This report presents further analysis of the 2015 Nepal Health Facility Survey. Data analysis is based on the Donabedian framework for assessing quality of care in health services, which divides the indicators into three groups: structure, process, and outcome. The World Health Organization Service ...Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) indicator guideline was used to assess facility service readiness, service quality and client satisfaction with maternal health services. The study performed both bivariate and multivariate regression analysis to examine the association of maternal health service readiness and quality indicators with client satisfaction.
2nd revised edition. Accessed Apri. 17, 2019
Prevention strategies based on scientific evidence working with families, schools, and communities can ensure that children and youth, especially the most marginalized and poor, grow and stay healthy and safe into adulthood and old age. For every dollar ...spent on prevention, at least ten can be saved in future health, social and crime costs.
Межведомственный постоянный комитет (МПК) подготовил данное Руководство с целью оказания помощи гуманитарным организациямв планировании, осуществлении и коорди...ации ряда мультисекторныхмер минимального реагирования, направленных на защиту и улучшение психического здоровья, а также психосоциального благополучия в разгарчрезвычайной ситуации.
Руководство включает матрицу с рекомендациями по планированиюв период чрезвычайной ситуации, действия, необходимые на ранних стадиях чрезвычайной ситуации, а также комплексные меры реагирования на этапе восстановления и реабилитации. Матрица – ценный инструмент дляприменения на этапах координации, сотрудничества и защиты интересов. Данный инструмент дает схему для определения объемов осуществленияважных первых шагов реагирования во время чрезвычайной ситуации.
Giving Myanmar's displaced their land back
The Norwegian Refugee Council and Displacement Solutions have produced the report "Addressing Myanmar's Unsettled Restitution Gap" to advocate and help find ways for displaced people in Myanmar to be able to return home and recover their property and pos...sessions.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2018, 30(9), 724–730
Promoting hand hygiene in a neonatal intensive care unit.
Diese Broschüre möchte dazu beitragen, dass möglichst viele Menschen die Ergebnisse öffentlich finanzierter Forschung nutzen können.
The National Action Plan (NAP) has been developed based on the model recommended in the global Action Plan. Local data on on-going interventions were collected from technical informants in the various areas of work. These were analysed using the policy framework provided by the AMR policy document. ...Interventions were developed to address gaps in all five objectives of the global Action Plan. Further consultations were done to ensure that the recommended interventions were feasible, valid and relevant within the systemic contexts pertaining to the various affected sectors.
Universal health coverage ensures everyone has access to the health services they need without suffering financial hardship as a result. In December 2012, a UN resolution was passed encouraging governments to move towards providing universal access to affordable and quality health care services. As ...countries move towards it, common challenges are emerging -- challenges to which research can help provide answers.
The WHO Guidelines on risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia provide evidence-based recommendations on lifestyle behaviours and interventions to delay or prevent cognitive decline and dementia. These WHO Guidelines are an important tool for health care providers as well as governments, pol...icy-makers and other stakeholders to strengthen their response to the dementia challenge.
Executive Summary available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish at:
This toolkit consists of eight modules which have been prepared as stand-alone documents that can be read by themselves, but they have also been prepared to complement one another. It has been designed as a tool for health professionals and students in the health care and public health sectors who ...want to engage more directly on the issue of climate change as educators with their patients, peers and communities, and/or as advocates for the policies, programs and practices needed to mitigate climate change and/or prepare for climate change in their workplaces and communities
Better Parenting Nigeria is a parenting education program whose goal is to see that families have the knowledge and skills needed to raise healthy, safe and resilient children. The program aims to ensure that:
The caregiver-child relationship is strengthened;
Caregiver capacity to understa...nd family needs and access resources and services is
increased; and
Caregiver capacity to protect children from all forms of harm and exploitation is
This Facilitator’s Manual is for the facilitator to use to support the community discussions, provide targeted messaging, and recommend suggestions for knowledge and experience sharing. It should be used hand-in-hand with the Community Discussion Guide.
The revised guidelines contain recommendations for specific administrative, environmental controls and respiratory protection, following the assessment made by an external group of experts convened as members of the Guideline Development Group. Moreover, these guidelines focus on interventions speci...fic to preventing transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bridging with the core components of infection prevention and control programmes at the national and acute health care facility level
The study on refugee economies shows that refugees and former refugees are contributing positively to Zambia’s economy in various ways and have the potential to contribute even further if legal and other obstacles are removed.
The study targeted mainly Congolese, Burundian, Somali, and Rwandan re...fugees as well as former refugees from Rwanda and Angola in urban areas and the two rural refugee settlements, Mayukwayukwa (Kaoma District/Western Province) and Meheba (Kaulumbila District/North-Western Province).
GMS Journalfor MedicalEducation2018, Vol. 35(3),ISSN 2366-5017