La formation initiale en soins inrmiers vise le développement des compétences inhérentes à la
pratique inrmière. Qu’elle relève des domaines scientique, relationnel, éthique, déontologique
ou juridique, l’acquisition des savoirs occupe une place prépondérante dans les appren...tissages que
l’étudiante doit faire pour exercer sa future profession. À cela s’ajoute l’habileté à organiser ses
activités cliniques, la capacité de s’impliquer au sein d’une équipe travaillant en interdisciplinarité
et la facilité à utiliser les divers moyens de transmission de l’information clinique (plan de soins et
de traitements inrmiers, plan thérapeutique inrmier, rédaction des notes d’évolution dans le
dossier et autres outils de documentation).
La Stratégie et plan d’action sur la promotion de la santé dans le contexte des objectifs de développement
durable 2019-2030 cherche à renouveler la promotion de la santé grâce à des interventions de nature sociale,
politique et technique, en agissant sur les déterminants sociaux de la s...anté, à savoir les conditions dans
lesquelles les personnes naissent, grandissent, vivent, travaillent et vieillissent (1). Ils visent à améliorer la
santé et à réduire les iniquités en matière de santé dans le cadre du Programme de développement durable à
l’horizon 2030
La lutte contre l’épidémie de Covid-19 nous montre de manière cinglante que, sur le terrain de l’action en santé publique, les logiques de promotion de la santé sont bel et bien minoritaires. Pendant cette période de crise, la décision
politique et sanitaire se base largement sur un mod...le hygiéniste. Ce dernier s’est déployé comme si la promotion de la santé (appelée à devenir à ses origines une «nouvelle santé publique») n’avait jamais existé, comme si tout un corpus
d’enseignements n’avait pu franchir les murs des écoles, comme si un ensemble de pratiques menées depuis un demi-siècle à différentes échelles n’avaient pas démontré leur efficacité et été reconnues scientifiquement.
Personne ne va dans un établissement de soins de santé pour tomber malade. On s’y rend pour se faire soigner, pour accoucher
ou pour se faire vacciner. Cependant, des centaines de millions de personnes s’exposent à un risque accru d’infection en cherchant à obtenir des soins dans des éta...blissements de santé dépourvus de produits de première nécessité, notamment de services d’approvisionnement en eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène, de gestion des déchets biomédicaux et de nettoyage (services WASH). L’absence de services WASH dans les établissements de santé compromet la sécurité et la dignité des patients, tout en menaçant d’exacerber la propagation d’infections résistantes aux agents antimicrobiens et en fragilisant les efforts déployés pour améliorer la santé des enfants et des mères.
De 2008 à 2011, la Confédération internationale des sages-femmes (ICM) a entrepris l’élaboration des Normes globales pour la réglementation de la pratique sage-femme, parallèlement au développement des normes globales pour la formation des sages-femmes et à une mise à jour des compétence...s pour la pratique du métier de sagefemme. Ces normes globales, auxquelles viennent
s’ajouter les autres documents fondamentaux de l’ICM, fournissent un cadre professionnel qui peut être utilisé par les associations de sages-femmes, les organismes de réglementation de la pratique sage-femme, les formateurs de sages-femmes et
les gouvernements, pour renforcer la profession et améliorer le niveau de la pratique sage-femme dans leur pays.
One of the principles underpinning the delivery of all essential services and coordination of those services is the “survivor-centered approach”, which places the human rights, needs, and wishes of women and girl survivors at the centre of service delivery.
A key challenge faced by many entit...ies working to end violence against women is ensuring that survivors’ voices and inputs are incorporated into policies, practices, and procedures on response. Survivors have diverse needs and face different risks. Not all women and girls experience violence in the same way. An effective intervention takes into account the realities of their unique circumstances, addresses individual needs, and reduces the risk for further harm and suffering.
UN Women, together with Global Rights for Women, have developed “Safe consultations with survivors of violence against women and girls”, which is designed to provide practical steps, safety measures, and actions that government agencies, civil society and survivor organizations, and United Nations’ entities can take to incorporate survivors' voices into systemic reform efforts, through safe and meaningful consultations.
This guidance is intended to help policymakers develop survivor-centered programming on ending violence against women and girls that meets the needs of diverse groups of women and girls, including those who are at higher risk of experiencing violence and discrimination. It is applicable to programming across the health, justice and policing, and social services sectors, as well as coordination of these sectors, and will help improve the standard and delivery of essential services for women and girls who have experienced violence.
In early October, Ukrainian forces continued recapturing areas of southern and eastern oblasts, notably Lyman (Donetsk oblast). The liberation of thousands of square kilometres resulted in the grim discovery of two new mass graves in Lyman and Sviatohirsk (containing of 120 civilian Shelling and missile strikes continue to cause the majority of casualties with 1,043 civilian casualties registered by OHCHR in October. Five waves of missile attacks on urban centres were recorder in October alone, leading to widespread disruption of energy supply with millions of citizens being deprived from electricity and water at times during the month.
This Strategy and Plan of Action on Health Promotion within the Context of the Sustainable Development
Goals 2019-2030 seeks to renew health promotion (HP) through social, political, and technical actions,
addressing the social determinants of health (SDH), he conditions in which people are born, ...grow, live,
work, and age (1). It seeks to improve health and reduce health inequities within the framework of
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The indicators and questions in this document are designed for use by national AIDS programmes and partners to assess the state of a country’s HIV and AIDS response, and to measure progress towards achieving national HIV targets. Countries are encouraged to integrate these indicators and questions... into their ongoing monitoring efforts and to report comprehensive national data through the Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) process. In this way they will contribute to improving understanding of the global response to the HIV epidemic, including progress that has been made towards achieving the commitments and global targets set out in the new United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Ending Inequalities and Getting on Track to End AIDS by 2030, adopted in June 2021, and the linked Sustainable Development Goals.
Mientras los países se esfuerzan por avanzar hacia los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y lograr la cobertura sanitaria universal, las desigualdades sanitarias provocadas por la discriminación racial y los factores interrelacionados siguen estando omnipresentes. Las desigualdades que sufre...n los pueblos indígenas, los afrodescendientes, los romaníes y otras minorías étnicas son preocupantes a nivel mundial; son injustas, prevenibles y remediables
Los propios sistemas de salud son determinantes importantes de la salud y la equidad sanitaria. Pueden perpetuar las desigualdades sanitarias al reflejar el racismo estructural y las prácticas discriminatorias de la sociedad en general. En este sentido, el racismo sistémico (por ejemplo, relacionado con la ubicación de los servicios o los requisitos para acceder a ellos), los prejuicios implícitos, la práctica clínica mal informada o la discriminación por parte de los profesionales de la salud contribuyen a las desigualdades sanitarias. Ahora bien, los sistemas de salud también pueden convertirse en una de las principales fuerzas para combatir las desigualdades a las que se enfrentan las poblaciones que sufren discriminación racial.
La atención primaria de salud (APS) representa la estrategia esencial que permite reorientar los sistemas de salud y las sociedades para que sean más saludables, equitativos, eficaces y sostenibles. En 2018, al cumplirse el 40.º aniversario de la Declaración de Alma-Ata, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) renovaron el énfasis en la atención primaria de salud con su estrategia sobre la atención primaria de salud en el siglo XXI.
La OMS ha señalado 14 mecanismos estratégicos y operacionales con los que los responsables políticos pueden reforzar la atención primaria de salud. Cada mecanismo dispone de múltiples puntos de partida posibles para emprender acciones específicas dirigidas a combatir la discriminación racial, fomentar la atención de salud intercultural y reducir las desigualdades sanitarias que sufren los pueblos indígenas, los afrodescendientes, los romaníes y otras minorías étnicas
As countries aim to progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving universal health coverage, health inequities driven by racial discrimination and intersecting factors remain pervasive. Inequities experienced by indigenous peoples as well as people of African descent, Roma ...and other ethnic minorities are of concern globally; they are unjust, preventable and remediable.
Health systems themselves are important determinants of health and health equity. They can perpetuate health inequities by reflecting structural racism and discriminatory practices of wider society. For instance, systemic racism, implicit bias, misinformed clinical practice, or discrimination by health professionals contributes to health inequities. However, health systems can also be a leading force for tackling the inequities faced by populations experiencing racial discrimination.
Primary health care (PHC) is the essential strategy for reorientating health systems and societies to become healthier, equitable, effective and sustainable. In 2018, on the 40th anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) renewed the emphasis on PHC with their strategy,
WHO outlines 14 strategic and operational levers for policy-makers to strengthen PHC. Within each lever, there are multiple potential entry points for targeted actions to address racial discrimination, foster intercultural care, and reduce health inequities experienced by indigenous peoples as well as people of African descent, Roma and other ethnic minorities.
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Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders globally. The WHO epilepsy technical brief aims to strengthen action for epilepsy and complements the Intersectoral global action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders 2022–2031.
The technical bri...ef presents the key information on epilepsy and recommends actions to policy makers and other stakeholders. Using the concept of levers for change introduced by the Operational Framework for Primary Health Care, it identifies actions on the policy and operational levels that stakeholders should take to strengthen services for people with epilepsy using a person-centered approach based on human rights and universal health coverage.
An estimated 1.3 billion people – or 16% of global population worldwide – experience a significant disability today. Persons with disabilities have the right to the highest attainable standard of health as those without disabilities. However, the WHO Global report on health equity for persons w...ith disabilities demonstrates that while some progress has been made in recent years, the world is still far from realizing this right for many persons with disabilities who continue to die earlier, have poorer health, and experience more limitations in everyday functioning than others. These poor health outcomes are due to unfair conditions faced by persons with disabilities in all facets of life, including in the health system itself. Countries have an obligation under international human rights law to address the health inequities faced by persons with disabilities. Furthermore, the Sustainable Development Goals and global health priorities will not progress without ensuring health for all.
These guidelines group all recommendations on TB care and support in one document and are complemented by an operational handbook. The guidelines are to be used primarily by national TB programmes, or their equivalents in Ministries of Health, stakeholders and technical organizations working on... TB care in the public and private sectors and in the community.
Les Lignes directrices de l'OMS sur le paludisme rassemblent les recommandations les plus récentes de l'Organisation pour le paludisme dans une plateforme en ligne conviviale et facile à naviguer.
Les Lignes directrices de l'OMS sur le paludisme remplacent 2 publications précédentes de l'OMS: Lignes directrices pour le traitement du paludisme, troisième édition et les Lignes directrices pour la lutte contre les vecteurs du paludisme. Les recommandations sur le paludisme continueront d'être examinées et, le cas échéant, mises à jour sur la base des dernières données disponibles. Toutes les recommandations mises à jour afficheront toujours la date de la révision la plus récente dans la plate-forme MAGICapp. À chaque mise à jour, une nouvelle version PDF des lignes directrices unifiées sera également disponible en téléchargement sur le site Web de l'O
Loss and damage is an urgent concern, driven by the increasingly harmful effects of climate change. Communities are experiencing new types and forms of climate impact, of higher frequency and intensity, which they are not equipped to handle. These impacts compel vulnerable communities to migrate to ...find alternative livelihoods and ways to survive. But migration generates grave socioeconomic consequences. Through case study analysis from 12 regions in Asia, Africa and the Pacific, this paper explores how climate change-induced migration is creating physical health, mental health and wellbeing issues — both for migrants and the families they leave behind. It then provides recommendations to policymakers on how to strengthen policy, planning and response frameworks to support communities manage health and wellbeing risks created by climate impacts.
Although Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) have been isolated from a variety of food production animals, they are most commonly associated with ruminants from which we derive meat and milk. Because of the widespread and diverse nature of ruminant-derived food production, coupled with the... near ubiquity of STEC worldwide, there is no single definitive solution for controlling STEC that will work alone or in all situations. Instead, the introduction of multiple interventions applied in sequence, as a “multiple-hurdle scheme” at several points throughout the food chain (including processing, transport and handling) will be most effective.
This report summarizes the review and evaluation of interventions applied for the control of STEC in cattle, raw beef and raw milk and raw milk cheese manufactured from cows’ milk, and also evaluates available evidence for other small ruminants, swine and other animals. The information is presented from primary production, to the end of processing, providing the reader with information on the currently available interventions based on the latest scientific evidence.
This work was undertaken to support the development of guidelines for the control of STEC in beef, raw milk and cheese produced from raw milk by the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH).
This document, Programme and curriculum development guide, presents a systematic approach to developing programmes and curricula for implementation of the family planning (FP) and comprehensive abortion care (CAC) competencies,and the theory behind the approach. Specifically, the aim is for effectiv...e implementation of these competencies in the context of pre-service education and training, post-graduate studies and continuing professional development (CPD). This guide is designed for programme and curriculum developers who are preparing or revising formal education and training programmes and curricula for the FP and CAC workforce.
This guide proposes a new FP and CAC Educational Design Model for programme and curriculum development. This model can support competency-based education (CBE) for current and future FP and CAC services, with a pre-service training pathway of at least 12 months, and can also support in-service training. CBE provides the most effective means to orient educational programmes and curricula towards effective health services that meet population health needs, and this Educational Design Model provides a guide for linking the competencies required to provide a range of health services
The World Health Organization's fourth Country Cooperation Strategy 2022-2026 is an outcome of a consultative process with inputs from the Ministry of Health, various agencies in the health sector, and other relevant stakeholders. It has been developed to provide strategic direction and support towa...rd achieving the priorities of the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini.
It is designed to support the strengthening of health systems and services toward the attainment of Universal Health
Coverage (UHC) and the Sustainable Development Goals targets. The CCS 2022-2026 also presents the collaborative
agenda between the Kingdom of Eswatini and the three levels of WHO, aligns with the strategic priorities of WHO’s
13th General Programme of Work (2019 – 2025), as well as Eswatini’s United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2021-2025
The policy of repression in Venezuela has been based on the coordination of attacks and stigmatizing messages broadcast by media with links to Nicolás Maduro’s government and politically motivated arbitrary arrests by the security forces under his command, with a marked pattern of political discr...imination, concludes new research published today by Amnesty International in conjunction with the Foro Penal and the Centro para los Defensores y la Justicia (CDJ).