UNAIDS calls on governments to live up to their commitment to develop nationally owned and led social protection systems for all, including floors; and scale up and progressively enhance coverage, adequacy and comprehensiveness, thereby improving the responsiveness and quality of interventions to ad...dress the needs and vulnerabilities of people living with HIV.
Risk communication encompasses all the basics of health communication but differs in the need for speed and reliance on trust. At times of crisis, leaders are called on to provide a quick, sensitive and trustworthy response.
Immunization is one of the most cost-effective public health interventions to date, saving an estimated 2 to 3 million lives each year. As a direct result of immunization, the world is closer than ever to eradicating polio, and deaths from measles – a major child killer – have declined by 73 per... cent worldwide between 2000 and 2018, saving an estimated 23.2 million children’s lives. The emergence of COVID-19, however, threatens to reverse this progress by severely limiting access to life-saving vaccines.
The COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly spreading across the world and including countries affected by other infectious disease epidemics, such as HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria. Over the past three decades, the global HIV response has gained experience in developing effective prevention approaches. Th...is brief seeks to provide a summary for decision makers and health programme implementers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to help them make the best possible choices in preventing the virus responsible for COVID-19.
Countries can use this tool to collect in-depth facility inventories of biomedical equipment re-allocation, procurement and planning for COVID-19 case management. The survey assesses quantified availability and the causes for non-functioning of different sources of oxygen delivery and supply systems... to the patient in order to determine priorities and re-allocation requirements in accordance with needs.
This technical brief was developed by the UNFPA Global Ageing Network to complement the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs' (UN DESA) Issue Brief: Older Persons and COVID-19, which emphasized the humanitarian imperative of addressing older persons' specific needs within preparedness and re...sponse to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Several countries have demonstrated that COVID-19 transmission from one person to another can be slowed or stopped. This document has been prepared based on the evidence currently available about Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) transmission (human-to-human transmission primarily via respiratory... droplets from, or direct contact with, an infected person), and is designed to ensure that the accommodation sector can protect the health of its staff and clients.
Constraints, Technologies, Policies and Processes
Accessed: 08.03.2020
This section provides an overview of an HIV Rapid Testing workshop. It contains information about:
- Workshop Goal
- Training Modules: Learning Objectives and Content Outline
- Learning Methods / Activities
- Recommended Certification Criteria
Section 1...: Overview, Trainer’s Guide
Orientations provisoires
25 janvier 2020
Ce document est la première édition des orientations relatives aux stratégies de lutte anti-infectieuse à mettre en œuvre en cas de suspicion d’infection par un nouveau coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Il a été adapté du document de l’OMS intitulé P...révention et lutte contre les infections lors de la prise en charge de cas probables ou confirmés d’infection par le coronavirus du syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS-CoV)(1), sur la base des connaissances actuelles de la situation en Chine et dans d’autres pays où des cas ont été identifiés, et de l’expérience acquise sur le syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS)-CoV et le MERS-CoV (2).
A “catastrophic” combination of drought and communities’ declining resilience has left an estimated 2.3 million people facing severe acute food insecurity – up from an estimate of 1.7 million people a month ago.
Communities across southern Africa have been affected by drought since late 2...018.
This year, large parts of southern and western Zambia received their lowest seasonal rainfall totals since at least 1981, the base year from which normal rainfall is benchmarked. At the same time, northern and eastern parts of the country were affected by flash floods and waterlogging, resulting in poor harvests.
By 2100, new UN figures show that 4 of today’s 10 most populous nations will be replaced by African countries.
Brazil, Bangladesh, Russia and Mexico—where populations are projected to stagnate or decline—will drop out. In their place: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania and E...gypt. All 4 are projected to more double in population.
Top 10 rankings in population growth by 2100 include only 2 non-African nations—Pakistan and the US.
c1China will shrink by 374 million fewer people—more than the entire US population.
There has been a significant reduction in the number of displaced people - with 73,296 people currently hosted in 70 accommodation centres; down from 142,327 people the week before.
A total of 4,979 cholera cases were recorded in Beira, Dondo, Buzi and Nhamatanda and the death toll has reached eigh...t.
With UNICEF support, 814,293 people were vaccinated against cholera representing 99 per cent of the target population.
UNICEF continues supporting FIPAG (the water supply institution),
Government and operators to run water supply systems in affected areas providing drinking water to 771,856 people
Given an increase in outbreaks caused by resistant microorganisms associated with medical tourism, the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) encourages Member States to strengthen their capacity to detect and manage infections caused by resis...tant microorganismsin patients who traveled outside of their country of residence to receive healthcare. Furthermore, PAHO/WHO stresses the importance to implement preventive measures to reduce healthcare-associated infections at all levels of the health system.
Kenya in undergoing an epidemiological transition marked by a decline in morbidity and mortality due to communicable conditions, and an increase in the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which include diseases such as diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular diseases and chronic respiratory infect...ions. The second strategic objective of KHSSP 2014-2018 targets to halt and reverse the rising burden of non-communicable conditions, while the fifth strategic objective is focused on putting into place health promotion interventions that will address risk factors to health.
ATLAS on substance use (2010)— Resources for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder
Accessed: 14.03.2019