This policy brief identifies and explains the main reasons behind the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) associated with improper use of antibiotics in the livestock sector. Focusing on the low- and middle- income country setting, this brief provides recommendations for a deliberated policy stra...tegy aimed to prevent healthcare crisis that could happen as a result of AMR.
Antimicrobial resistance(AMR) poses a serious threat to human, animal and environmental health. Implementing ethical practice guidelines on how to use antimicrobials effectively and responsibly within the pig industry will contribute in reducing and preventing antimicro...bial resistance within the pig industry of South Africa. Members of Pig Vet Society (PVS) SA hereby commit themselvesto put these guidelines into good use in order to preserve the future and effectiveness of antimicrobials. PVS aims to be the leader in prevention of antimicrobial resistance and to encourage the pig industry to work together in achieving this.
The primary focus of the plan continues to be prevention, preparedness and treatment of the the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Central to the plan are the following overall objectives:
To prevent further transmission of COVID-19 in the oPt;
To provide adequate care for patients aff...ected by COVID-19 and to support their families and close contacts; and
To mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic.
More than 100 countries across the world now have reported cases of COVID-19. People traveling to these countries or people who have travelled abroad might possibly have come in contact with people affected with COVID-19 during their stay or even while in transit at the airports. Within these countr...ies, few countries have reported very large number of cases and deaths putting passengers from these countries particularly at higher risk of infection.
Novel coronavirus will disproportionately impact world’s 70 million displaced people
Report recommends stopping asylum seeker deportations, prioritising hygiene and refugee camp decongestion, better communication
Displaced people must be included in prevention, mitigation efforts - for s...ake of everyone’s health
The wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is standard practice for the handling of the deceased and should be carried out in line with standard Health and Safety procedures.
Healthcare and deathcare workers should take precautions when handling the remains of individuals who have died COVID-19.
This set of four posters provides healthcare and deathcare workers with guidance in the handling of the dead.
The posters cover the following topics:
- How to put on PPE correctly
- During body handling and preparation process
- Removing PPE correctly
- Management of COVID-19 Related Deaths: Key considerations and recommendations for managers
Many migrants find themselves with limited access, if any, to information about risks, prevention measures, health care and other essential services. Migrants in transit, those in need of international protection or without legal status are likely to be particularly vulnerable, as well as those who ...are homeless, held in detention, living in camps, formal or informal settlements or otherwise precarious conditions
Orientations provisoires
15 avril 2020
Le mois sacré du ramadan est marqué par des rassemblements sociaux et religieux au cours desquels les familles musulmanes et leurs amis se réunissent pour rompre le jeûne ensemble, après le coucher du soleil lors de l’iftar ou juste avant l’aube l...ors du suhour. Pendant ce mois, nombre de musulmans se rendent plus fréquemment à la mosquée et se réunissent pour de longues prières, dites du tarawih a et du qiyam.b Certains d’entre eux passent également plusieurs jours et nuits consécutifs à la mosquée pendant les 10 derniers jours du ramadan (i’tikaf), pour y prier. Ces pratiques religieuses et traditions sont observées tout au long du mois. Cette année, le ramadan tombe entre fin avril et fin mai, alors que la pandémie de COVID-19 continue de sévir.