The Lancet. Published Online December 22, 2016 Open Access
This brochure will briefly look at childhood trauma and PTSD, discussing the symptoms that may be seen in children and adults, as well as discussing some treatment options. If you do read this brochure and feel that your experiences and current symptoms match those of PTSD then we encourage you to s...eek help from a medical professional as soon as possible. Please also consider that certain aspects discussed in this brochure may act as a trigger for those already experiencing PTSD or PTSD like symptoms. Please be aware of this and stop reading if you feel the brochure is upsetting you.
This guidance document is meant to support practitioners working in disaster prone contexts to develop and implement more effective integrated resilience programming. It promotes programming that cuts across different fields of work like rights awareness, food security, emergency preparedness, livel...ihoods, education, health etc. whilst at the same time encouraging us to work simultaneously at the individual, household, community and national level. It includes specific recommendations for developing resilience programming for communities prone to floods, cyclone, drought and earthquakes. It also includes recommendations to develop safe school programming to help reduce the impact of disasters on school infrastructure, ensure education continuity and build the resilience of students, teachers and their families.
El Plan Estratégico Colombia Hacia el Fin de la Tuberculosis, 2016 –2025 es un instrumento para la gestión de los programas en los nivelesnacional y local en su objetivo de respondera los compromisos adquiridos por los países, para adoptarla Estrategia Mundial Fin de la Tuberculosi...s. La Estrategia se suma a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS),una de cuyas metas es el fin de las epidemias de malaria, VIH y tuberculosis para el 2030 (ODS 3). El Plan establece las metas a alcanzar por el Programa Nacional de Tuberculosis en el periodo 2016-2025, los objetivos y actividades para lograrlo y la forma para determinar que se ha logrado. El Plan permite guiar la toma de decisiones sobre la asignación de recursos, el establecimiento de prioridades y la definición de acciones. Para su elaboración se tomó como base la Estrategia Mundial Fin de la Tuberculosis,de la OMS y los componentes y procesos propuestos por la Guía Metodológica para la Construcción de Planes Estratégicos de la OMS.
Results from a High Frequency Cell Phone Survey Round 1
Accessed 26 June 2015
A prepared Community is a safe Community
Directives relatives aux situations d’urgence
Resilience has rapidly become one of the most prominent objectives for the development sector, so ascertaining how best to measure it is an essential task for practioners working in monitoring and evaluation. In this discussion paper, the main insights emerging from the series of large-N Reviews, a set of quantitative studies that aim to evaluate impact and generate learning from a random sample of Oxfam’s projects are outlined. It is also considered how this measurement approach may adapt as ideas about resilience change both within Oxfam and in the development sector at large
This provisional Facilitator's Kit provides a complete framework for a 3-day training on Community Preparedness for Reproductive Health and Gender. The goal is to build community capacity to prepare and respond to risks and inequities faced by women and girls during emergencies.
La Lista OMS de verificación de la seguridad del parto es un instrumento destinada a mejorar la calidad de la atención provista a las mujeres y bebés durante el parto. Es una lista estructurada de prácticas esenciales de atención del parto con fundamento científico que se centra en las princip...ales causas de muerte materna, mortinatalidad y muerte neonatal que ocurren en instituciones de salud de todo el mundo. También se ha elaborado una guía de aplicación de la Lista OMS de verificación para ayudar a las instituciones a aplicarla con éxito
AJOL, Vol.92 No.2; There is a low bed capacity in ICUs compounded by a universal deficit in human resource capacity and support infrastructure for the critical care services. Regionalisation, increased funding and more training opportunities for critical are
services by the regional and central go...vernments will go a long way in alleviating these challenges
54th directing council; 67th session of the regional Committee of WHO for the Americas
CD54/11, Rev. 1, 2 October 2015, Original: Spanish