A survival guide for clinicans.
3rd edition.
HRH SA 2030 | Draft HR Strategy for the Health Sector: 2012/13 – 2016/17 Consultation Document
Systematic screening for active tuberculosis: an operational guide.
Epidemiologisches Bulletin ; 12. Dezember 2016 / Nr. 49 aktuelle daten und informationen zu infektionskrankheiten und public health
Time for recognition of lay counsellors
Accessed November 2017
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders
Annexes for webposting and CD-Rom distribution with the policy guidelines
Asylum and Migration Working Paper 1
The Wits Justice Project
HIV Nursing Matters / page 30-33 / June 2015
Source: Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of HIV in Arrested, Detained and Sentenced Persons, 2008.
NSP Review
Engaging with South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, STIs and TB Edition 7 July – August 2013
A publication of the Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27
GeneXpert: An imperfect rollout
TB in South African prisons: Where to now?
Decentralising DR-TB care: How far alon...g are we?
The Open Infectious Diseases Journal, 2010, 4, 33-37