There is little doubt that 2019 was a defining year on many fronts for the environment. The repercussions of the climate emergency were experienced across the globe, with floods, devastating wildfires, and unprecedented melting of polar ice sheets and glaciers. While the new decade began with the Au...stralian bushfires still raging after the hottest and driest year on record, the world was soon (and still is) in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Accessed on 09.03.2020
Le but de ce guide d’animation est de soutenir les organisations de défense des droits de l’enfant dans leur travail sur les programmes de santé sensibles au genre. Les séances de formation sont conçues pour faciliter la participation des professionnels de la santé... dans cette discussion, à la fois l’exploration du concept genre et l’identification des informations pertinentes pour leur travail.
The APCA Atlas provides the most up-to-date information of palliative care development in nearly all countries in Africa, using indicators derived, rated, and chosen by in-country African experts followed by a thorough Delphi consensus process with a panel of international experts on palliative care... indicators
A practitioner’s guide to the principles of COVID-19 vaccine communications.
The factors that lead people to make choices to take vaccines are nuanced and affected by how they see the world, their perceptions of the choices people like them will make, who they trust, their perceptions of risk,... consistency of message and convenience of actually getting the vaccine.
The Minimum Standards and Indicators for Community Engagement were developed through an inter‑agency consultation process that engaged a large number of experts from around the world. UNICEF wishes to acknowledge the contribution of all those that participated, and who share a passion for placing ...communities at the centre of development and humanitarian action. The consultation process consisted of a series of interviews, meetings and workshops over an 18‑month period. Representatives from countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America contributed input and feedback based on their experiences of designing, implementing and measuring community engagement approaches
Ramped-up cancer services could save 7 million lives over the next decade—and addressing huge service gaps between rich and poor countries is key to success, according to this report.
In 2019, over 90% of high-income countries reported that comprehensive cancer treatment services were available... through the public health system, compared to fewer than 15% of low-income countries, according to WHO.
But poorer countries can make substantial strides with a universal health coverage approach and use of the latest science to meet their particular needs.
The report lays out proven ways to prevent new cancer cases without breaking the bank, including tobacco-control measures and vaccines that protect against common cancers.
Dies ist der fünfte Bericht, den das Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte in seiner Funktion als Nationale Menschenrechtsinstitution Deutschlands dem Deutschen Bundestag vorlegt. Der Bericht erfasst den Zeitraum vom 1. Juli 2019 bis zum 30. Juni 2020. Aus den vielfältigen menschenrechtlichen Frag...estellungen, wie sie beispielsweise in den Empfehlungen der Menschenrechtsgremien der Vereinten Nationen und des Europarats an Deutschland erkennbar werden, greift der Bericht verschiedene Themen auf, die Menschen betreffen, die aufgrund ihrer Lebenslage besonders verletzlich sind.
Accessed on 28.01.2020
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre d’approches spécifiques à la nutrition telles que les pratiques ANJE pour lutter contre la sous-nutrition, le renforcement de la santé communautaire et du rôle des relais communautaire est essentiel. Si de nombreux projets ont été ...développés en intégrant les relais communautaires comme partenaires d’exécution, un manque d’harmonisation est constaté entre les organisations, notamment lié à une absence de statut des relais.
L’étude a pour objectif d’évaluer le fonctionnement des relais communautaires à travers la revue des politiques de santé communautaire et à partir d’études de cas dans le cadre des activités de prévention de la malnutrition aigüe, au Burkina Faso, Mali et Sénégal. 12 projets portés par 9 ONG ont été retenus, et 8 ont fait l’objet d’une analyse qualitative. Au total, 13 villages ou quartiers urbains ont été visités, couvrant plus de 130 relais communautaires, une quinzaine d’agents de santé et une centaine de représentants de la communauté.
Drugs & Therapy Perspectives vol.36 (2020) 6
A guide for civil society
Accessed: 30.01.2020
Evaluating the Return on Investment of Scaling Up Treatment for Depression, Anxiety, and Psychosis
Working Document Nov. 2020
The COVAX Supply and Logistics workstream lead by UNICEF, Gavi and WHO have released a working copy of the COVID-19 Vaccination, Country Readiness & Delivery: Supply and Logistics Guidance. Countries might find this Guide useful when developing and strengthening their sup...ply chain strategies to receive, store, distribute and manage the COVID-19 vaccines and their ancillary products, in line with their national deployment and vaccination plan (NDVP). The document also provides links to the different tools and resources to aid countries in performing assessment, planning and capacity-building activities.