La vigilancia de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM) desempeña un papel importante en la detección temprana de cepas resistentes que revisten gran importancia para la salud pública, así como en la respuesta rápida a los brotes en los hospitales y en la comunidad. Los resultados de la vig...ilancia son necesarios para fundamentar la práctica médica, la administración de antibióticos, y las políticas e intervenciones para combatir la RAM. El uso apropiado de antimicrobianos, fundamentado en la vigilancia, mejora los resultados del tratamiento de los pacientes y reduce la aparición y propagación de la RAM.
Rapport spécial du GIEC sur le changement climatique,
la désertification, la dégradation des sols, la gestion durable
des terres, la sécurité alimentaire et les flux de gaz à effet de
serre dans les écosystèmes terrestres
Relatório especial do IPCC sobre mudança do clima,
desertificação, degradação da terra, manejo sustentável da
terra, segurança alimentar, e fluxos de gases de efeito estufa
em ecossistemas terrestres
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Disaster : District of Central Bengkulu, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of cities, area or districts in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Kolaka, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of Southeast Sulawesi
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of West Sulawesi
Protect Yourself from the Smoke Fog Disaster ; a Book of Health Crisis Response for School Children in Indonesia
Ending Cholera—A Global Roadmap to 2030 operationalises the new global strategy for cholera control at the country level and provides a concrete path toward a world in which cholera is no longer a threat to public health
The Strategy provides a high-level unifying framework to leverage existing capacities, address barriers and strengthen the use of genomic surveillance in the detection, monitoring and response to public health threats. Genomic surveillance is part of the broader surveillance and laboratory system, a...nd its implementation should reinforce end-to-end capacities including sample collection, diagnostics, data sharing and analysis. The strategy aims to facilitate the connectivity between different disease control programs and surveillance networks. This interoperability will strengthen the cross-cutting essential public health laboratory functions underpinning genomics holistically. The strategy articulates the overarching goal, objectives and strategic actions needed. These are dependent on commitments from countries, partners and WHO for their implementation.
WHO’s Ambition and Action in Nutrition 2016-2025 is anchored in the six global targets for improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition and the global diet-related NCD targets.
In support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly SDG2 and SDG3, and in concert w...ith the 2016-2025 UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, WHO’s Ambition and Action in Nutrition 2016-2025 aims for “A world free from all forms of malnutrition where all people achieve health and well-being”. It defines the unique value of WHO for advancing nutrition: the provision of leadership, guidance and monitoring and proposes a theory of change. Finally, following a set of guiding principles, it proposes priority actions for WHO, the delivery model and a clear allocation of roles across the Organization.
Mission report: June 11-20, 2017
Data from the 2000, 2005, and 2011 Demographic and Health Surveys. DHS Trend Reports No. 7
Pan African Medical Journal 2017;27:215. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2017.27.215.12994
Malawi Integrated Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures for Providing HIV Services. 3rd edition 2016