Cervical cancer, along with maternal deaths, has been identified as a national priority in
South Africa as well as other Sub-Saharan African countries. Cervical cancer is the
second most common cancer among women in South Africa, after breast cancer. Due
to limited access to prevention, early dia...gnosis and treatment, cervical cancer is often
In case of resistance to rifampicin, fluoroquinolones become the preferred category of second-line drugs. Unfortunately, quinolone-resistant strains of Mycobacterium leprae have also been reported in several countries, probably due to the extensive use of quinolones for treating several types of inf...ections. Clofazimine resistance is still rare but this antimicrobial cannot be given alone
Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development, [S.l.], v. 24, n. 3, p. 112-122, nov. 2013. ISSN 2211-5242
Children with disabilities encounter more violence in their lives than their peers without disability. Organisations involved in Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) come across many cases of violen...ce against the children they work with. Many organisations have no policy on child protection since it is not within the scope of their expertise. Others work with child protection policies that are hard to apply in the realities they deal with. Through research done in Ethiopia, with a recent update, the author attempts to show that there is a need for policies in CBR, that follow a community approach rather than an individual approach to child protection.
Lessons learned in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia & Mozambique 2009 - 2011
DEVELOPMENT BULLETIN | No.74, June 2011 | Editor: Pamela Thomas | Features and case studies | Progress with implementing conventions and strategies | Progress with capacity building | Progress with disability-inclusive education | Disability-inclusive research | Innovative inclusion | Review of urba...nisation in the Pacific | Development assistance and disability
This report presents data and outlines best practices and policies that can put governments on the path to providing every child with the best start in life. It outlines the neuroscience of early childhood development (ECD), including the importance of nutrition, protection and stimulation in the ea...rly years. And it makes the case for scaling up investment, evaluation and monitoring in ECD programmes. The report concludes with a six-point call to action for governments and their partners to help maximize the potential of the children who will build the future – by making the most of the unparalleled opportunities offered by the early moments in life.
ARC resource pack - Study material