Roadmap to secure lasting world free of all polioviruses
The GPEI Polio Endgame Strategy 2019-2023 lays out the roadmap to achieving and sustaining a world free of all polioviruses. It focuses on three key pillars: Eradication, Integration, and Containment + Certification, as well as critical ena...bling factors such as gender, research and preparing for Post-Certification Strategy (PCS) implementation. It builds on and optimises use of the proven lessons and tools of the GPEI Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013-2018, which has brought the world to the threshold of being polio-free and outlines new strategies and innovations that will help ensure we cross the finish line.
Available in Englisch, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish
The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2018-2022 sets out the UN partnership aiming to support Nepal as it carves out its development agenda over the next five years. At the core of this new UNDAF are the SDGs, the Government of Nepal’s Fourteenth Plan, and international commi...tments and norms to which Nepal is a party. Leaping off from the lessons learned from the previous UNDAF (2013-2017), this new framework builds upon successes, incorporates emerging issues and agreements, and serves to address Nepal’s larger economic, social, and environmental objectives.
This water safety plan (WSP) template was developed to support the integration of climate risks into the WSP approach in rural areas of the United Rep. of Tanzania. Examples are presented on how to complete the template, and the information should be considered and customized to the local context....r>
This resource was developed as part of the Department for International Development (DFID, UK)-funded project on “Building adaptation to climate change in health in least developed countries through resilient WASH” which was implemented from 2013-2018 in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Nepal and Tanzania.
La deuxième édition de ce manuel fournit des directives simples, concrètes et faciles à suivre pour la récupération et le stockage des corps des personnes décédées lors de catastrophes et l’enregistrement des informations les concernant, l’objectif étant d’aider les premiers interven...ants à faire en sorte que les morts soient traités avec respect et que les informations indispensables pour leur identification ultérieure soient enregistrées comme il se doit.
Cette version révisée et actualisée de l’ouvrage incorpore l’expérience acquise lors de catastrophes récentes, comme le typhon Haiyan qui a touché les Philippines en 2013, l’épidémie d’Ebola qui s’est déclarée en Afrique de l’Ouest en 2014 et 2015, et le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le Népal en 2015. Elle comporte également plusieurs annexes traitant de diverses questions, telles que la prise en charge des dépouilles des victimes d’une épidémie de maladie infectieuse, la planification des sites d’inhumation et l’utilisation des analyses ADN lors de catastrophes de grande ampleur.
Zambia has about 1.2 physicians, nurses, and midwives per 1000 population while the minimum acceptable density threshold is 2.3 per 1000 population. The estimated shortage of doctors, nurses and midwives in Zambia is about 14,960. However, with the projected population growth the deficit more than d...oubles disproportionately to, 25,849 in 2020, and 46,549 in 2035, at the current rate of HRH production. Worryingly, the human resources for health crisis has persisted for over 20 years. The efforts before and leading up to the development and implementation of the 2013 – 2016 National Training Operational Plan (NTOP) and the National Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan (2011 – 2016) yielded certain achievements, however, the HRH numbers and skill-mix gap remained disturbingly enormous.
This report provides a synthesis of some of the most recent, high-quality literature on the security and political processes in Central African Republic produced up to the end of January 2016. It was prepared for the European Union’s Instrument Contributing to Stability and Peace, © European Unio...n 2016. The views expressed in this report are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of GSDRC, its partner agencies or the European Commission. This is the second review published by GSDRC on the situation in the Central African Republic. The first review of literature was published in June 2013 and provides a country analysis covering the period 2003-2013. It is available at:
C’est en agissant prestement sur le front économique que l’on a pu surmonter cette crise sanitaire
L’Afrique de l’Ouest et la communauté internationale ont dû faire face à une crise sanitaire sans précédent lorsqu’a éclaté, en mars 2014, la plus grande épidémie de la maladie... à virus Ébola jamais enregistrée. Celle-ci a fait plus de 11.000 morts et infecté plus de 28.000 personnes entre la fin 2013 et le début 2016.
L’importance des dépenses sanitaires et sociales que cette épidémie a exigées a aussi provoqué une crise économique, qui a été aggravée par l’effondrement presque concomitant des cours des produits de base. Déjà sous pression avant la survenue de l’épidémie, les systèmes sanitaires et sociaux de la Guinée, du Libéria et de la Sierra Leone — pays les plus touchés — ont été submergés.
Commitment objective
The Government of Myanmar views family planning as critical to saving lives, protecting mothers and children from death, ill health, disability, and under development. It views access to family planning information, commodities, and services as a fundamental right for every... woman and community if they are to develop to their full potential.
• Increase CPR from 41 percent to 50 percent by 2015 and above 60 percent by 2020
• Reduce unmet need to less than 10 percent by 2020 (from 12 percent in 2013)
• Increase demand satisfaction from 67 percent in 2013 to 80 percent by 2020
Version-1, June 2018
This document provides 3MDG stakeholders with essential information on SRHR indicators, derived from the 3MDG Logical Framework, Data Dictionary for Health Service Indicators (2014 June, DoPH, MoHA), A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Adolescent Reproductive Health (MEASURE Evaluation, June 2000) and Monitoring National Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Programmes (WHO, PAHO, 2013). Partners are strongly encouraged to integrate the SRHR indicators into their ongoing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities.
These indicators are designed to help partners assess the current state of their activities, their progress towards achieving their targets, and contribution towards the national response. This guideline is designed to improve the quality and consistency of data collected at the township level, which will enhance the accuracy of conclusions drawn when the data are aggregated.
Journal of Tuberculosis Research, 2017, 5, 189-200
Background: In Benin, little is known about the influence of both gender and
HIV-status on diagnostic patterns and treatment outcomes of Tuberculosis
(TB) patients. Objective: To assess whether differences in gender and HIV
status affect diagn...ostic patterns and treatment outcomes of TB patients. Methods:
Retrospective cohort study of patients registered in 2013 and 2014 in
the three largest TB Basic Management Units in south Benin. Results: Of 2694
registered TB patients, 1700 (63.1%) were male. Case notification rates were
higher in males compared with females (96 vs 53/100,000 inhabitants). The
male to female ratio was 1:1 in HIV positive patients, but was 2:1 among HIV
negative cases. In HIV-positive patients, there were no differences in TB types
between men and women. In HIV-negative patients, there were significantly
higher proportions of females with clinically diagnosed pulmonary TB (p =
0.04) and extrapulmonary TB (p < 0.001). Retreatment TB was 4.65 times
higher amongst males compared with females. For New bacteriologically confirmed
pulmonary TB, no differences were observed in treatment outcomes
between genders in the HIV positive group; but significantly more unfavorable
outcomes were reported among HIV negative males, with higher rates of
failure (p < 0.001) and loss-to-follow up (p = 0.02). Conclusion: The study
has shown that overall TB notification rates were higher in males than in females
in south Benin, with more females co-infected with HIV. Unfavorable outcomes were more common in HIV-negative males.
Ade et al. BMC Health Services Research (2016) 16:5
Background: In the “Centre National Hospitalier de Pneumo-Phtisiologie” of Cotonou, Benin, little is known about
the characteristics of patients who have not attended their scheduled appointment, the results of tracing and the
possible b...enefits on improving treatment outcomes. This study aimed to determine the contribution of tracing
activities for those who missed scheduled appointments towards a successful treatment outcome.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study was carried out among all smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients
treated between January and September 2013. Data on demographic and diagnostic characteristics and treatment
outcomes were accessed from tuberculosis registers and treatment cards. Information on those who missed their
scheduled appointments was collected from the tracing tuberculosis register. A univariate analysis was performed
to explore factors associated with missing a scheduled appointment
This report summarizes the latest scientific knowledge on the links between exposure to air pollution and adverse health effects in children. It is intended to inform and motivate individual and collective action by health care professionals to prevent damage to children’s health from exposure to ...air pollution. Air pollution is a major environmental health threat. Exposure to fine particles in both the ambient environment and in the household causes about seven million premature deaths each year. Ambient air pollution (AAP) alone imposes enormous costs on the global economy, amounting to more than US$ 5 trillion in total welfare losses in 2013.
This report investigates the impact of potential misclassification of samples on HIV prevalence estimates for 23 surveys conducted from 2010-2014. In addition to visual inspection of laboratory results, we examined how accounting for potential misclassification of HIV status through Bayesian latent ...class models affected the prevalence estimates. Two types of Bayesian models were specified: a model that only uses the individual dichotomous test results and a continuous model that uses the quantitative information of the EIA (i.e., the signal-to-cutoff values). Overall, we found that adjusted prevalence estimates matched the surveys’ original results, with overlapping uncertainty intervals. This suggested that misclassification of HIV status should not affect the prevalence estimates in most surveys. However, our analyses suggested that two surveys may be problematic. The prevalence could have been overestimated in the Uganda AIDS Indicator Survey 2011 and the Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2013-14, although the magnitude of overestimation remains difficult to ascertain. Interpreting results from the Uganda survey is difficult because of the lack of internal quality control and potential violation of the multivariate normality assumption of the continuous Bayesian latent class model. In conclusion, despite the limitations of our latent class models, our analyses suggest that prevalence estimates from most of the surveys reviewed are not affected by sample misclassification.
This document outlines Rwanda's policy on non-communicable diseases. The overall goal of NCDs Policy is to alleviate the burden of NCDs and their risk factors and protect Rwandan population from premature morbidity and mortality related to NCDs. This policy was developed through a series of consulta...tive meetings and workshops of NCDs' core team members of MOH and RBC, National Technical Working Group (TWG), all implementing and non implementing partners and other development partners. This policy was developed in line with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Vision 2020, Rwanda Economic Development Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS II) of 2013-18 and NCDs Global Action Plan 2013-2020 and national Health Policy. This policy focuses on of the following NCDs: Cardiovascular diseases, Chronic Pulmonary Diseases (CPD), Cancers, Diabetes, injuries and disabilities, oral, eye and kidney diseases.
The Rwandan Ministry of Health recognizes the threat that Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) pose to health and development in Rwanda and in 2009 articulates strategies to respond to them in the Health Sector Strategic Plan 2012 - 2018 (HSSP3). Among other things, the plan calls for a national prevale...nce survey on NCD risk factors. This report responds to that call and summarizes the findings of the first NCD risk factor survey in Rwanda conducted from November 2012 to March 2013.
En el año 2007, los países de la Región de las Américas aprobaron la Agenda de Salud para las Américas 2008-2017 en la que se consideraba a la salud mental como una de las prioridades. En 2014, en el Plan de acción sobre salud mental (2015-2020), aprobado por la Organización Panamericana de l...a Salud (OPS), se identificaron temas intersectoriales como la etnicidad, la equidad y los derechos humanos, de conformidad con el Plan de acción integral sobre salud mental (2013- 2020) aprobado oportunamente por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).
The international community sits at the tipping pointof a post-‐antibiotic era, where common bacterial infections are no longer treatable with the antibiotic armamentarium that exists. In South Africa, t...he identification of the first case of pan-‐resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae(Brink et al, J Clin Microbiol. 2013;51(1):369-‐72) marks a watershed moment and highlights ourtip of the antibiotic resistance ‘iceberg’ in this country. Multi-‐drug resistant (MDR)-‐bacterial infections, predominantly in Gram-‐negative bacteria such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosaand Acinetobacter baumanniiare now commonplace in South African hospitals. Whilst a number of expensive new antibiotics for Gram-‐positive bacterial infections have been manufactured recently (some of which are licenced for usein South Africa), no new antibiotics active against Gram-‐negative infections are expected in the next 10-‐15years. Hence what we have now, needs conserving
The key areas covered are diagnosis, imaging, pathology, surgery, rehabilitation, palliative care and survivorship. It emphasizes a multi-disciplinary team approach which is paramount for quality cancer care. The specific cancers covered are breast, central nervous system, gastroint...estinal, gynecological, head and neck, hematological, Kaposi’s sarcoma, lung, prostate and pediatric cancers. They also complement the National Guidelines for Cancer Management in Kenya released in 2013.