A Guidebook for Medical and Professional Schools, Second Edition.
This book represents a significant step to engage health professions schools in addressing global health challenges
Die aktuelle weltpolitische Lage führt dazu, dass immer mehr potentiell traumatisierte Kinder der Unterstützung von Fachleuten – auch in der psychologischen Grundversorgung - bedürfen. Traumata können bei Kindern aber auch durch Hospitalisationen und damit verbundene medizinische Eingriffe, Un...fälle o.ä. ausgeloest werden, wie im Folgenden beschrieben wird.
Die Diagnose von Traumafolgestörungen bei Kindern ist durch die Tatsache erschwert, dass sie eine Reihe unspezifischer und altersabhängiger Symptome zeigen, die auch bei anderen Störungen auftreten, was unter Umständen zu Fehldiagnosen (ADHS) führen kann.
Aus diesem Grund hat die vorliegende Arbeit zum Ziel, Fachpersonen eine Zusammenstellung grundlegender Informationen zur Entstehung und Diagnostik von Traumafolgestörungen sowie einen Überblick über gängige Diagnoseinstrumente zur Verfügung zu stellen.
This report found that fewer than 15 percent of more than 3,000 school-age asylum-seeking children on the islands were enrolled in public school at the end of the 2017-2018 school year, and that in government-run camps on the islands, only about 100 children, all preschoolers, had access to formal e...ducation. The asylum-seeking children on the islands are denied the educational opportunities they would have on the mainland. Most of those who were able to go to school had been allowed to leave the government-run camps for housing run by local authorities and volunteers
"Helping Traumatized Children Learn is the result of an extraordinary collaboration among educators, parents, mental health professionals, community groups, and attorneys determined to help children experiencing the traumatic effects of exposure to family violence succeed in school."
Annual Household Survey 2015/16 is the forth survey of its kind. These annual surveys are conducted to provide estimations of some major socio-economic indicators on annual basis which would not be possible with other periodic surveys like Nepal Labour Force Surveys (NLSS) and Nepal Living Standard ...Surveys (NLSS) which are undertaken at longer intervals. The survey basically aims to provide estimates of consumption by sex, urban-rural area and by consumption quintiles/deciles. Although the major thrust of Annual Household Survey is on consumption and employment situations, other sectors like education, housing and housing facilities and demographic characteristics are also included. As this year NLSS survey is conducted so, this survey does not contain information on employment situation as in previous annual household surveys.
A Report of A survey study conducted to determine the demand, availability, quality of production, usage, and affordability of wheelchairs in Uganda.
Accessed Febr. 12,2015
This publication, the third module of a resource manual to support the training of planners and practitioners in managing flash flood risk, deals with structural measures. It presents bioengineering techniques, physical measures for slope stabilisation and erosion control, and physical measures for ...river training. It also presents the concept of integrated flood management as a component of integrated water resource management. It emphasizes that structural measures are most effective and sustainable when implemented together with appropriate non-structural measures. The manual is aimed at junior to mid-level professionals with a civil engineering background working on flash flood risk management at the district level.
Flash floods are among the most destructive natural disasters in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. Flash flood mitigation is generally addressed by community-based organisations, local non-governmental organisations, or district and local-level staff in government organisations. But these groups often lack adequate understanding of the processes causing flash floods and knowledge of flash flood risk management measures.
This review of the IFRC support to the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society response to the 2012 cholera outbreak provides ideas and concepts to promote a more coherent and evidence based rationale on how to make more effective use of IFRC global assets to stop, control, mitigate and respond to cholera ep...idemics. No fit and healthy person should die from cholera – that should be the indicator of success.
PLoS ONE 7(12): e52986. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052986. Opern Access please download from the website
Brief review of selected topics
The following pages provide a focus on selected areas in relation to neurology. The specialists who contributed the reviews are listed in the Project Team and Partners
Neurology Atlas (2004)