Good practice guide
Supporting community action on HIV, health and rights to end AIDS
Oral diseases are among the most common chronic diseases worldwide and constitute a major public health problem due to the huge health and economic burden on individuals, families, societies, and health care systems. The recent emphasis on the role of determinants of health, common risk factors and ...their recognition in the context of the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) provides good opportunities for integrating oral health into NCD prevention and control efforts. This Strategy for oral health in South-East Asia, 2013-2020, presents guidance to Member States in developing national policy and action plans to improve oral health within existing socioeconomic, cultural, political and health system contexts. It expresses the consensus on major strategies in the area of oral health promotion as well as oral disease prevention and control for the South-East Asia Region aiming at reducing the health and socioeconomic burden resulting from oral diseases, reducing oral health inequities, and improving the quality of life of the population.
Examination of the business behavior of Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer and Baxter in India
Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 39, No. 10, october 2010
10 years after the UN general assembly special session on drugs
Brief review of selected topics
The following pages provide a focus on selected areas in relation to neurology. The specialists who contributed the reviews are listed in the Project Team and Partners
Neurology Atlas (2004)
Das Heft bietet eine Fülle von Informationen und enthält wertvolle Tipps zum kultursensiblen Umgang
Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2015 (ENCOVI)
Campaña Nacional de Vacunación contra la COVID-19
National Operationalisation Plan for the COVID-19 Vaccine : 13th edition
Este plano apresenta diretrizes gerais para a Campanha Nacional de Vacinação contra a Covid-19, de forma que especificidades e alterações de cenários conforme disponibilidade de vacinas serão informadas e divulgadas por meio de Informes Técnicos da Campanha Nacional de Vacinação, divulgados... oportunamente pelo Programa Nacional de Imunizações.
Deporte Formativo Y Actividad FÍSica En Entornos Diferentes Al Hogar, En El Marco De La Pandemia Por Covid-19 En Colombia