Towards attaining the highest standard Health.
Based on the survey, five principles for deinstitutionalization were identified: community-based services must be in place; the health workforce must be committed to change; political support at the highest and broadest levels is crucial; timing is key; and additional financial resources are needed.
WHO Guideline. Since 2010, countries in the meningitis belt have started to introduce a new serogroup A meningococcal conjugate vaccine conferring individual protection and herd immunity. Following the successful roll-out of this vaccine, epidemics due to Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A (NmA) are... disappearing, but other serogroups (e.g. NmW, NmX and NmC) still cause epidemics, albeit at a lower frequency and of a smaller size. Due to these changes, WHO organized the review of the evidence to provide recommendations for epidemic control, related to operational thresholds for investigation and response to outbreaks, the use of rapid diagnostic tests, antibiotic regimens in epidemics, and prophylaxis for household contacts of cases
Provisional recommendations May 2014
Case Manangement Training Modules
Ebola interventions: The intervention to combat Ebola aims to stop human-to-human transmission. The package is composed of five elements necessary to control the spread of the disease: care to patients, contact monitoring, safe burials, laboratory support and social mobilisation.
The document describes key information on Ebola virus disease, patient care, contact tracing and monitoring, safe and dignified burial, laboratory diagnosis.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Volume 91, Number 4, April 2013, 237-312