Vision Statement
From birth to 8 years of age, all children of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar will receive holistic, high-quality and developmentally-appropriate care from their parents, caregivers and service providers to ensure they will be happy, healthy, well nourished, socially adept..., emotionally balanced and well protected in conditions of freedom, equity and dignity in order to contribute positively to their families, communities and the nation.
This scoping study done in Myanmar offers the chance for FoodSTART+ to explore prospects for future partnerships in another important country of the region. The study was done from October 2016 to February 2017 and included visits to selected major potato and cassava production areas to meet with re...spective stakeholders and market actors.
Although root and tuber crop (RTC) production in Myanmar has gradually increased since the late 1990s, they still lag behind the other major crops like rice. No RTCs are included in the country’s list of primary important crops even though potatoes are regularly consumed in daily meals while other common RTCs like cassava, elephant foot yam and sweetpotato are consumed occasionally. RTCs primarily contribute to food security and livelihoods through the income generated from their sale, whether fresh or processed, rather than directly through consumption.
An evaluation of WFP’s operation. Evaluation Report
The Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) main components include: relief assistance; food assistance for assets (FFA); nutrition support to women, children and HIV/TB patients; school feeding (SF) and capacity building. The evalua...tion scope covers the design phase and all activities up to this evaluation (January 2013-September 2016). Since the PRRO was extended through December 2017, the purpose is not as a final evaluation, but to provide results on achievements that can inform current and future operations
· Relevant interventions
· HIV country profiles
· Adolescents country profiles
Report on the symposium 26–28 May 2015, New Babylon Meeting Center, The Hague
This manual aims to provide practical guidance to field workers in order to maximise the nutritional impact of food security & livelihoods (FSL) interventions. This requires the systematic use of a ‘nutrition lens’ at each step of the project cycle and a close collaboration between sectors.
Este relatório apresenta informações sobre o conhecimento, atitutes e comportamentos em relação ao HIV/SIDA, a prevalência da malária e de indicadores básicos de saúde da mulher e da criança em Moçambique, tal como recolhida através do IMASIDA 2015 que foi realizado no âmbito do program...a de Inquéritos Demográficos e de Saúde.
(Health Systems in Transition, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2014)
O relatório Situação das Crianças em Moçambique 2014 tem como objectivo analisar, de uma forma objectiva, a actual situação das mais de 12 milhões de crianças no país, assim como o progresso
alcançado na realização de seus direitos ao longo dos últimos anos.
The package is designed to help address the WASH in Schools monitoring deficit at the national level.
The package consists of three modules:
The EMIS module: a set of basic monitoring questions on WASH in Schools to be incorporated into national Education Monitoring Information Syst...ems (EMIS), usually administered annually;
The survey module: a more comprehensive set of questions, observations and focus group discussion guidelines for use in national WASH in Schools surveys as well as for sub-national, project level or thematic surveys;
The children’s monitoring module: a teacher’s guide and tool set for the monitoring of WASH in Schools by students, including observation checklists, survey questions and special monitoring exercises.
Background document to the 2018 joint statement by WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, ICM, ICN, FIGO and IPA: definition of skilled health personnel providing care during childbirth
(August 28 – October 10, 2017)
A nutrition and mortality assessment using SMART methodology was applied and the survey covered 15 statistical (14 districts plus 1) domains countrywide. The main objective of the survey was to assess the current nutrition status of the population, especially ch...ildren 6-59 months old and women of reproductive age (15-49 years of age). The survey also looked at the major contextual factors contributing to undernutrition such as infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices; food security indicators; water, sanitation and hygiene indicators; and health situation in Sierra Leone