The purpose of the Participant’s Workbook is to develop the skills and knowledge of personnel involved in wheelchair service delivery. The Participant’s Workbook contains exercises which will help to test and develop participants’ knowledge and skills. The Participant’s Workbook contains mat...erial from lectures, slide presentations and the reference manual; it is intended that the participants will keep their copy of the workbook for future reference, if needed.
Since the last situation report on the multi-country outbreak of cholera was published on 6 July 2023 (covering data reported until 15 of June), and as of 15 July 2023, one new outbreak of cholera was reported from India on 15 May 2023. In total, 25 countries have reported cases since the beginning ...of 2023. The WHO African Region remains the most affected region with 14 countries reporting cholera cases since the beginning of the year. The overall capacity to respond to the multiple and simultaneous outbreaks continues to be strained due to the global lack of resources, including shortages of the Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) and cholera supplies, as well as overstretched public health and medical personnel, who are dealing with multiple parallel disease outbreaks and other health emergencies. Based on the large number of outbreaks and their geographic expansion, as well as a lack of vaccines and other resources, WHO continues to assess the risk at global level as very high.
The chapter Closing the Gap: The Health Disparities of Older LGBTI People in the Americas, is part of the publication series titled ‘Decade of Healthy Aging: situation and challenges’. In order to outline the current knowledge available on the situation of health and well-being of older persons the Americas at the beginning of the United Nations Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030), this document presents data and existing evidence different forms of discrimination and mistreatment older people face due to their sexual orientation and gender identities that ultimately increase health disparities. Previous studies on LGBTI older people offer valuable information on the lived experiences of these communities and demonstrate that they face unique challenges with aging, emphasizing the difficulties related to access to care. Very few studies on older people and aging include a focus on sexual orientation or gender identity; however, it is possible to point out that HIV/AIDS is one of the most significant health disparities confronting LGBTI older persons, followed by physical and mental health problems, substance use, social isolation, poverty, and the lack of access to quality healthcare, including long-term care facilities or other institutions. Closing the gap in access and quality of health and care services is an imperative to increase longevity, health status and quality of life of LGBTI older people.
Il s’agit du premier rapport d’une collection de l’OMS intitulée De l’intention à l’action, qui vise à renforcer la base de données probantes sur l’impact de la participation significative et à combler le manque d’approches normalisées pour permettre la participation significativ...e fonctionnelle. À cette fin, la collection De l’intention à l’action a été pensée comme plateforme pour que les personnes avec une expérience vécue ainsi que les organisations et institutions à la pointe sur ces questions puissent échanger sur les solutions, les difficultés et les pratiques prometteuses relatives à cet objectif transversal. Elle vise également à fournir des récits et des modèles puissants, ainsi que des données probantes dans la perspective de la quatrième réunion publique de haut niveau des Nations Unies sur les MNT, qui devrait se tenir en 2025, et en vue d’atteindre les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à l’horizon 2030.
À cette fin, le présent rapport comprend six études de cas impliquant douze personnes avec une expérience vécue d’affections diverses. Ces études de cas analysent les dynamiques de pouvoir et la réorientation des pouvoirs en faveur des individus avec une expérience vécue, la prise de décision éclairée et les connaissances en matière de santé, la participation communautaire à l’échelle des réseaux et des systèmes de santé globaux, l’expérience vécue comme donnée probante et expertise, l’exclusion et l’importance de la participation des groupes qui sont marginalisés, ainsi que la défense d’une cause et les droits humains.
How to prevent the pork tapeworm? A neglected parasitic infection caused by Taenia solium - A neglected parasitic infection caused by Taenia solium. Available in different languages
Recognizing neglected tropical diseseases through changes on the skin.
App for Android and IOS, free of charge. The App is available in English and French, with plans to explore translations into other languages, such as Portuguese and Spanish, to better serve diverse communities.
A patient's skin... is the first and most visible structure of the body that a healthcare worker encounters during an examination. It is also highly visible to the patient, and any disease that affects it can be felt and has an impact on personal and social wellbeing. The skin is therefore an important entry point for diagnosis and management. Many human diseases are associated with changes in the skin, ranging from symptoms such as itching to changes in colour, feel and appearance.
This course introduces Marburg Virus Disease and outlines the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, transmission routes and epidemiology of the disease. It also discusses prevention and control strategies.
On 27 September 2024, the Rwanda Ministry of Health announced the confirmation of Marburg virus disease (MVD). Blood samples taken from people showing symptoms were tested by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) at the National Reference Laboratory of the Rwanda Center and were positive for Marburg virus. As of 29 September 2024, a total of 26 confirmed cases, including eight deaths have been reported. The cases are reported from seven of the 30 districts in the country. Among the confirmed cases, over 70% are healthcare workers from two health facilities in Kigali.
On 27 September 2024, the Ministry of Health of Rwanda confirmed the country’s first outbreak of Marburg virus disease (MVD), with health-care workers in Kigali particularly affected. While sporadic outbreaks have occurred in various parts of Africa since the first recognized cases in 1967, this o...utbreak is the third largest outbreak of MVD ever recorded to date. Marburg virus disease is a severe disease clinically similar to Ebola disease. With no approved treatments or vaccines for MVD, early intervention for those showing symptoms is crucial for improving survival rates.