Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) both in human and veterinary medicine has reached alarming levels in
most parts of the world and has now been recognized as a significant emerging threat to global public
health and food security. In June 2015, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nati...ons
(FAO) passed a resolution on AMR at its governing
Conference. This followed the adoption of counterpart
resolutions on AMR by The World Organisation
for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization
(WHO) in May 20152, and marked the
beginning of a joint effort by the three organizations
to combat AMR globally.
Women advancing the end of AIDS
The goal of this assessment is to determine how far USAID/Senegal’s HIV/AIDS and TB programs have achieved their specific objectives with regard to identifying potential leads for improvement that are likely to make it easier to reach the planned results. After responding to the issues developed i...n various themes of the assessment, the results are placed in context and specific conclusions to each component are provided. The assessment also identifies the lessons learned from USAID/Senegal’s HIV/AIDS and TB programs and provides recommendations for future intervention.
Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection
Accessed: 26.02.2020
A WHO guide to inform & harmonize national & international pandemic preparedness and response
The main updates from the 2013 interim guidance are:
Alignment with other relevant United Nations policies for crisis and emergency management, and
Inclusion of the significant development in re...cent years of the strategies for pandemic vaccine response during the start of a pandemic.
The guide is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Russian
Accessed on 03.03.2020
Relever le Taux de Prévalence Contraceptive (TPC) au Sénégal à 45% et réduire les Besoins Non satisfaits (BNS) à 10% selon une approche inclusive, holistique au sein d’une instance de coordination multisectorielle fonctionnelle chargée des questions de dividende d...mographique et incluant la participation de tous sans laisser personne en rade notamment les adolescents/jeunes, les femmes non mariées incluant les jeunes femmes seront pris en compte mais dans le respect des normes sociales; avec la contribution dans les financements de l’Etat notamment par un accroissement de l’ allocation budgétaire pour l’achat des produits contraceptifs portée à 500 millions de francs d’ici à 2020, mais aussi du secteur privé, des partenaires techniques et financiers et tout cela dans le respect des principes de bonne gouvernance en associant les organisations de la société civile, les religieux, les collectivités locales, les parlementaires, les médias et en améliorant les cadres réglementaires et légaux , principalement la signature du décret d’application de la loi SR et la révision de certains textes facilitant l’ accès universel à la planification familiale dans le pays.
October 2018
HIV testing services