The Investment guidelines for youth in agrifood systems in Africa, developed jointly by FAO and the African Union Commission (AUC) through a multi-stakeholder and participatory process, highlight the importance of youth as change agents and key stakeholders contributing to sustainable agrifood The guidelines aim to accelerate investments in and by youth in agrifood systems by providing practical guidance - including tools and examples - to design, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate youth-focused and youth-sensitive investment programmes and to engage youth fully as partners in the entire process.
The report reveals that good IPC programmes can reduce health care infections by 70 %. oday, out of every 100 patients in acute-care hospitals, seven patients in high-income countries and 15 patients in low- and middle-income countries will acquire at least one health care-associated infection (HAI)... during their hospital stay. On average, 1 in every 10 affected patients will die from their HAI.
People in intensive care and newborns are particularly at risk. And the report reveals that approximately one in four hospital-treated sepsis cases and almost half of all cases of sepsis with organ dysfunction treated in adult intensive-care units are health care-associated.
Annals of Global Health, 87(1), p.30. DOI:
This study examines the effectiveness of a low-cost, targeted social media campaign to encourage COVID-19 vaccine uptake
among Arabic, Turkish and Russian speakers in Germany. The study involved a series of online experiments on the social media platform Facebook.
Deutschland ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten religiös und kulturell vielfältiger geworden. Gemäß der Studie Muslimisches Leben in Deutschland 2020, in Auftrag gegeben vom Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, leben zwischen 5,3 und 5,6 Millionen Muslim_innen in Deutschland. Das entspricht 6,4 beziehungsweise 6,7 % der Gesamtbevölkerung. Aufgrund der sehr unterschiedlichen kulturellen und religiösen Hintergründe von Muslim_innen kann nicht von einer homogenen Bevölkerungsgruppe ausgegangen werden. Neben den muslimischen Zugewanderten nimmt der Anteil derjenigen Muslim_innen, die durch die hiesige Kultur von Geburt an geprägt werden, stetig zu.
Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Nursing Science in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University.
The mobile clinic health care services fulfil an essential role in delivering primary health care to the dwellers in the rural commun...ities of the Western Cape. However, occupational health and safety, as well as quality assurance are issues that need to be addressed urgently. It is thus recommended that policy makers take cognizance of the specific needs of every individual mobile clinic team.
Este manual operativo determina los aspectos y las etapas primordiales de la ampliación programática del tratamiento preventivo de la tuberculosis, y proporciona herramientas de ejecución e instrumentos de trabajo para la adaptación al contexto local, así como indicadores de seguimiento y evalu...ación de la gestión. En él se destacan los elementos clave que deben tenerse en cuenta en la atención al paciente, la planificación nacional estratégica y la movilización de recursos