The guide is suitable and can be used for the following audiences:
1. nurses and other trained healthcare workers who can use this manual as a self-study tool and then incorporate its guidance into their practice;
2. governmental and non-governmental employers of lay and professional TB treatment ...adherence workers, who can provide training and guidance to their staff using the guidance in this manual;
3. TB clinicians, programme managers, policy makers and other leaders, to make them aware of the full range of interventions required by a person on TB treatment to complete his or her treatment and thus understand the gap that often exists in the support provided to patients;
4. people who, with enhanced capacity and support, can act as peer counsellors and supporters for people affected by TB. This can include family members who, in most contexts, play an important role in offering support to people with TB.
You can find manuals, guidelines and information in our Section Radiological & Nuclear Hazards in the SPECIFIC HAZARDS TOOLBOX
You can find manuals, guidelines and information in our Section Chemical Hazards in the SPECIFIC HAZARDS TOOLBOX
Health care facilities are smart when they link their structural and operational safety with green interventions, at a reasonable cost-to-benefit ratio. This Toolkit is comprised of previously developed instruments such as the Hospital Safety Index, which many countries are using to help ensure that... new or existing health facilities are disaster-resilient. The Green Checklist and other accompanying tools support the Safe Hospitals Initiative and will guide health officials and hospital administrators in achieving smart health care facilities.
Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. The decade ahead will test the nation's nearly 4 million nurses in new and complex ways. Nurses live and work at the intersection of health, education, and communities. Nurses work in a wide array of settings and practice at a range of professional levels. T...hey are often the first and most frequent line of contact with people of all backgrounds and experiences seeking care and they represent the largest of the health care professions.
Free download available, register for free
For patients on HFNO with persistent hypoxaemia or respiratory distress:
• Check the equipment: inspect the exterior of the machine, the tubing (circuit), the prong for any sign of mechanical damage, confirm it fits and the filters are in place. Ensure the settings are appropriate and flow is max...imized.
• Check the oxygen source: there is sufficient oxygen available and flowing through the device. If FiO2 > 50% of oxygen is needed, the device must have a blender.
• Check there is no obstruction with secretions: patients with COVID-19 may have very thick secretions which may block small and large airways and cause sudden respiratory deterioration.
For patients on NIPPV or HFNO with persistent hypoxaemia or respiratory distress:
• Check the equipment: inspect the exterior of the machine, the tubing (circuit), the mask for any sign of mechanical damage, confirm it fits securely without leak (if CPAP/BiPAP) and the filters are in place. Ensur...e the settings are appropriate and flow is maximized.
• Check the oxygen source: there is sufficient oxygen available and flowing through the device. If FiO2 > 50% of oxygen is needed, the ventilator must have a blender.
• Check there is no obstruction with secretions: patients with COVID-19 may have very thick secretions which may block small and large airways and cause sudden respiratory deterioration.
Esta carpeta ofrece información básica acerca de la estrategia de tamizaje basada en el test de VPH. Tiene como principales destinatariosa los integrantes del equipo de salud que realizan las tomas de las muestras para el tamizaje en las provincias que incorporaron esta nueva tecnología [ginecól...ogas/os, Lic. en obstetricia,obstétricas/os, médicas/os generalistas, enfermeras/os, etc.].
La Carta de los Pueblos para la Salud es una declaración de la visión compartida, los objetivos, los principios y los llamamientos a la acción que unen a todos los miembros de la coalición PHM. Es el documento de consenso sobre salud más ampliamente respaldado desde la Declaración de Alma Ata
Disponible en varios idiomas
Over the last decade, there have been numerous disasters and major emergencies that have profoundly impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. To support these crises, national and international emergency medical teams (EMTs) are often deployed to assist disaster affected populations. EMTs ...are teams of healthcare professionals composed most frequently of doctors, nurses, psychologists and others to provide direct clinical care to people affected by disasters and conflicts and to support local health systems. In agreement with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Health Emergency Health Workforce programme, any health professional coming from another country to practice health care in a disaster setting must be part of a team that is qualified, trained, equipped, resourced, and meets minimum acceptable standards to practice.
La sécurité des patients est un domaine des soins de santé qui a émergé avec la complexité croissante des systèmes de santé et la hausse des préjudices causés aux patients au sein des établissements de santé. Il s’agit de prévenir et de réduire les risques, les erreurs et les préjud...ices causés aux patients dans le cadre de soins de santé. La sécurité des patients repose en premier lieu sur l’amélioration continue, grâce à des enseignements tirés des erreurs et des manifestations indésirables.
Patient Safety is a health care discipline that emerged with the evolving complexity in health care systems and the resulting rise of patient harm in health care facilities. It aims to prevent and reduce risks, errors and harm that occur to patients during provision of health care. A cornerstone of ...the discipline is continuous improvement based on learning from errors and adverse events.
Trachoma causes more vision loss and blindness than any other infection in the world. This disease is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. Other variants or strains of these bacteria can cause a sexually transmitted infection (chlamydia) and disease in lymph nodes.
This is photomicrograph ...of a conjunctival smear that revealed the presence of what are known as, intracytoplasmic inclusions Trachoma is easily spread through direct personal contact such as from fingers, through shared towels and clothes, and through flies that have been in contact with the eyes or nose of an infected person. When left untreated, repeated Chlamydia trachomatis infections in the eye can cause severe scarring on the inside of the eyelid. This can cause the eyelashes to scratch the cornea (trichiasis). In addition to causing pain, trichiasis permanently damages the cornea and can lead to irreversible blindness.
Chlamydia trachomatis infections spread in areas that lack access to safely managed drinking water and sanitation systems. Trachoma affects the most resource-limited communities in the world. Globally, almost 1.9 million people have vision loss because of trachoma, and it causes 1.4% of all blindness worldwide.1 In 2021, 136 million people lived in trachoma-endemic areas and were at risk of trachoma blindness.
Vectors can be a threat to you, at home and when travelling.
Simple measures for protection.
Onchocerciasis causes skin and eye disease, visual impairment and neurological problems. It is mostly found in Africa, but also in Latin America and Yemen. The common name, ‘river blindness,’ gives a good indication where the disease can be found: the vector of the parasite, a small black fly of... the Simulium species, breeds in rivers where there is turbulence in the water, such as rapids, or where the flow is disturbed by overhanging vegetation.
Humans can become infected with T. saginata or T. asiatica when they consume infected beef meat or pig liver tissue, respectively, which has not been adequately cooked, but taeniasis due to T. saginata or T. asiatica has no major impact on human health. Therefore, this fact sheet refers to the trans...mission and health impacts of T. solium only.
Medical care for people caught up in armed conflict and other insecure environments saves lives and alleviates suffering. It is one of the most immediate and high priority needs of an affected population and is often the first type of response activated and/or requested by authorities and affected c...ommunities. Medical teams working in armed conflict and other insecure environments
frequently face serious threats to their security and safety, challenges to patient access, and at times limited acceptance by affected communities in which they work and parties to the conflict. Such difficulties are likely to increase (6) and
thereby creating a critical need to establish contact and trust with all sides in conflicts and in other insecure environments to ensure operational continuity. This trust can best be achieved when all sides perceive the medical teams to be neutral, impartial, and independent, and specifically not aiding (or being perceived to aid) any one party to achieve a military, political or economic
advantage. For medical teams that are deploying increasingly closer to the frontlines, the implications of and consequences for both staff and patients of teams not being fully prepared, and/or not fully comprehending the context in which they work, can be severe. Medical response can easily be hindered or compromised by intentional or unintentional acts and the behaviour and
conduct of the teams themselves
Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness globally. In Malawi, glaucoma accounts for 15.8% of the blindness among people aged 50 years and above. Blindness from glaucoma is preventable with early detection and timely treatment. However, glaucoma management remains a challenge to eye care... providers due to its asymptomatic progression.
These guidelines inform eye care providers about the requirements for early detection of glaucoma, and the appropriate assessment and management of glaucoma patients. The guidelines also demonstrate the need for ophthalmologists to work with secondary-level eye care providers. With
glaucoma being a permanently blinding condition, it is vital to ensure that all eye care providers are adequately equipped with skills and resources for the early detection and management of glaucoma.
Le cadre de surveillance basé sur les événements est destiné à être utilisé par les autorités et les
agences responsables de la surveillance et de l'intervention. Ce cadre sert de cadre pour guider les
parties prenantes intéressées par la mise en œuvre de la surveillance basée sur le...s événements (SBÈ)
en utilisant une approche multisectorielle axée sur l'approche « Une seule santé ». À cette fin, le
document est organisé en chapitres et annexes interconnectés qui peuvent être modifiés et adaptés,
selon les besoins, par les utilisateurs.
Il s'agit d'une version révisée du « Cadre pour la surveillance basée sur les événements » original qui
a été publié en 2018. Ce cadre ne remplace aucun autre matériel SBÈ disponible, mais s'appuie plutôt
sur des documents pertinents ou connexes existants et sert de guide pratique pour la mise en œuvre
de l'SBÈ en Afrique. Ce cadre est conforme à la troisième édition de l'évaluation externe conjointe de
l'OMS pour les indicateurs suivants : systèmes d'alerte précoce renforcés capables de détecter les
événements importants pour la santé publique et la sécurité sanitaire (indicateur D2.1) ; amélioration
de la communication et de la collaboration entre les secteurs et entre les niveaux d'autorité nationaux,
intermédiaires et locaux d'intervention en matière de santé publique en matière de surveillance des
événements importants pour la santé publique (indicateur D2.2) ; et amélioration de la capacité
d'analyse des données aux niveaux national et intermédiaire ( Indicateur D2.3). Au fur et à mesure
que les pays commenceront à mettre en œuvre et à démontrer la fonctionnalité SBÈ, ils garantiront
une augmentation des scores EEC et des progrès vers le respect des exigences décrites dans l'RSI
(Règlement sanitaire international).
En outre, dans les États membres de l'Union africaine qui ont adopté la Surveillance et réponse
intégrées aux maladies (SRIM), ce document complète et peut améliorer la mise en œuvre de l'SRIM,
en particulier pour la 3e édition (2019) qui inclut des composants liés à l'SBÈ.
La carga de la diabetes es enorme, posicionándola como uno de los principales desafíos que enfrenta la salud pública en la actualidad. Actualmente, se estima que 62 millones de personas viven con diabetes en la Región de las Américas y las proyecciones muestran que su prevalencia seguirá aumen...tando en los próximos años. La Región muestra el mayor número de años de vida saludable perdidos (ya sea por discapacidad o muerte prematura) debido a la diabetes en todo el mundo. Los altos costes asociados a su tratamiento producen una pesada carga económica. Sus complicaciones pueden afectar seriamente la calidad de vida de las personas que viven con diabetes, sus familias y la sociedad y sobrecargar los sistemas de salud. Este informe muestra los últimos datos comparables internacionalmente sobre la diabetes y sus principales factores de riesgo por año, país y sexo. También incluye un resumen de la respuesta de los sistemas de salud de los países a la diabetes, incluidos planes nacionales, objetivos, vigilancia, directrices y acceso a medicamentos y tecnologías esenciales, y sintetiza información sobre las complicaciones relacionadas con la diabetes y la estrecha relación entre la diabetes y otras patologías, como enfermedades cardiovasculares, tuberculosis y COVID-19.