This guidance provides an overview of interventions to improve early diagnosis of TB and treatment completion in these populations, as well as factors to consider when developing programmes for health communication, awareness and education, and programme monitoring and evaluation
This guide is intended for shelter operators, planners, and staff, as well as emergency managers, public health professionals, and radiation protection professionals who participate in shelter planning and could be called upon to support shelter operations. This guide provides information on the inc...ident-specific considerations that shelter operators will
need to take into account in a radiation emergency. Shelter operations include other mass care and emergency assistance activities that are required to support a sheltered population, such as feeding, providing essential supplies, and assisting with reunification of family and friends. Guidance to support such activities can be found in other planning resources. The information in this guide is intended to complement, not supplant, existing shelter protocols and responsibilities.
We will soon be piloting a project titled “Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care” that will form “spiritual care teams” to assess and address patients’ spiritual needs in physician outpatient practices within Adventist Health System, the largest Protestant healthcare system ... in the United States.This paper describes the goals, the rationale, and the structure of the spiritual care teams that will soon be implemented, and discusses the barriers to providing spiritual care that health professionals are likely to encounter.Spiritual care teams may operate in an outpatient or an inpatient setting, and their purpose is to provide health professionals with resources necessary to practice whole person healthcare that includes spiritual care.We believe that this project will serve as a model forfaith-based health systems seeking to visibly demonstrate their mission in a way that makes them unique and expresses their values.Not only does this model have the potential to be cost-effective, but also the capacity to increase the quality of patient care and the satisfaction that health professionals derive from providing care.If successful, this model could spread beyond faith-based systems to secular systems as well both in the U.S. and worldwide.
Growing evidence indicates that large proportions of children around the world experience physical, sexual and emotional violence every year, with enormous implications for human rights, public health and economic and social development.1 Over the last five years, national governments and Together f...or Girls – a global public-private partnership comprising UNICEF,
other United Nations (UN) agencies, the United States (US) Government and various private sector agencies – have worked to mobilize and sustain a global movement to end violence against children, with a focus on sexual violence against girls.
Integrating WASH and MHCP interventions will always require imagination and creativity to adapt the approach to specific conditions, opportunities and constraints in each context. The book is designed to stimulate reflection and encourage initiatives to seek opportunities for closer integration of t...hese two sectors. It provides examples and tools for integration, highlights possible obstacles and proposes strategies for overcoming them. It provides ideas, examples and resources that can be used at all stages of the project cycle. It is intended for readers at strategic and operational levels, in ACF country missions and at headquarters.
This guidance document is based on research of social media activity related to antibiotic use at EU level, as well as on a survey of the social media activities of EAAD partner organisations, mostly EU umbrella organisations of patients and health professionals. The research showed that there is al...ready some social media activity on prudent antibiotic use and that a few potential influencers are emerging. Similarly, the survey of the EU-wide partners of EAAD showed that respondents are becoming active on social media platforms.
It is the policy of the GoR to ensure that children’s rights are met through the provision of basic needs and services for all children in the country, and protect them from abuse and exploitation. Children are defined as persons below the age of 18 years and the ICRP covers children from the time... before their birth until they complete the age of 18 years. The Integrated Child Rights Policy of Rwanda is based on seven key themes: Identity and Nationality; Family and Alternative Care; Survival, Health and Standards of Living; Education; Protection; Justice; and Child Participation.
Chapter · January 2009 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0_25
D.D. Celentano and C. Beyrer (eds.), Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Low and Middle Income Countries, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0 25, c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008
This diagnostic and treatment manual is designed for use by medical professionals involved in curative care at the dispensary and hospital levels. We have tried to respond in the simplest and most practical way possible to the questions and problems faced by field medical staff, using the accumulate...d field experience of Médecins Sans Frontières, the recommendations of reference organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and specialized works in each field.
Available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic
Reference Guide Version 2. Revised. The Nutrition Program Design Assistant is a tool to help organizations design the nutrition component of their community-based maternal and child health, food security, or other development program. The tool focuses on prevention and also provides guidance on recu...perative approaches that are needed when there is a high prevalence of acute malnutrition
The Malawian government recently introduced cost-covering consultation fees for self-referral patients in tertiary public hospitals. Previously, patients received medicines free of charge in government-owned health facilities, but must pay elsewhere. Before the government implements a payment policy... in other areas of health care, it is important to investigate the prices, affordability and availability of essential medicines in Malawi.
A clear understanding of the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of a particular community is necessary in order to improve control of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT).New screening and diagnostic tools and strategies were introduced into South Sudan, as part of integrated delivery of primar...y healthcare. Knowledge and awareness on HAT, its new/improved screening and diagnostic tools, the places and processes of getting a confirmatory diagnosis and treatment are crucial to the success of this strategy.
This unit is written so that you will have the opportunity to learn from mistakes.The unit will take you on a journey of personal stress management, one step at a time
Each lesson covers a number of topics and provides various activities for you to complete. In Lesson 1, you will learn about what s...tress is and its effects on your health and behaviour. In the next lesson, you will learn to recognise signs and symptoms of stress. Lessons 3 will outline I’ve been a caregiver for 12 years. I have passed through thick and thin. In the process, I think, I’ve destroyed myself—and perhaps people and things I care about. I wish someone had talked to me about it long ago. I wish I had asked them for help.
2ObjectivesCounselling for Caregivers the causes of stress, and Lessons 4 and 5 will discuss strategies for coping with stress for caregivers and for children, respectively. The unit also contains some important questions and activities, which can help you acquire understanding and knowledge that will enable you to develop positive, healthy ways of coping with stress in your life. You can complete this unit successfully. Enjoy your journey!
Moral emotions are a key element of our human morals. Emotions play an important role in the
caring process. Decision-making and assessment in emergency situations are complex and they frequently result in
different emotions and feelings among health-care professionals.
The below guidance has been designed to ensure the care of children affected by COVID-19 due to either the child or caregiver requiring medical care in the home, community or health facility, it serves to
Abstract-The paper precisely and briefly explains the socio-economic challenges of persons with disabilities with focus on Ethiopia. The findings of the paper also indicates that, across the countries persons with disabilities have poorer health accesses, lower education achievements,... less social and economic participation and less rate of income than Persons disabilities experience barriers in accessing services that many of us have long taken for granted, including health, education, employment, transport and information as well as rehabilitation. These difficulties are exacerbated with high level of disability disadvantaged individuals. Based on the findings of this study, major socio-economic remedy directions are recommended which will be included in future policy enactment and implementations.
Translating Community Research Into Global Policy Reform For National Action: A Checklist For Community Engagement To Implement The WHO Consolidated Guideline On The Sexual And Reproductive Health And Rights Of Women Living With HIV
3rd edition | December 2018
Examining nursing practice guidelines to improve quality of care for patients with sepsis in low income countries is required. • A large amount of information about best practice standards in sepsis management is available for healthcare professionals; however, implementation and adherence to prac...tice guidelines recommended by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign remains low in low income countries.
This five-day child protection case management training manual was developed to meet the needs of community child protection workers and other social workers working in tandem with the justice, health and law enforcement systems in Malawi.
Orientaciones provisionales para los dispensadoresde atención de la salud. En el presente documento se ofrecen orientaciones a los dispensadores de atención de la salud (por ejemplo, médicos y enfermeros) sobre el modo de brindar, principalmente a las mujeres infectadas por el virus Zika durante el embarazo y a sus familiares, una respuesta de apoyo que satisfaga sus necesidades psicosociales y de salud mental.