Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2010) 365, 2959–2971; doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0143.
Agricultural ecosystems provide humans with food, forage, bioenergy and pharmaceuticals and are essential to human wellbeing. These systems rely on ecosystem services provided by natural ecosystems, including pollination, b...iological pest control, maintenance of soil structure and fertility, nutrient cycling and hydrological services. Preliminary assessments indicate that the value of these ecosystem services to agriculture is enormous and often underappreciated. Agroecosystems also produce a variety of ecosystem services, such as regulation of soil and water quality, carbon sequestration, support for biodiversity and cultural services. Depending on management practices, agriculture can also be the source of numerous disservices, including loss of wildlife habitat, nutrient runoff, sedimentation of waterways, greenhouse gas emissions, and pesticide poisoning of humans and non-target species. The tradeoffs that may occur between provisioning services and other ecosystem services and disservices should be evaluated in terms of spatial scale, temporal scale and reversibility. As more effective methods for valuing ecosystem services become available, the potential for ‘win–win’ scenarios increases. Under all scenarios, appropriate agricultural management practices are critical to realizing the benefits of ecosystem services and reducing disservices from agricultural activities.
Nòt Oryantasyon pou Sipò Sante Mantal ak Sipò Siko-sosyal
Repons-Dijans pou Tranblemanntè Ayiti – Janvye 2010
UNAIDS/10.03E / JC1767E (English original, March 2010) ISBN 978 92 9 173849 6
Second Generation, WHO Country Cooperation Strategy, 2010–2015, Namibia
Dans le but d’améliorer la santé des populations, à l’instar d’autres pays de la région, le Bénin a adopté plusieurs stratégies et programmes tels que le Programme Elargi de Vaccination et des Soins de Santé Primaires (PEV/SSP), le Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP)..., la Prise en charge Intégrée des Maladies de l’Enfant (PCIME), Santé Maternelle et Infantile (SMI), … Ceux-ci ont mobilisé différentes ressources tant nationales qu’internationales à travers le budget de l’Etat et l’appui des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers. L’évolution des indicateurs en matière de santé et de développement des communautés montre que les interventions visant le niveau communautaire sont conçues et mises en oeuvre avec une faible participation de ces dernières.
Towards Malaria Elimination
For versions in Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish, Turkish and German go to
La politique en matière de Santé de la Reproduction définit les grandes orientations
en matière de santé de la reproduction. Elle répond aux questions importantes sur
des thèmes comme les droits en matière de santé de la reproduction, la nature des
services qui doivent être disponibles les règles générales de leur prestation.
La politique de SR sert de référence aux décideurs nationaux et aux partenaires du
développement socio-sanitaire pour la planification et les interventions.
Elle est une composante de la politique sanitaire nationale et un élément de
promotion de la santé des groupes vulnérables que sont entre autres les femmes, les
enfants, les adolescents et les jeunes.
The EHSP in Botswana seeks to attain universal coverage of high-quality package of essential health services. The EHSP is an integrated collection of cost-effective interventions, promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative, that address the main diseases, injuries and risk factors that affe...ct the population. The EHSP has two key purposes:
1) Provide a standardized package of basic services which forms the core of service delivery in all primary health care facilities
2) Promote a redistribution of health services by providing equitable access, especially in underserved areas, population, etc.
The health of the people and health services are in crisis, and together as partners this plan commits us to strategies aimed at achieving our goal of:
Strengthened primary health care for all, and improved service delivery for the rural majority and the urban disadvantaged.
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Supplement October 2010
HIV/AIDS, security and conflict: making the connections
Enhancing Men’s Role in HIV Prevention