An Indicator-based Approach - This manual presents an indicator-based approach for rapidly assessing pharmaceutical management systems and programs. The manual contains a set of 46 indicators of performance, grouped under eight topics of pharmaceutical management, with each topic being covered by a ...subset of indicators. Thirty-four of the indicators are quantitative, that is, expressed as numbers. Twelve are qualitative, in that they describe the presence or absence of a policy or management system, and in some cases, the degree of implementation.
The principles and practice of the surgical lmanagment of wounds produced by missiles or explosions
CHAPTER 206 | An Act to establish a national drug policy and a national drug authority to ensure the availability, at all times, of essential, efficacious and cost-effective drugs to the entire population of Uganda, as a means of providing satisfactory health care and safeguarding the appropriate us...e of drugs.
This monograph presents 12 reports of successful programs serving children with special needs in various nations. The program locations and the program report titles and authors are as follows: (1) Austria: "Integration Models for Elementary and Secondary Schools in Austria" (Volker Rutte)...; (2) China: "Integrated Education Project, Anhui Province" (Janet C. Holdsworth); (3) Ghana: "The Community-Based Rehabilitation Programme in Ghana" (Lawrence Ofori-Addo); (4) Guyana: "Involvement of Volunteers, Parents and Community Members with Children with Special Needs" (Brian O'Toole); (5) India: "Teacher Development Initiative To Meet Special Needs in the Classroom" (N. K. Jangira and Anupam Ahuja); (6) Jamaica: "Early Intervention and Education Initiatives in Rural Areas" (M. J. Thorburn); (7) Jordan: "The Role of Institutions in Community-based Rehabilitation and in Community-based Special Education" (Andrew L. de Carpentier); (8) Jordan: "The Resource Room at the Amman National School" (Hala T. Ibrahim); (9) Netherlands: "Individual Integration of Children with Down's Syndrome in Ordinary Schools" (Trijntje de Wit-Gosker); (10) Norway: "In Harmony We Learn" (Marna Moe); (11) International: "INITIATIVES for Deaf Education in the Third World" (Andrew L. de Carpentier); and (12) Sri Lanka: "The Integrated Education of Visually Impaired Children in Sri Lanka" (B. L. Rajapakse).
El desarrollo de los pueblos y muy especialmente el de aquellos que se esfuerzan por escapardel hambre, de la miseria, de las enfermedades endémicas, de la ignorancia; que buscan unamás amplia participación en los frutos de la civilización, una valoración más activa de suscualidades humanas; q...ue se orientan con decisión hacia el pleno desarrollo, es observado por laIglesia con atención. Apenas terminado el segundo Concilio Vaticano II, una renovada toma deconciencia de las exigencias del mensaje evangélico obliga a la Iglesia a ponerse al servicio delos hombres para ayudarles a captar todas las dimensiones de este grave problema yconvencerles de la urgencia de una acción solidaria en este cambio decisivo de la historia de lahumanidad.