WHO commissioned a survey, carried out in September/October 2015, among some 10 000 members of the public in 12 countries (2 per WHO Region: Barbados, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, the Russian Federation, Serbia, South Africa, Sudan and Viet Nam) on their use of antibiotics, knowl...edge of antibiotics and of antibiotic resistance. While not claiming to be exhaustive, this and other surveys will help WHO and partners to ensure efforts are focused on tackling some of the biggest gaps in understanding and the most prevalent misconceptions
Technical Report
AIDS Medicines and diagnostics service
July 2015
Weekly epidemiological record Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire 27 MARCH 2015, 90th YEAR / 27 MARS 2015, 90e ANNÉE No. 13, 2015, 90, 121–132
Community-based strategies play a significant role in many health systems in low- and middle-income countries, especially in light of critical shortages in the health workforce. The term community health worker has been used to refer to volunteers and salaried, professional or lay health workers wit...h a wide range of training, experience, scope of practice and integration in health systems. In the context of this study, we use the term community-based practitioner (CBPs) to reflect the diverse nature of these cadres of health workers.
CBPs provide preventive, promotive, curative and palliative services across a range of areas, including reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, control of other endemic diseases, and noncommunicable diseases. Significant evidence has emerged over the past two decades on their effectiveness, which has triggered interest in the potential to use their services to expand access to care, in particular in rural and underserved areas where deployment and retention of more qualified health workers is problematic. Calls have been made to integrate CBP programmes in human resources and health strategies, and to scale up rapidly the extent and coverage of CBP initiatives.
This manual provides guidance on best practices to be followed in Ebola Care Units (ECUs)/Community Care Centres (CCCs). It is intended for health aid workers (including junior nurses and community health-care workers) and others providing care for patients in ECUs/CCCs. While the focus is on the ca...re and management of patients with Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), the care of patients with other causes of fever is also described.
Ebola messages based on their qualitative research done in hotspot areas of Bombali and Urban Freetown, Jan-Feb 2015
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched in September 2015, made up of 17 Goals and 169 Targets that set out a plan of action that will shape the mainstream development agenda for the next 15 years1. There has already been much debate about how these Goals will be achieved, but the sig...nificant issue of drug policy reform has so far been ignored. This briefing aims to address this gap, to support discussions and demonstrate how global drug control policies are a cross-cutting development issue that impact upon a number of the SDGs.
A quick reference guide for health authorities and health-care workers
Revised 2015
Version 3
• Safe School reopening
• Special Events messages for sporting events and Africa Cup of Nations,
Elections and public gatherings and holidays
• Safe sex and condom use for Survivors
• Cemetery messages
The purpose of this guidance package is to provide government a...gencies, response committees and teams, media outlets, partners, and community leaders with accurate and consistent information to use for when communicating about Ebola in Liberia. All are encouraged to share this document widely as a guide for all communicating about Ebola
Training for staff working at DR-TB management centres.
Training modules
This field guide is a practical tool for improving and maintaining drinking-water safety. It is designed to be used by YOU as a rural community member who shares responsibility for operation and management of the drinking-water supply in your community. It can also be used by YOU as a staff member o...f the local health or water supply office, local government authority, nongovernmental organization (NGO) or other community-based organization that supports drinking-water safety in rural communities. Ensuring the safety of the community water supply is a daily job, and community members and other stakeholders have to work jointly to achieve this goal.