000 were already in need of multisectoral assistance before the quake.
Based on lessons learned from past emergencies, humanitarian actors are aiming to capitalize on local and national level expertise, capacities and knowledge to promote a rapid and effective response tailored to the expressed needs of affected people.