A fact sheet from the National Academies and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
A fact sheet from the National Academies and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on human pathogens, biotoxins and agricultural threats
It is often observed that educated women have lower birth rates than do the less educated, inviting a causal interpretation. However, educated women also differ from those who have never attended school in a
variety of other ways: the two factors are multiply related. This article analyzes the rela...tionship between schooling and fertility in contemporary Cameroon as both a statistical and a social phenomenon, using data from the 1998 Cameroon DHS alongside ethnographic field data collected by
the author. T
A Guide for Low Resource Situations
"The aim of this book remains as for the first edition, namely to provide an initial point of ready
reference for the identification of hazards and precautions for dangerous chemicals. It is targeted
not only at those in the chemical and process industries, but also anyone likely to work with
che...micals within industry and in the service sector, e.g. hospitals, universities, research laboratories,
engineering, agriculture, etc. "
First Revised Edition
March 2000
Occasional anxiety is a normal part
of life. You might worry about things
like health, money, or family
problems. But people with
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
feel extremely worried or feel
nervous about these and other
things—even when there is little or
no reason to worry about the...m.
People with GAD find it difficult to
control their anxiety and stay
focused on daily tasks.
The good news is that GAD is
treatable. Call your doctor to talk
about your symptoms so that you
can feel better.
Contains: Application formal for ICMR Junior Research Fellowship Programme (for ICMR- Junior Research Fellow); 1st /2nd /3rd /4th Annual Report of the work done during the fellowship; Indian Council of Medical Research Fellowship Rules.
Le présent guide pratique explique ce qu’est un plan de gestion de la sécurité sanitaire de l’eau (PGSSE) et de quelle manière celui-ci peut vous aider à renforcer la sécurité sanitaire de votre alimentation en eau potable, notamment par une amélioration progressive, étape par étape et... quotidienne de votre système. Il vous fournit une gamme de modèles prêts à l’emploi pour vous aider à concevoir votre propre PGSSE. Les conseils prodigués et les modèles fournis vous aideront à prendre conscience de la facilité avec laquelle un PGSSE peut être mis en œuvre et vous permettront de mettre en place des améliorations rapidement.
Si usted se ha sentido así durante por lo menos seis meses y estos sentimientos le hacen difícil hacer las tareas cotidianas, como hablar con otros en el trabajo o en la escuela, es posible que usted tenga un trastorno de ansiedad social.
Rapport sur les populations clés.
Informe sobre poblicationes clave.
This report seeks to uncover the extent to which global goals crowd in international financing, inform domestic policy priorities, and navigate progress toward development outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LICs and MICs). Our report:
Provides a historical perspective on how ODA financin...g was aligned with the MDGs, and the perceived influence of global goals in shaping domestic priorities
Offers a baseline of ODA financing to the SDGs and a forward-looking perspective in translating past lessons learned from the MDGs era into actionable insights
Using a pilot methodology developed by AidData, we analyze ODA flows during the MDGs era (2000-2013) and approximate baseline financing for each goal prior to the adoption of Agenda 2030 in September 2015. The dataset used in the report, Financing to the SDGs, Version 1.0, provides project-level data on estimated Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitments to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from 2000 to 2013. In this report, we also draw upon the responses of nearly 7,000 public, private, and civil society leaders from AidData’s novel 2014 Reform Efforts Survey to assess how national-level policymakers perceive the MDGs in light of their domestic reform priorities, and what this may mean for the SDGs.
Long-term polio vaccine security – the timely, sustained, and uninterrupted supply of suitable types of affordable, quality-assured polio vaccines – is essential in the global effort to achieve and maintain a polio free world. However, fragmented approaches and short-term planning pose considera...ble challenges to securing long-term polio vaccine security.
This framework is designed to enhance the efforts of existing structures and workstreams within the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) and other stakeholders by improving communication and coordination on vaccine security. Ensuring vaccine security is crucial for maintaining a timely, sustained, and uninterrupted supply of affordable, quality-assured polio vaccines in the global fight to achieve and sustain a polio-free world. However, challenges such as fragmented approaches, short-term planning, a dynamic policy environment, and a diverse product pipeline present significant risks to long-term vaccine security. This framework emphasizes the need for alignment and coordination across key polio operational domains, including Poliovirus Containment, Research and Development, and Vaccine Manufacturing and Supply. It also underscores the critical role of normative frameworks and policies in shaping long-term vaccine strategies that guide these operational areas. Additionally, it highlights the importance of cross-cutting elements such as financing and access to resources, along with the integration of communication, coordination, and advocacy efforts, as essential enablers for achieving vaccine security. To secure long-term vaccine supply, it is imperative to enhance alignment and strengthen coordinated efforts across workstreams and with stakeholders, including vaccine manufacturers.
Recognizing that vaccine security is an ongoing endeavor, requiring continuous monitoring and adaptation, this framework will undergo regular updates and revisions. Initially, the management of the framework will be carried out by the GPEI Vaccine Supply Group (VSG).