Countdown to zero
2011- 2015
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Management Dissertation
This standard Operating procedure (SOP) for JDWNRH is intended to describe and
address various important areas like admission procedure, on call process of the
doctors, interdepartmental consultation, patient discharge process and verity of
other areas which was so far solely based on verbal i...nstruction in the workplace by
the seniors which very often led to mishaps and other associate problems. This SOP,
though not comprehensive, would serve as a guidebook for newly recruited health
staff as well as a reference book for existing health professionals in JDWNRH while
delivering health care services
The guidance aspires
• To emphasize the 'need' to mainstream disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the health sector initiatives.
• To identify key approaches for mainstreaming DRR in the health sector in Myanmar, particularly in rural areas, based on the good practices, innovative and lessons learned of Government, UN agencies, NGOs and others involved in the Cyclone Nargis recovery.
• Identify key ‘vulnerabilities and opportunities’ for creating a ‘safer health system’ in Myanmar.
No publication year indicated.
This book contains the findings of technical reviews of eight transitional shelter designs. It is divided into sections:
- Section A discusses transitional shelter design briefs, includes a programming checklist and explains how the shelters in this book were reviewed.
- Section B contains... summary findings of the technical reviews for the eight shelters.
- Section C contains design details for foundations, walls and roofs.
- Annexes contain details of materials, a template design brief, conversion tables, a glossary, and references.
The scope of the Guidance is primarily the education in rural settings in Myanmar, but it covers some of the issues which have pan Myanmar implication and relevance. Considering the importance, complexity and vastness of the subject, similar type of initiatives on urban school and education system a...nd other issues needs to be taken up in future.
The Guidance has four sections namely Introduction to this Guidance, Rationale for Mainstreaming DRR in the Education Sector, How to Mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction in Reconstruction Process of Education Sector in Myanmar and Creating an Enabling Environment for Safer Education. The Guidance also includes good practices of various agencies involved in Cyclone Nargis education sector recovery as example.
No publication year indicated.
This field study to measure access to and use of medicines was undertaken in GHANA in May-June 2008. The study assessed information on the socio-economic level of households, and access to and use of medicines for acute and chronic conditions as well as opinions and perceptio...ns about medicines. The survey was conducted in six regions. In each region, six reference public heath care facilities were selected among those participating in the Level II Facility Survey that was carried out in parallel. Within defined distances from each reference public health care facility, households were selected by purposive cluster sampling. A total of 1065 household respondents were interviewed by means of a structured paper questionnaire
A community-based approach.
These guidelines focus on manmade rather than natural disasters, but our experiences in India, El Salvador and Pakistan (earthquake interventions), and following the 2004 tsunami, cyclone Nargis in 2008 and the Haiti earthquake in 2010, showed that the principles describ...ed also work well in contexts of natural disasters.
Annex I to: To stay and deliver, good practice for humanitarians in complex security environments
The principal findings of the report include that despite overall improvements in aid agencies’ security risk management, national aid workers perceive continued inequities in security suppor...t compared with their international counterparts. National aid workers, while less subject to major attacks per capita than international aid workers, nevertheless form the majority of victims, and their specific security needs require more attention.
Volume 1 covers emergency triage assessment and treatment, and acute care for a severely ill or acutely injured patient for approximately the first 24 hours of care. It describes the clinical procedures commonly used in emergency and acute care, and gives a summary of the medicines used and the step...s necessary for infection control.
A thesis submitted for the Degree of Master of Theology at the South African Theological Seminary
Welcome to the World Health Organization pulse oximeter training manual. In many countries pulse
oximetry is mandatory for monitoring patients during anaesthesia. Although pulse oximetry is a simple and reliable technology that can detect low levels of oxygen in the blood, it is only effective if t...he anaesthesia provider understands how an oximeter works and what to do when hypoxia is detected. This manual describes a simple plan to respond to this situation, and explains how oximeters work and how to use them. The manual contains essential information for all anaesthesia providers who are not experienced in using pulse oximetry and would be useful reading for all members of the theatre team.