1 in 3 countries are not taking action to help students catch up on their learning post-COVID-19 school closures
Over 6 million people worldwide are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan that causes Chagas disease. Endemic in 21 Latin American countries, the disease can be transmitted by vector insects called triatomines — also known as “kissing bugs” —, foods or beverages contaminated with th...e parasite, blood transfusions, organ transplants, or congenitally during pregnancy or delivery.
A Review of Evidence from Africa
Accessed: 21.08.2019
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0172392 February 16, 2017
J Pharm Pharm Sci (www.cspsCanada.org) 16(3) 441 - 455, 2013
SAMJ Review Vol. 108 No.3
Globalization and Health201612:53 DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0194-4
Le trouble anxiété de séparation (TAS) représente environ la moitié de l’ensemble des troubles anxieux
(Cartwright-Harton et al, 2006). La plupart des troubles anxieux pédiatriques
présentent les mêmes critères diagnostics que chez l’adulte à l’exception du TAS,
actuellement class...é dans le DSM et la CIM au sein des troubles habituellement
diagnostiqués dans la prime enfance, l’enfance ou l’adolescence (Krain et al, 2007).
International Journal of Drug Policy 24 (2013) e91-98