Целью исследования является изучение распространенности завершенных и незавершенных суицидов на территории Саратовской области в 2001–2010 гг., а также оценка влиян...ия уровня безработицы и алкоголизации населения на суицидальное поведение в наиболее неблагополучных районах области. Материал и методы. Исследование проводилось с помощью специально разработанных анкет, характеризующих суицидологическую и наркологическую ситуацию в районах Саратовской области за 2001–2010 гг., а также отчетов министерства занятости, труда и миграции Саратовской области. Для обработки данных использовали офисное приложение Microsoft Excel;
Climate change is a verified, global phenomenon, but its consequences will not be evenly distributed. Developing countries and small island nations will be the most affected. Countries will experience more frequent extreme weather events and resulting changes in water quality and availability, incre...ased contamination of air, and food security problems. Health impact due to climate change include diarrhoeal diseases, vector-borne diseases, heat stress, malnutrition, deaths and injuries due to extreme weather events and mental stress.
Promoting People's Health to Enhance Social-economic Development
This booklet shows what disability inclusive development for poverty alleviation looks like in a range of settings and with different challenges through eight case studies of projects funded by CBM Australia through the Australian Government NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).
The Extending Service Delivery (ESD) project has developed Healthy Timing and Spacing of
Pregnancy: A Trainer’s Reference Guide as a resource for trainers in developing in-service training
for facility-based healthcare providers and community health workers (chws) who already have
some basic ex...perience with and understanding of FP/RH. This is not a training manual, but a
reference guide which can be used and adapted by trainers based on whether or not trainees are facilitybased
or community-based.
This document was conducted as a desk study and provides useful information and practical examples of responses to HIV and AIDS in the fields of agriculture, rural development, self-help and social protection. It aims to invite Misereor partners and others working in these fields to reflect on their... current approaches and to encourage them to respond, in their core business, to the challenges presented by HIV and AIDS.
Collection of country-level good practices
2010/4 Vol. 22 | pages 425 à 435
ISSN 0995-3914
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