Les organismes résistants aux antimicrobiens (RAM) sont de plus en plus répandus à l'échelle mondiale, menaçant de rendre inefficaces les traitements existants contre les nombreuses maladies infectieuses. Il a déjà été établi qu’en Afrique la résistance aux antimicrobiens est un problè...me pour le VIH et les pathogènes responsables du paludisme, de la tuberculose, de la typhoïde, du choléra, de la méningite, de la gonorrhée et de la dysenterie. Reconnaissant le besoin urgent d'agir, l'Assemblée mondiale de la Santé a adopté, en mai 2015, le Plan d'action mondial pour la résistance aux antimicrobiens. Conformément à ce Plan d'action, et pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de l'Afrique, les Centres africains pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies (CDC) ont créé le Réseau de surveillance de la résistance antimicrobienne (AMRSNET). L'AMRSNET est un réseau d'institutions de santé publique et de dirigeants des secteurs de la santé humaine et animale qui collaborent pour mesurer, prévenir et atténuer les dommages causés par les organismes RAM
Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) (sometimes known as radiation
toxicity or radiation sickness) is an acute illness caused by
irradiation of the entire body (or most of the body) by a high dose
of penetrating radiation in a very short period of time (usually ... a
matter of minutes). The major cause of this syndrome is depletion
of immature parenchymal stem cells in specific tissues. Examples of
people who suffered from ARS are the survivors of the Hiroshima
and Nagasaki atomic bombs, the firefighters that first responded
after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant event in 1986, and some
unintentional exposures to sterilization irradiators.
The new guidelines provide public health guidance on pharmacological agents for managing hyperglycaemia in type 1 and type 2 diabetes for use in primary health-care in low-resource settings. These guidelines update the recommendations for managing hyperglycaemia in the WHO Package of Essential NCD I...nterventions (WHO PEN) for primary care in low-resources settings, reviewing several newer oral agents as second- and third-line treatment: dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors and thiazolidinediones. The guidelines also present recommendations on the selection of type of insulin (analogue versus human insulin) for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
In reviewing State Parties report on the implementation of the Charter, the Committee has identified children on the move as an emerging child protection issue in African, and therefore commissioned a study in view of making recommendations to tackle the problem in Member States. The Committee obse...rved that there were challenges with regard to upholding the rights and welfare of children on the move and that there are gaps on the type of protection measures and treatment that is be accorded to such children within our beloved Continent.
The study presents key drivers of the children on the move, migration routes, challenges faced by children on the move, policy and institutionalized content protecting children on the move and finally the way forward.
A workshop methodology for children, young people and adults
The “Tree of Life” is a psychosocial support tool based on narrative practices that is designed to help participants accept the hardships of their past and identify the strengths that can help them achieve a better future. It uses th...e different parts of a tree as metaphors to represent the different parts of our lives. The workshop generally takes one day.
Participants draw their own “Tree of Life” in which they get to speak of their ‘roots” (where they come from), their skills and knowledge, their hopes and dreams and the special people in their lives
31 October 2018 Issue n° 8
ISSN: 2406-5625
Accessed online March 2018
Event-based surveillance (EBS) is defined as the organized collection, monitoring, assessment and interpretation of mainly unstructured ad hoc information regarding health events or risks, which may represent an acute risk to health. Both indicator-based and event-based surveillance components serve... the early warning and response (EWAR) function of the public health surveillance system. The Framework for Event-based Surveillance offers guidance to public health practitioners seeking to implement EBS at each administrative level in healthier countries.
Can J Anesth/J Can Anesth June 2018, Volume 65, Issue 6, pp 698–708
Apart from implementation of TB infection Prevention and Control measures, treatment of those with active TB of the lungs is key in preventing the spread of the TB bacilli. The Public Health Act CAP 242, section 17 classify TB as notifiable infectious disease and under section 26 as part of preventi...on and control of infectious diseases, those exposed or suffer from the notifiable infectious diseases should be isolated in designated place and detained while taking medication until in the assessment of the Medical officer of health confirm that the person is free from infection or able to be discharged without danger to public health.
Volume 20, September
Global smart update
Front. Psychiatry, 29 November 2018 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00635
Scientists have known for more than half a century that patients could develop resistance to the drugs used to treat them. Alexander Fleming, who is credited with creating the first antibiotic, penicillin, in 1928, cautioned of the impending crisis while accepting his Nobel prize in 1945: “There ...is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.” Since then antibiotics have proved one of the most effective interventions in human medicine. Sadly, the overuse and misuse of this precious resource have brought us to a global crisis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). To address this crisis nearly seven decades after Fleming’s lecture the first UN general assembly meeting on drug resistance bacteria was convened in September 2017.
Revision for Field Review
Online version of the manual: https://iawgfieldmanual.com/manual
30th World AIDS Day Report
STAR Initiative, Unitaid and World Health Organization December 2018
It aims to enable participants to:
know more about reactions to distress
know what psychological first aid is and what it is not
understand the three action principles of ‘Look, Listen and Link’
have practised providing PFA to someone in distress
have considered comple...x reactions and situations
be aware of the importance of self-care when helping others.
This training module is one of four on psychological first aid, which accompany a set of materials on psychological first aid