Inequality of access to palliative care and symptom relief is one of the greatest disparities in global health care (1). Currently, there is avoidable suffering on a massive scale due to lack of access to palliative care and symptom relief in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (1). Yet basic p...alliative care that can prevent or relieve most suffering due to serious or life-threatening health conditions can be taught easily to generalist clinicians, can be provided in the community and requires only simple, inexpensive medicines and equipment. For these reasons, the World Health Assembly (WHA) resolved that palliative care is "an ethical responsibility of health systems"(2). Further, most patients who need palliative care are at home and prefer to remain there. Thus, it is imperative that palliative care be provided in the community as part of primary care. This document was written to assist ministries of health and health care planners, implementers and managers to integrate palliative care and symptom control into primary health care (PHC).
Humanitarian emergencies and crises (Humanitarian emergencies and crises) are large-scale events that may result in the breakdown of health care systems and society, forced displacement, death, and physical, psychological, social and spiritual suffering on a massive scale. Current responses to Human...itarian emergencies and crises rightfully focus on saving lives, but for both ethical and medical reasons, the prevention and relief of pain, as well as other physical and psychological symptoms, social and spiritual distress, also are imperative. Therefore, palliative care, should be integrated into responses to Humanitarian emergencies and crises. The principles of humanitarianism and impartiality require that all patients receive care and should never be abandoned for any reason, even if they are dying. Thus, there is significant overlap in the principles and mission of palliative care and humanitarianism: relief of suffering; respect for the dignity of all people; support for basic needs; and accompaniment during the most difficult of times
People younger than 20 years comprise 35% of the global population and 40% of the global population of least-developed nations. The number of children - neonates, infants, children, and adolescents up to 19 years of age - who need pediatric palliative care (PPC) each year may be as high as 21 millio...n. Another study found that almost 2.5 million children die each year with serious health related suffering and that more than 98% of these children are in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (3). While estimates differ, there is no doubt that there is an enormous need for prevention and relief of suffering among children - for PPC.
SITREP N° 05 DU 22 au 23 JUILLET 2023 Épidémies de Choléra, Shigellose et Salmonellose au Congo
Поэтому уже давно возникала мысль о том,что подробный комментарий по вопросам научных знаний и практическогоопыта, лежащих в основе политики ВОЗ по борьбе ...с туберкулезом, являлся бысущественным элементом технического сотрудничества ВОЗ с ее государствамичленами. Данная книга, написанная в форме вопросов и ответов, являетсяпервым шагом в этом направлении. Я надеюсь, что она станет доступной длявсех специалистов, участвующих в борьбе с туберкулезом, организаторов здравоохранения и администраторов, ответственных за формирование и выполнение национальных программ борьбы с туберкулезом, а также всех медицинскихработников, ежедневно решающих конкретные задачи борьбы с туберкулезомна местах.
Septième (7ème) édition de la liste nationale des médicaments essentiels, cinquiême (5ème) édition de la liste nationale des produits pharmaceutiques d'urgence, quatrième (4ème) édition de la liste nationale des réactifs essentiels pour l'analyses de biologie médicale.
La présente é...dition épouse les différents niveaux de laboratoires, aux produits d'urgence, aux médicaments vitaux pour la mère et l'enfant et aux dispositifs utilisés en Odontostomatologie.