DOI 10.1055/s-0030-1256439 Online-Publikation: 10. 5. 2011 Pneumologie 2011; 65: 359–378
These guidelines have been developed for scientific purpose with the main aim to guide the regulatory authority for evaluating probiotic products in our country.
Part 3 Country Profiles; Core and Optional Indicators
In an effort to improve the capabilities and accountability of humanitarian and economic practitioners, the SEEP (Small Enterprise Education and Promotion) Network's Minimum Economic Recovery Standards focus on minimum industry standards for facilitating economic recovery in crisis situations.
Th...e handbook sets out strategies and interventions designed to improve income, cash flow, asset management, and growth among crisis-affected households and enterprises. These include financial services, productive assets, employment, and enterprise development. It emphasizes encouraging the re-start of enterprises and livelihoods strategies, and improving market productivity and governance
Un rapport de plaidoyer de la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
publié en partenariat avec l’Alliance mondiale pour les vaccins et l’immunisation (GAVI)
The new WHO guidelines provide recommended steps for safe phlebotomy and reiterate accepted principles for drawing, collecting blood and transporting blood to laboratories/blood banks.