Contact No 175 - October December 2001
Malgré les progrès récents vers la mise au point d’un traitement hautement efficace et abordable contre le virus de l’hépatite C, beaucoup de personnes infectées par ce virus ne connaissent pas leur statut. L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) estime qu’en 2019, 58 millions personnes à travers le monde étaient atteintes d’une infection chronique par le virus de l’hépatite C, et qu’à peine 21 % d’entre elles avaient été diagnostiquées. Le défaut de sensibilisation, l’accès limité aux services de dépistage et de traitement, la stigmatisation, la discrimination et d’autres obstacles structurels contribuent au faible taux d’utilisation des services de dépistage du virus de l’hépatite C.
World Health Organization. (2021). Minimum technical standards and recommendations for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health care for emergency medical teams. World Health Organization.
The Practical manual on laboratory strengthening, 2022 update provides practical guidance on implementation of WHO recommendations and best practices for TB laboratory strengthening. It is an updated version of the GLI Practical Guide to Laboratory Strengthening published in 2017 and provides the la...test practical guidance on use of newly recommended diagnostics as well as guidance in key technical areas, including quality assurance and quality management systems, specimen collection and registration, procurement and supply-chain management, diagnostic connectivity, biosafety, data management, human resources, strategic planning, and model algorithms. The key changes are:
inclusion of recent or updated WHO recommendations for tests to diagnose TB and detect drug resistance;
alignment with the latest WHO critical concentrations for phenotypic drug-susceptibility testing (DST) and the new definitions of pre-XDR-TB and XDR-TB;
updated information on building quality-assured TB testing and management capacity using the Stepwise Laboratory Quality Improvement Process Towards Accreditation (SLIPTA) approach (Score-TB package1);
updated information on assessing, analysing and optimising TB diagnostic networks; and
updated information on the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) to detect mutations associated with drug resistance for surveillance purposes.
The document also provides references to resources and tools relevant for work on laboratory strengthening.
This study examines the effectiveness of a low-cost, targeted social media campaign to encourage COVID-19 vaccine uptake
among Arabic, Turkish and Russian speakers in Germany. The study involved a series of online experiments on the social media platform Facebook.
interim guidance, 19 July 2021 (arabic version)
В этом документе представлены временные рекомендации для лабораторий и других заинтересованных сторон,
принимающих участие в диагностической работе для выявлен...ия коронавируса тяжелого острого респираторного
синдрома – 2 (SARS-CoV-2). В нем освещены основные соображения касательно взятия биологических образцов,
применения методов амплификации нуклеиновых кислот (МАНК), определения антигенов (Аг) и антител (Ат), а также
обеспечения качества.
Очень часто дети это уязвимая под-группа внутри уже уязвимых групп населения. Поэтому необходимо, чтобы политики, гражданское общество и медицинские работники без...отлагательно обратили свое внимание на проблему борьбы с детским туберкулезом. Дети являются источником развития заболеваний в будущем, а продолжающееся бездействие приводит к потере многих человеческих жизней.
Accessed on 19.07. 2019
Research Article
Received: August 21, 2017; Accepted: August 29, 2017; Published: Spetember 05,
This article is available in:
This 2016-2020 public-private mix strategic plan (PPM SP) is a 4-year framework designed to guide the National TB Control Programme (NTP) and its partners to implement PPM in Bangladesh. It provides goals, strategies and interventions for expanding and scaling up current PPM models and outlines appr...oaches to further enhance and strengthen PPM coordination and partnerships among NTP, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and private health providers
Clinical Guidelines for Therapy Management of Benigne Prostate Hyperplasia in Indonesia 2015
The Blueprint is intended to guide programming, resource allocation, and commitments to achieve the national objective of a contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) of 36 percent by 2018.
Lancet 2013; 381: 1405–16
Series: Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhoea no.1
Diagnosis and Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Guidelines for Therapy and Management of Prostate Cancer in Indonesia