Experience from Save the Children and partners globally
demonstrates that improvements in education quality go hand-in-hand
with inclusion and access, Flexible, quality, responsive learning
environments will benefit all children and are fundamental to including
marginalised groups like disabled ...children in education.
These guidelines are primarily aimed at education staff trying to
develop inclusive education practices, focussing on including disabled
children in schools.While this book focuses on disabled children, we
hope it will be useful for developing general inclusive education
practices. Community groups and non-governmental organisations, as
well as people working in community-based rehabilitation(CBR) and
the wider disability context, could also use these guidelines to provide
input into inclusive education work.
While the guidelines focus primarily on schools, much of the
information is still relevant to readers working in out-of-school
For emergency relief staff
A manual intended for use by Men As Partners (MAP) educators in facilitating workshops on male involvement in reproductive health. Contains a variety of interactive educational activities on such topics as gender and sexuality, male and female sexual health, HIV and AIDS, and other sexually transmit...ted infections, relationships, and violence, as well as general resources for facilitators.
Guidelines for social mobilization
TB and poverty; TB and children; TB and women; TB, migrants and refugees; TB and prisons
Original: English; Distribution: Limited
The Youth Health and Development Programme Government of the Republic of Namibia and UNICEF Programme of Cooperation 1997-2001
This manual is a guide to psychosocial interventions to help people cope with the emotional effects of disasters. Some are direct responses to the trauma of disasters, while others are longer-term responses. Even more than the physical effects of disasters, the emotional effects cause long-lasting s...uffering, disability and loss of income
Contact No 175 - October December 2001
BMJ VOLUME 322 24 FEBRUARY 2001 bmj.com
A guide to protocol development for low-income countries
Методы исследования в целях укрепления здоровья легких
Руководство по документированию развития для стран с низким уровнем дохо...а
Международный Союз по борьбе с туберкулезом и заболеваниями легких
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -4
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book - 4
UNAIDS/99.31E (English original, June 1999)
1st revision, April 2000
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
This document adopts a health determinants framework for examining the evidence related to women’s poor mental health. From this perspective, public policy including economic policy, socio-cultural and environmental factors, community and social support, stressors and life events, personal behavio...ur and skills, and availability and access to health services, are all seen to exercise a role in determining women’s mental health status. Similarly, when considering the differences between women and men, a gender approach has been used. While this does not exclude biological or sex differences, it considers the critical roles that social and cultural factors and unequal power relations between men and women play in promoting or impeding mental health. Such inequalities create, maintain and exacerbate exposure to risk factors that endanger women’s mental health, and are most graphically illustrated in the significantly different rates of depression between men and women, poverty and its impact, and the phenomenal prevalence of violence against women.
Руководство по документированию развития для стран с низким уровнем дохода